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Egyptian Students Vanish In NYC


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Does anyone else find it odd that Egyptian college students would go to Montana to study English and learn the history of the state of Montana? Why would an Egyptian give a **** about the history of Montana?

shhh. Logic isnt allowed.

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Here, for the boards convenience, I have re-written the 1st amendment to reflect popular opinion and modern times.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (unless your Muslim and likely a terrorist), or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (unless you are Muslim and likely a terrorist); or abridging the freedom of speech (unless it's in Farsi or other arabic languages),or of the press (unless it's in an arabic language); or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (unless they are Muslims and likely terrorists).
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Does anyone else find it odd that Egyptian college students would go to Montana to study English and learn the history of the state of Montana? Why would an Egyptian give a **** about the history of Montana?

Representation!!!!!! They live in Montana, ( a densly populated state by US standards), study the study and the state government of Montana, hang around long enough to apply for citizenship, get said citizenship and then slowly, but effectively, start running for public offices including Mayor, Congress, Senate, and Governor.

This is how it begins. This is how they take over our government from the inside, with a little help from their brethern on the outside as they use their public status to loosen the already too loose regulation that prevent the terrorist from doing more damage.

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Representation!!!!!! They live in Montana, ( a densly populated state by US standards), study the study and the state government of Montana, hang around long enough to apply for citizenship, get said citizenship and then slowly, but effectively, start running for public offices including Mayor, Congress, Senate, and Governor.

This is how it begins. This is how they take over our government from the inside, with a little help from their brethern on the outside as they use their public status to loosen the already too loose regulation that prevent the terrorist from doing more damage.

Worked for the jews in Hollywood (taking over). :silly:


Are you all out of tin foil yet?

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I think the issue here is that these students were granted access into our country under a student visa permitting them to go study in freaking Montana…not to disappear into the economic capital of our country to do as they please.

They're suspect. Period.

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion (unless your Muslim and likely a terrorist), or prohibiting the free exercise thereof (unless you are Muslim and likely a terrorist); or abridging the freedom of speech (unless it's in Farsi or other arabic languages),or of the press (unless it's in an arabic language); or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances (unless they are Muslims and likely terrorists).

Only one problem: This 1st Ammendment only applies to US citizens. we have no obligation to offer these protections to people here illegally.

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Only one problem: This 1st Ammendment only applies to US citizens. we have no obligation to offer these protections to people here illegally.

Sure we do. We are the freaking USA. If we are better than anyone else - then we do.

Now, if we want to be like the other countries, we develop turkish prisons and throw these people in them. It's what some people want here, which is ok. They are entitled to that desire.

As for the people disappearing, this seems to be a fault of either the screening or the monitoring process (and not, imho, the process of allowing student visas in the 1st place). I tend to think there are hundred (tens of thousands probably) of students who come to this country on visas to study who don't disappear. Hell, probably some of them are even Muslim.

Why Montana State instead of Georgetown? Well, you can't put all the student visas in one place can you?

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Here, for the boards convenience, I have re-written the 1st amendment to reflect popular opinion and modern times.


Since when does that apply to non-citizens?

Regardless, no one is telling them to practice another faith or religion and no one is restricting their ability to practice any religion or faith. I know your whole point was to make a sensational splash, but there's no real logic or truth behind it. It's all sensation for the sake of being sensational.

17 Egyptian "students" have suddenly vanished and this doesn't leave you wondering anything at all? How has anything anyone said that goes against the Bill of Rights?

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Sure we do. We are the freaking USA. If we are better than anyone else - then we do.

Now, if we want to be like the other countries, we develop turkish prisons and throw these people in them. It's what some people want here, which is ok. They are entitled to that desire.

As for the people disappearing, this seems to be a fault of either the screening or the monitoring process (and not, imho, the process of allowing student visas in the 1st place). I tend to think there are hundred (tens of thousands probably) of students who come to this country on visas to study who don't disappear. Hell, probably some of them are even Muslim.

Why Montana State instead of Georgetown? Well, you can't put all the student visas in one place can you?

