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Fair Weather Fans


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Um, you're misusing the term fair-weather fans.

Fair weather fans is about people who are, what we'd call, bandwagon fans. Basically, they ARE fans of that team (they don't hop on other teams) but they don't pay much attention to that squad unless they do well.

NO ONE on this site who whines or doomsays, is abandoning the team. Thus, they are not 'fair-weather.' What you're complaining about is the 'doom 'n' gloom' contingent or, as many do on this site, anyone who says anything negative at any time.

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Yeah the fans that sway their opinion from NFC East basement season to superbowl champs from play to play used to bother me a lot but consider this: there are 57,000 registered extremeskins members from all over the place, you are bound to run into someone you find annoying or misinformed on a daily basis on here, its best to just ignore it because with this many people starting a flame war/thread isnt going to open people's eyes it will just make them defensive...trust me I know.

All you need to know is that you are not a fair weather fan...its impossible to change others.

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Being a rational, realistic die-hard fan, contrary to popular beleif, includes going into preseason knowing that it doesnt matter and that great teams hardly ever win unless the other team is total crap on all fronts.

Were the Colts "embarassed" by losing to the Rams? I doubt it, they're 0-7 in preaseason now.

I stand by the original poster. If you call yourself a true fan, stand by our guys. Im still pulling for every one of them, even the 30+ guys who wont be on the opening roster.


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I may have joined in March 2006, however I've visited the site for the past couple of years so dont talk down to me like you are a bigger fan or something. Sorry you signed up first, but never speak to me that way again like I have no merit to post my thoughts....I dont need to do the searches...Ive been on this site long enough to see that people arent "real" skins fans...I just decided to post about it. Thanks

Dude chill. "Never speak to me again that way" just who exactly do you think you are? And who are you to tell anyone wether or not they are a skins fan... :shutup:

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We've all endured worse things than a preseason loss (like half a decade of no-playoffs). Anyone on this message board fickle-enough to get worked up over a preseason game isn't mentally stable enough to follow any professional football team without inevitably cutting their wrists.

We saw some good things, in that Campbell was able to convert a couple 3rd downs respectably. We saw some bad things, like Clinton Portis injure his shoulder on an excellent tackle (we're praying for you CP). And we saw some ugly things, like Todd Collins at QB.

But what we didn't see is anything that should suggest doomsday prophets for the season ahead. It's August 13th.

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The preseason does mean absolutely nothing. All the players out there were just going through the motions for the most part. Come on, Cincy was playing the starters for the first two quarters against our backups. It is rediculous to read into this. The only thing that I would want to question is because the team has not had real contact all training camp, did this affect what happened tonight? I guess the real answer is we will never really know. Clinton Portis could have gotten hurt in training camp. He has had a lot of carries over the years so it is plausible that it could have happened at any time. My concern also was todd collins. I thought he would have looked better than what he did given that he knows the system already. It is only one preseason game and we should just let things ride. The real test will be after the first three games, then we will know where we stand. The season is not over and the team should just try and concentrate on trying to get through this preseason without injury. I think I remember that Gibbs went 0-4 in the preseason one year and went to the super bowl, so this isn't the end. The regular season is more of a concern for me.

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... but never speak to me that way again like I have no merit to post my thoughts....I dont need to do the searches...Ive been on this site long enough to see that people arent "real" skins fans...I just decided to post about it. Thanks

Whoa there... you need to step back and take a deep breath. You can't judge a Redskins fan by how they post after a game, preseason or not. And you definitely can't "talk" to someone like you did above and expect people to respect you. There are people on here, myself included, that were Redskins fans before you were a glint in your parents eyes. How a person reacts to a game, loss, injury as in tonight, is all part of the phenomenon called "fans", aka fanatics. Fair-weathered fans are those that aren't around when a team is doing poorly overall. But having a knee-jerk reaction to a loss, preseason or not, where one of our primary offensive players was injured, potentially serious, does not warrant the label "fair-weathered fan". I'm sure you and everyone here has said things in your life that you wish you could have taken back, but were in fact a knee-jerk reaction to an immediate situation.

Yes, there are fair-weathered fans around, but by no means is there HALF as you say in your original post. As fans, we have a right to be disappointed, complain, cheer, etc... but as long as we support the team for the long haul, it really doesn't matter. People say and do things in anger that they wouldn't do in average every-day situations.

Calm down. It's preseason. Football has started. Everyone is excited. Everyone is concerned that CP is injured. People have a right to vent frustration, and if they can't do it among fellow fans, then where can they?

