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Egyptian Students Vanish In NYC


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So...if it looks like a Muslim, and it acts like a Muslim...it's a terrorist? That's the logic we're going to follow?

Terrorists (at least those that recently have targeted Westerners and Western interests), , have mostly been of Arab descent. But supervision of an entire race...that's really the answer? That's not likely to infuriate anyone? Or make dealing with OPEC and the like any easier? Or infuriate the allies we actually have over there? Maybe even a country or two we're desperately trying to rebuild? That wouldn't sour relations at all with them?

Closing our borders to foreign students would pretty much guarantee the economic decline of the United States.

Right now, more than one-fourth of the Science & Engineering graduate students in America are here from other countries on foreign visas. We are the center of scientific research, and we've been taking the top talent from other countries for many decades now.

Immigrants have been a vital part of American technological progress since World War II. Whether it's Albert Einstein and the atomic bomb or Wernher von Braun and NASA, it has often been in our national security interest to be a country friendly to immigrants, especially those that want to study and research in the U.S. Id you want an Egyptian American, look no further thanAhmed Zewail, the 1999 winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry who received a student visa from UPenn in the 60's and now is at Caltech.

In any case, the fact is that the government has done a pretty good job of closing this loophole. Students can still get in, but there are pretty serious background checks, and their photos and information are now in government databases, which will make it a lot harder for them to say, enroll in flight schools or buy explosives. And right now, they've got a bunch of FBI Agents on their tail, and I for one have confidence that the Feds will get their men.

Good posts, both of you. :applause:

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Great Points DjTj, but I think there is another argument as well.

People come to the US to learn and they pick up on our values. You want to spread democracy in the middle east? Bring students to the US who will see how f'd up their own countries are in comparison. Student Visa programs are a trade. We import the productivity and export a taste for democracy. Are there negatives? absolutely, but the positives far outweigh them.

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Kilmer I know you hate Muslims, but do you have to make it so obvious? jeez..

We can't exclude a full race from coming to our country to better their education. Comments and attitude like yours only make them want to hurt us even more.

Why not?

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Lets not forget that these student visas are not being issued to American citizens there fore we as a country should be able to make any demands or stipulations or make any students wanting to come here under a visa jump through any hoops we want in order to keep national security in tact. These students are not of this nation leagally they just have a student visa, and illeagals are not either, so why do we feel it necessary to protect there rights as if they are US citizens and expect nothing in return??

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Someone explain to me why our country is still allowing people from Muslim Countries to come here on "student visa's".

In fact, why are we allowing them to come from ANY country?

Fool me once........

fool me twice... well you can't fool me twice. *ahem*

I understand your logic concerning nations hostile to the US - but why wouldn't you allow student visas from India, South America, and Europe?

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We can't exclude a full race from coming to our country to better their education. Comments and attitude like yours only make them want to hurt us even more.

They want us dead as it is. "Liking" them only makes it easier for them to march into the US and replace the stars on our flag with a crescent moon and single star instead of 50.

I have been saying this for years, but no one wants to believe me. There is no way peace can exist until Islamization/Arabization are totally wiped off the face of the Earth.

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Right because if we let some kid from Peru study to become a doctor WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!


I was being a hair sensational, but you know what I mean.

Everyone needs to be greatly scrutinzed and we shouldn't avoid doing so simply for fear of "offending" people or thinking the only thing that matters is they contribute to the economy.

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fool me twice... well you can't fool me twice. *ahem*

I understand your logic concerning nations hostile to the US - but why wouldn't you allow student visas from India, South America, and Europe?

No No No.

It was "fool me once, wont get fooled again".

I dont think we have an adequate system of checking them out BEFORE they get here, or monitoring them ONCE they get here. As is obvious by this case.

Until we fix that, I would cut it all.

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No No No.

It was "fool me once, wont get fooled again".

I dont think we have an adequate system of checking them out BEFORE they get here, or monitoring them ONCE they get here. As is obvious by this case.

Until we fix that, I would cut it all.

Kilmer - we do. The problem is no one WANTS to do it. Everyone let into the country is registered and the expiration date of their stay is noted and kept. All they have to do is print out a monthly list of those that have over stayed their welcome and have the local police pick them up.

But they don't want to.

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I was being a hair sensational, but you know what I mean.

Everyone needs to be greatly scrutinzed and we shouldn't avoid doing so simply for fear of "offending" people or thinking the only thing that matters is they contribute to the economy.

I agree. Though I think the standards need to be lowered and the system streamlined. I'd change the whole thing if I could.

- Let immigrants do the work of keeping track of themselves. Have them pay 20 US dollars 4 times a year at any post office. Payment must be submitted with proof of current address. They would in effect keep track of themselves

- The only other restrictions would be clean criminal record, no association with anti-american groups, and the ability to find honest work. They can stay as long as they are working or attending school - unemployment or failing grades = deported.

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Kilmer - we do. The problem is no one WANTS to do it. Everyone let into the country is registered and the expiration date of their stay is noted and kept. All they have to do is print out a monthly list of those that have over stayed their welcome and have the local police pick them up.

But they don't want to.

The first time INS picks up the wrong Muhammad Latief, CAIR and the ADC slap them with a lawsuit or come up with press release after press release about how "racist" the Government is.

Again, it's the "offend" thing.

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I agree. Though I think the standards need to be lowered and the system streamlined. I'd change the whole thing if I could.

- Let immigrants do the work of keeping track of themselves. Have them pay 20 US dollars 4 times a year at any post office. Payment must be submitted with proof of current address. They would in effect keep track of themselves

- The only other restrictions would be clean criminal record, no association with anti-american groups, and the ability to find honest work. They can stay as long as they are working or attending school - unemployment or failing grades = deported.

Agree 100%. Make them pay in US dollars, though... ;)

There are still many cracks through which they can slip, but it's still better than what we have, which is a culture of a lack of enforcement.

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Originally Posted by DjTj

Closing our borders to foreign students would pretty much guarantee the economic decline of the United States.


Maybe...but it would also mean that an equally qualified American student could get and education instead of being turned away because of a quota.


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