Yes, we are the freaking USA! So how does that require us to extend Constitutional rights to everyone in the freaking world? If you use your logic, anyone who sets foot on US soil should be a citizen. Otherwise, what does being a citizen of the US signify? Nothing. People want to come here and be extended the rights we all have. If we just start handing out those protections to anyone and everyone, what do we have?

These people (the terrorists) have a stated goal of eliminating us as a country. There has to be some discernment when granting unfettered access to this country. This means securing all of our borders, and doing some serious screening of anyone wanting to enter this country (white, black, yellow, red, green, blue, whatever).

And please show me anywhere in the Constitution or Bill of Rights where these protections are extended to people of any country other than America.

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Way to state the obvious...of course there are exceptions but guess what...the ones who want to destroy us lower than human infidels are arabic and/or Muslim.

Are you saying that the National Alliance is a Muslim organization? What about the other white nationalist groups and/or domestic terrorists who are anti-government in the US and have perpertrated violence against us? They all Muslims too? Or do we only pay attention if they are Muslims?

Oklahoma City - not a Muslim bombing.

Atlanta Olympics bombing - Eric Rudolph (hate to break it to ya', not Muslim).

What about the Ku Klux Klan, the World Church of the Creator, the Aryan Nations, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, Earth First, and the Earth Liberation Front.

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Are you saying that the National Alliance is a Muslim organization? What about the other white nationalist groups and/or domestic terrorists who are anti-government in the US and have perpertrated violence against us? They all Muslims too? Or do we only pay attention if they are Muslims?

Oklahoma City - not a Muslim bombing.

Atlanta Olympics bombing - Eric Rudolph (hate to break it to ya', not Muslim).

What about the Ku Klux Klan, the World Church of the Creator, the Aryan Nations, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, Earth First, and the Earth Liberation Front.

Yep. Saw those guys chopping off heads just the other day :rolleyes:

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Ahh... yet another time someone tries to either excuse or make small play of Islamists by bringing up home-grown terrorists. Why not bring up the Crusades while you're at it? That seems to be another fun card to throw when there's no defense.

Do you honestly thing US-born hate or supremist groups aren't watched with a magnifying glass? That's absurd, even more absurd than your 1st Amendment comments.

If their lawyers publicly complain or say they're targeted, society as a whole says "Bravo, we need to keep a lid on them."

If Islamic groups or people with ties to Islamic groups get monitored, then suddenly it's because racism and intolerance are involved.

When it comes to white hate groups, people rightfully want to put an end to it. When it comes from Islamic groups, bleeding hearts want to find out why they hate so much rather than just stopping them. That is why it's so easy for them to do whatever they please. Again, it's the culture of being afraid to "offend."

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Are you saying that the National Alliance is a Muslim organization? What about the other white nationalist groups and/or domestic terrorists who are anti-government in the US and have perpertrated violence against us? They all Muslims too? Or do we only pay attention if they are Muslims?

Oklahoma City - not a Muslim bombing.

Atlanta Olympics bombing - Eric Rudolph (hate to break it to ya', not Muslim).

What about the Ku Klux Klan, the World Church of the Creator, the Aryan Nations, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, Earth First, and the Earth Liberation Front.

I am beginning to doubt the 'Genius' part of your forum name. If you cannot distinguish between Islamofascists and the above mentioned isolated insane, then I really feel sorry for you.

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Are you saying that the National Alliance is a Muslim organization? What about the other white nationalist groups and/or domestic terrorists who are anti-government in the US and have perpertrated violence against us? They all Muslims too? Or do we only pay attention if they are Muslims?

Oklahoma City - not a Muslim bombing.

Atlanta Olympics bombing - Eric Rudolph (hate to break it to ya', not Muslim).

What about the Ku Klux Klan, the World Church of the Creator, the Aryan Nations, the Symbionese Liberation Army, Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, Earth First, and the Earth Liberation Front.

How big are these organizations and how many skyscrapers have they brought down and planes have they hijacked? The Islamofascists are all over the world, they are organized, and are the biggest threat to us...you can't see that?


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Do you honestly thing US-born hate or supremist groups aren't watched with a magnifying glass? That's absurd, even more absurd than your 1st Amendment comments.