End of :2cents:

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I think we're all a little shocked about the Portis thing, and the fact that the offense and our backups were lukewarm, at best, is cause for some disconcertion. People who have jumped on this bandwagon when we're on top [top meaning=at least a playoff caliber team] are likely to be the one's who jump on and off according to the team's performances from week to week. If someone has just joined ES this year, a red flag should pop up immediately unless they are clearly trying to support and see the positives even when the team is not playing well. I have a message for these type of people...well, come see me in seat 5 I'll hand deliver it :laugh: j/k. Try to be supportive guys. We have a long season ahead of us. It's not going to be easy. Take example from many of the guys/gals on ES who have made this site what it is and endured through each season since it's inception whether good or bad. Be a true Redskin's fan :logo:


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A loss hurts, but as a huuge skins fan, i very rarely turn on players after a regular season loss unless they really deserve it. Collins shouldnt even be on our practice sqaud I agree...but for people calling for Wrights, Saunders, and our WR heads....thats rediculous....Wright will turn out really well and Saunders and our WR core shouldnt even merit a response.

So you started this thread to correct the slamming of Saunders and wideout's only to add a post slamming Todd Collins. I don't get it. Yes Todd Collins did not look good, but he won't be the number two QB for long with Jason Campbell playing on his heels, and this is how it should be. Campbell looked good to me, he needs more playing time. But really did you think Collins was starter material to begin with? And what does slamming Collins say about Saunders? (He must not know what he is doing, right?)

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Also, keep in mind that we only used a quarter of the playbook -- if that! And there were moments in which our back-ups were playing their first-stringers. I love it when people talk trash because, according to the scoreboard, we got whupped when failing to consider these two factors. Everybody, calm down.

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I appreciate how about 80% of the posts supported my rationale...however there are still some people out there who like to stray from the thread's purpose and nitpick the fact that I was PO'd about how someone tried to talk down on me becuase I hadnt been a "member" as long as he had. Lets not stray from the reason for this thread...I find alot of people do that when they realize they are wrong...

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Um, you're misusing the term fair-weather fans.

Fair weather fans is about people who are, what we'd call, bandwagon fans. Basically, they ARE fans of that team (they don't hop on other teams) but they don't pay much attention to that squad unless they do well.

NO ONE on this site who whines or doomsays, is abandoning the team. Thus, they are not 'fair-weather.' What you're complaining about is the 'doom 'n' gloom' contingent or, as many do on this site, anyone who says anything negative at any time.

I have to disagree in that most of the people who are supporting me on this say that it would be "fair weather" as well...I have been in the doom and gloom in the sense that I am depressed on a monday after a REGULAR SEASON LOSS, but I have never called for someone to be fired or cut after the first preseason game....especially since Gibbs has been back...I think he knows a little bit more about running an NFL organization than some doofus with a laptop and an ES membership. Cincy ran their first stringers against mostly our 2nd and 3rd stringers becuase the coaching staff wants to test our depth, yet people are treating this like the tell all game that will decide our seasons fate. The fan that said we went 0-4 in the preseason we won the Superbowl summed it up enough, and this thread shouldve been closed as soon as that fact was pointed out:2cents:

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"Tonight was the first preseason game and half the people on this site are jumping down the necks of our players and coaches. Fair Weather fans make me sick, and should not be on the ES site. To say that Saunders is a horrible pickup, and say that our recievers arent great is insane. We played our starters for 1 possession on either side of the ball...we moved the ball really well until Brunell's pick which was great considering we did it without Portis, and our defense nearly held Cincy's starting offense to negative yardage. Fair Weather fans need to get a life, and realize that the preseason means nothing. To get posts out there questioning Saunders, a coach who was in the top 4 in nearly every offensive category since 2001 is absurd. To question our WR after 1 preseason game even though Lloyd had an amazing grab is stupid. To question Wright on defense means you dont know much about football, becuase he played really well when he was surrounded by first string defensive players...but his play was suspect when in the second and third string defense....I hope everyone who is questioning the skins after their first preseason game dont hop back on and claim to be huge fans when we are doing well in the regular season.

On a sidenote...get well Portis"

I'm sorry...but sometimes I just wish folks like you would STFU. Closet fascists like you are tough to deal with. As though you have some special privilege to determine who should be a fan.

Everyone on this site backs the Skins. I can agree that one preseason game is meaningless. I can agree that the coaches were experimenting and that vanilla was the word of the day. I can agree that JC looked pretty darn good (all things considered) - even with an INT. I can pitch in that the first team team defense looked pretty awesome. yes...it's no time to panic.

I can also see that we didn't have the back-up horses on the offensive line to get any kind of running game going. I can also see that the tackling on the 2nd/3rd team defenses pretty much *ucked. I can see why Collins has been a career bench warmer. I can see that there some issues we need to worry about. I might even wonder - what the heck happened on the Brunell pick? either the wrong patytern was run or brunell thru to the wrong spot. either way, one of two established pros didn't execute correctly.

so yea.......there is reason to discard some of the more panicy posts as premature and unwarranted. but your fascist, control the tone, you're not one of us posts is even scarier. what's up - you take a break from Al Queda web sites for a breather to share your true inclinations?

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