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Also, keep in mind that we only used a quarter of the playbook -- if that! And there were moments in which our back-ups were playing their first-stringers. I love it when people talk trash because, according to the scoreboard, we got whupped when failing to consider these two factors. Everybody, calm down.

agreed. I'm positive that their first TD was against our reserves. People should never get their panties in a wad during the preseason. If memory serves me right we were winless during the 1991 preseason...and went on to have one of the best regular seasons in NFL history.

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"Tonight was the first preseason game and half the people on this site are jumping down the necks of our players and coaches. Fair Weather fans make me sick, and should not be on the ES site. To say that Saunders is a horrible pickup, and say that our recievers arent great is insane. We played our starters for 1 possession on either side of the ball...we moved the ball really well until Brunell's pick which was great considering we did it without Portis, and our defense nearly held Cincy's starting offense to negative yardage. Fair Weather fans need to get a life, and realize that the preseason means nothing. To get posts out there questioning Saunders, a coach who was in the top 4 in nearly every offensive category since 2001 is absurd. To question our WR after 1 preseason game even though Lloyd had an amazing grab is stupid. To question Wright on defense means you dont know much about football, becuase he played really well when he was surrounded by first string defensive players...but his play was suspect when in the second and third string defense....I hope everyone who is questioning the skins after their first preseason game dont hop back on and claim to be huge fans when we are doing well in the regular season.

On a sidenote...get well Portis"

I'm sorry...but sometimes I just wish folks like you would STFU. Closet fascists like you are tough to deal with. As though you have some special privilege to determine who should be a fan.

Everyone on this site backs the Skins. I can agree that one preseason game is meaningless. I can agree that the coaches were experimenting and that vanilla was the word of the day. I can agree that JC looked pretty darn good (all things considered) - even with an INT. I can pitch in that the first team team defense looked pretty awesome. yes...it's no time to panic.

I can also see that we didn't have the back-up horses on the offensive line to get any kind of running game going. I can also see that the tackling on the 2nd/3rd team defenses pretty much *ucked. I can see why Collins has been a career bench warmer. I can see that there some issues we need to worry about. I might even wonder - what the heck happened on the Brunell pick? either the wrong patytern was run or brunell thru to the wrong spot. either way, one of two established pros didn't execute correctly.

so yea.......there is reason to discard some of the more panicy posts as premature and unwarranted. but your fascist, control the tone, you're not one of us posts is even scarier. what's up - you take a break from Al Queda web sites for a breather to share your true inclinations?


Dear Wack job,

Closet Fascist? Al Queda? Jesus man...saying I need to control my tone? I think maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today old timer. You need to calm down with mixing your political views with a thread about the Redskins. Go grab some prune joice, sit down for a bit, and reflect on your post...you sound rediculous.

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Dear Wack job,

Closet Fascist? Al Queda? Jesus man...saying I need to control my tone? I think maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today old timer. You need to calm down with mixing your political views with a thread about the Redskins. Go grab some prune joice, sit down for a bit, and reflect on your post...you sound rediculous."

provoked you into responding...didn't I? Like shootin fish in a barrel!!!

you're the one who is comic relief around here. quit worriing about what others post and make your case about the game. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT......YOUR POST HAD NOTHING ILLUMINATING ABOUT THE GAME ITSELF. it was a rant that essentially said: "my panties are in a wad because some of you had nasty, emotional things to say about my Skins and it offends my delicate sensitivities."

get a clue my child. grow up. fret less about what others say and more about what you have to say.

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It takes a few years of experience to realize the lack of importance of the pre season. The game meant nothing. Portis will be fine, and we will be ready to go come Sept 11. Lloyd, Moss and ARE will be in prime time condition. ARE will be returning punts, and our first team defense will be sick like they were last night.

I agree with the starter of this post. There are many fair weater fans out there. It takes some maturity and understanding of football to realize what this game meant. The first defensive series and offensive series were great (other than Brunell's int). The interception was bad, but it's pre season....get the kinks out before the real season starts....

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Geez, he wasn't speaking down to you, he was filling you in about how this happens all the stinkin' time, and he only did that because he had every right to think you were new to this site...calm the **** down.

thanks man, :cheers:

I was definitely not talking down to you Cambl2Moss, nor do I ever claim I am bigger/better than anyone on this site. I of course made a valid assumption that since your join date said March 2006, then I thought that A. you were new w/o thinking you were a lurker before, and B. that if you were here before, you would have noticed how many pointless threads there are made about game negatives. Either way, it was a fair assumption to make at the time, and I was merely filling you in based on that. If you read my post closely, you'd realize I was pretty much agreeing with you.