If their lawyers publicly complain or say they're targeted, society as a whole says "Bravo, we need to keep a lid on them."

If Islamic groups or people with ties to Islamic groups get monitored, then suddenly it's because racism and intolerance are involved.

I do not believe that the same power magnifying glass is be applied to home grown terrorists groups that is being applied to foreign groups. Unfortunately, it will take another OKC or Atlanta bombing to wake people up again. Of course, I can't say I would blame the government if it wasn't monitoring them as closely, since the majority of terrorist activies and violence if being perpertrated by foreigners.

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I do not believe that the same power magnifying glass is be applied to home grown terrorists groups that is being applied to foreign groups. Unfortunately, it will take another OKC or Atlanta bombing to wake people up again.

How do you know this? When was the last time any of these groups did a terrorist act on US soil?

Now when was the last time an Islamist group did likewise?

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How do you know this? When was the last time any of these groups did a terrorist act on US soil?

Now when was the last time an Islamist group did likewise?

I suspect that Eric Rudolph bombed up until his capture in 2003. Any bombing or killing of abortion clinics qualifies as terrorism (as do killings by organizations that target a specific population) imho.

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I do not believe that the same power magnifying glass is be applied to home grown terrorists groups that is being applied to foreign groups. Unfortunately, it will take another OKC or Atlanta bombing to wake people up again. Of course, I can't say I would blame the government if it wasn't monitoring them as closely, since the majority of terrorist activies and violence if being perpertrated by foreigners.

Oak City went down because Bubba stirred up the gun guys during his campaign. Instead of focusing on real terrorists, his emphasis was on "Domestic terrorists" albeit to make a gun grab

Seen any McVeighs lately?

Nope. Because no one is stirring the pot

Now what we do have is muslims perpetrating terrorism throughout the world. Most muslims look middle eastern.

So the question is, why let them come here?

Why keep the door open after 9/11?

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Oak City went down because Bubba stirred up the gun guys during his campaign. Instead of focusing on real terrorists, his emphasis was on "Domestic terrorists" albeit to make a gun grab

Seen any McVeighs lately?

Nope. Because no one is stirring the pot

Now what we do have is muslims perpetrating terrorism throughout the world. Most muslims look middle eastern.

So the question is, why let them come here?

Why keep the door open after 9/11?

To make everyone happy and to be politically correct...

Which is complete bull**** in my opinion, because we need to protect ourselves.

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We can always put electronic prison braclets on them.

Don't like that, don't come here

People like you are much more scarier than the so-called "Terrorist" and so much worst for this country. There's a reason why our country has gone from the most loved, to the most hated.

Unfortunately there's a lot of people like you around, who are brainwashed by a media that's controlled and owned by a handful of people with a agenda.

It's really, truely, unfortunate :(

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Just so that I am totally clear, you guys support a complete isolationist strategy for the US? And you think it will protect the US and keep militant Muslims (and other factions) from blowing us up?

BTW - you want to know who the National Alliance blames for 9/11?

Isreal's Mossad and the US's unconditional and biased support of and policy towards Israel. :rolleyes:

Yep, those are the people in our country. They aren't Muslim but they sure as hell aren't on our side either.

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People like you are much more scarier than the so-called "Terrorist" and so much worst for this country. There's a reason why our country has gone from the most loved, to the most hated.

Exactly....to make everyone happy...

I didnt see that quote by Sarge about the bracelets..thats a great idea...

Because the people that come here to really learn might be annoyed with wearing a bracelet for that reason, but they won't let that dismay them...it will only discourage those that are up to something or have an excessive amount of pride which sucks for them..

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People like you are much more scarier than the so-called "Terrorist" and so much worst for this country. There's a reason why our country has gone from the most loved, to the most hated.

Unfortunately there's a lot of people like you around, who are brainwashed by a media that's controlled and owned by a handful of people with a agenda.

It's really, truely, unfortunate :(

Pleas reread your post. You are saying that an American citizen who wants to monitor non-American citizens is worse for this country, and does more damage to this country than terrorists! Please explain this position with facts.

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