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Dear Wack job,

Closet Fascist? Al Queda? Jesus man...saying I need to control my tone? I think maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today old timer. You need to calm down with mixing your political views with a thread about the Redskins. Go grab some prune joice, sit down for a bit, and reflect on your post...you sound rediculous."

provoked you into responding...didn't I? Like shootin fish in a barrel!!!

you're the one who is comic relief around here. quit worriing about what others post and make your case about the game. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT......YOUR POST HAD NOTHING ILLUMINATING ABOUT THE GAME ITSELF. it was a rant that essentially said: "my panties are in a wad because some of you had nasty, emotional things to say about my Skins and it offends my delicate sensitivities."

get a clue my child. grow up. fret less about what others say and more about what you have to say.

This is a message board for Skins fans. I was addressing an important issue about team support or the lack there of. There were numerous threads starting about how Saunders is a failure, our WR core is terrible, Wright is terrible, we might be the worst off in the NFC East, and how long until Gibbs takes over of the offense. These were all threads that didnt take into account the fact that Cincy played their first stringers against mostly backups. Sorry that it came off as a "rant" but it was more of a rallying of true fans...and it worked! A good deal of people came to the thread in support of the team, and it was a place for those who realized it was only preseason came to speak out against the naysayers. My post was meant to be a gathering for true fans that were also fed up with other Anti-Skins threads. If you didnt like it, you shouldve left it....you claim that I was only ranting?? How about calling me a fascist? Is that a rant? How about comparing me to Al Queda...is that a rant? Oh...those must be the illuminating facts you refer to....Do you want me to stoop to your level? I guess you would be a Kennedy...Do as I say, not as I do...your post was nothing but a rant after you accused me of ranting and not offering anything illuminating....

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thanks man, :cheers:

I was definitely not talking down to you Cambl2Moss, nor do I ever claim I am bigger/better than anyone on this site. I of course made a valid assumption that since your join date said March 2006, then I thought that A. you were new w/o thinking you were a lurker before, and B. that if you were here before, you would have noticed how many pointless threads there are made about game negatives. Either way, it was a fair assumption to make at the time, and I was merely filling you in based on that. If you read my post closely, you'd realize I was pretty much agreeing with you.

Sorry man...misread it I guess...it has just happened before that people assume I am not familiar with the site even though Ive been around for so long...sore spot I guess. HTTR

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It takes a few years of experience to realize the lack of importance of the pre season. The game meant nothing. Portis will be fine, and we will be ready to go come Sept 11. Lloyd, Moss and ARE will be in prime time condition. ARE will be returning punts, and our first team defense will be sick like they were last night.

I agree with the starter of this post. There are many fair weater fans out there. It takes some maturity and understanding of football to realize what this game meant. The first defensive series and offensive series were great (other than Brunell's int). The interception was bad, but it's pre season....get the kinks out before the real season starts....


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A fair-weather fan abandons his team altogether. I've yet to see anybody be a fair-weather fan in the past few hours. You can be a fan and be disappointed. You don't have to throw on the thickest set of glasses and drink the biggest glass of Kool-Aid you can find. I think a good number of people here don't know what fair-weather means. The game last night wasn't encouraging, but it wasn't exactly damning either.

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Cambl2Moss, How long you have been a registered member on this board has never been made an issue in any of the posts in this thread. A couple of people were merely trying to give you a heads up, since you are new (according to your Join Date), that things can and will get a lot worse around here during the regular season after a loss. You go waqy off the deep end, acting offended by this, yet you turn around and call another poster "old timer"???? And, the sad thing is I bet you don't see the hypocracy there, do you?

No one was "talking down to you," yet you begin to lecture and talk down to several other posters. It doesn't matter how long you have or have not been a member of this board or a fan of this team; be ready for a lot of fans to give you a virtual ass whooping if you keep coming in here acting all high and mighty the way you have.

Almost everyone who comes to this board loves the Redskins. Right or wrong, some freak out when things don't go as planned or the way we would want. But, they have the right as fans to vent here, of all places. And, regardless of who you may think you are, you can't change that, nor do you have the right to try to change that. If you want to do something constructive, write a post or thread stating why you believe things aren't as bad as what others have said. But, never come into a thread or start a thread telling people that they are not real fans.

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"Cambl2Moss, How long you have been a registered member on this board has never been made an issue in any of the posts in this thread. A couple of people were merely trying to give you a heads up, since you are new (according to your Join Date), that things can and will get a lot worse around here during the regular season after a loss. You go waqy off the deep end, acting offended by this, yet you turn around and call another poster "old timer"???? And, the sad thing is I bet you don't see the hypocracy there, do you?

No one was "talking down to you," yet you begin to lecture and talk down to several other posters. It doesn't matter how long you have or have not been a member of this board or a fan of this team; be ready for a lot of fans to give you a virtual ass whooping if you keep coming in here acting all high and mighty the way you have.

Almost everyone who comes to this board loves the Redskins. Right or wrong, some freak out when things don't go as planned or the way we would want. But, they have the right as fans to vent here, of all places. And, regardless of who you may think you are, you can't change that, nor do you have the right to try to change that. If you want to do something constructive, write a post or thread stating why you believe things aren't as bad as what others have said. But, never come into a thread or start a thread telling people that they are not real fans."

my god...someone who understands human nature! good post and spot on.

cambl is probably a pretty good guy. he just needs to realize that folks can go off the deep end when things don't go well. you want a community where there is tolerance for all points of view.........

returning to what matters: the defense looks like it might be something other wordly this season! we have no idea idea where the offense is going - cambl is right in that it is too early to jump off the deep end. that said...some interesting sub-themes to watch through pre-season:

- will JC's talent alone propel him to the BU QB position?

- do we need some roster changes along the 2nd team O-line?":

- how will ARE be used?

- will CP's injury be a season long, recurring problem? Should he just sit until his shoulder is completely healed? (I vote yes on this one)

- can Saunders get the passing game in synch during pre-season without revealing too much?

- who will grab the baton and make a play to be a RB the team can depend on?

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I always thought a fair weather fan was a fan that only really pulled for a team when they were doing well. A great example would be many Washington Wizards fans. They make the playoffs and suddenly tickets are harder to come by and people can name the starting 5 - that is fair weather.

This thread however seeks to characterize negative fans as fair weather, a common theme of last years season on this forum. It's the classic homer versus storm cloud debate.

The homers don't want to hear anything that isn't sugar coated. For example "Wright looked bad but I'm confident Williams will find a way to work him into the gameplan and make him effective" This is how you can point out that Wright looked bad, without getting the homers bent out of shape over it.

The storm clouds are the opposite. If you sugar coat it they react like you are trying to sell them a used car with a dead hooker in the trunk. If you write the before mentioned soft comment concerning Wright - the storm clouds start to rumble immediately responding with a "the guy sucks and our front office is full of drunken idiots if this is the best they could come up with!"

Neither of these fans are fair weather - both can be dedicated fans that never stop pulling for the team. The major difference is in approach. One is needlessly and insultingly negative, while the other is border line delusional with the positive vibes.

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cambl is probably a pretty good guy. he just needs to realize that folks can go off the deep end when things don't go well. you want a community where there is tolerance for all points of view.........

returning to what matters: the defense looks like it might be something other wordly this season! we have no idea idea where the offense is going - cambl is right in that it is too early to jump off the deep end. that said...some interesting sub-themes to watch through pre-season:

- will JC's talent alone propel him to the BU QB position?

- do we need some roster changes along the 2nd team O-line?":

- how will ARE be used?

- will CP's injury be a season long, recurring problem? Should he just sit until his shoulder is completely healed? (I vote yes on this one)

- can Saunders get the passing game in synch during pre-season without revealing too much?

- who will grab the baton and make a play to be a RB the team can depend on?

good post...see...no need to call me a fascist for starting the thread...I just wanted a counter to all of the "redskins are going to go 0-16" threads.

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From what I can see so far in my post game musings 'most everyone here has the same view of the game/players but we all express it in our own way.

I am slightly surprised this appears to be the first thread after a loss that I have read where I felt compelled to go back and check the age of some posters and order up some popcorn...

BTW at a cursory glance the change over is approx 26.

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EVERYONE just needs to get a grip on things and believe in our team, our owner, our coach, and our players. Things will be okay (lets believe in that) and if they arent then it is up to us to stand behind EVERYONE we have all talked about.

The Washington Redskins are about more than a preseason game, injuries (which are a part of football,) or interceptions. They stand for a community and a group of fans who want to win but most of all believe. HTTR!

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