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I'm in love with a stripper...

Mad Mike

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OK. It's not love. It's like with a of of lust and I just found out the feeling is mutual. I've known her for a while but tonight I went in to see her for the first time in several weeks and things got a little crazy. Scratch that. Things got very crazy. If things had gotten much more out of hand we would have been arrested. :laugh:

Here's the quick background. For those of you who know me and may have read some of my comments in other "relationship" threads, it's been a strange year for me and I've been involved in a very frustrating relationship. I fell madly in love with somone who I cannot have. We had a moment then it was gone. If you are curious enough, do a search and you should be able to figure it out but that's all I can say about it in the open.

So here's the deal. My frustration and pain has on a few occasions lead me to visit a local strip club where I know one dancer from a party I had there with some freinds a year ago. She and I became friends and occasionaly exchange emails and generaly keep in touch. That's another story... anyway a few months ago I met this other girl there... She's this cute little Hungarian girl, early 30s with the firm slim body of a 21 year old. She speaks broken english though she understands it well and has only been in the country for four years. So we have exchanged a few emails and when I show up she spends a lot of time just hanging out with me. She's cool, not your usual dancer, very sexy but not sleazy, and we always have fun hanging out and talking.

But tonight was just nuts. There was this crazy chemistry going on, it was real and neither of us knew how to handle it. It was funny because I could tell she was trying to resist it but it was making me crazy and and I kept wearing her down. I'm not going to get graphic here but it became a mad lust thing that a LOT of people noticed including a bouncer who signaled us to cool it. :laugh:

Thing is there is still a lot of resistance to this thing from both of us. The idea of getting involved with a dancer doesnt thrill me and I'm sure she has reservations about getting involved with someone she met at work. I told her "you dont know what to make of me do you?" She said no and I told her "that's OK, I don't know what to make of you either".

So there you have it, my mad adventure... shared here with you because I'm trying to wrap my brain around it and writing it down seems to help...and because I have lost my mind. I must have to write this on an internet message board. :doh:

Comment if you want. Laugh if you will. I'm not looking for advice. I don't know what is going to happen but I'm sure I can figure things out on my own. :laugh: All I can tell you is whatever happend tonight was for real. She's no actress and I'm too good at detecting BS.

So right now I'm caught between insane lust and the fear that comes with the realization that the game has just gotten very real. Nothing left for me to do tonight but to drag my half drunk azz to bed.

As I told her when I said goodby... To be continued... :D

Goodnight all. :cheers:

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Back in the mid 80's, a customer of mine owned a strip joint. To make it even better, two good friends worked there. One bartended, and the other worked the door. Over the course of two years or so, I got involved with two strippers. Both were workinf their way through college.

Lena was from Sweeden, and we dated for about three months till she got deported. Silvia was from Brazil. We saw each other constantly for about seven or eight months. She moved to CA, and that was the end of that.

Neither of them were sleezy, and actually quite classey ladies. I remember Lena cutting my hair in the kitchen of my apartment, when my parents popped in and my mom commenting she was built like a brick **** house :laugh:

My advice is, have some fun, and see what becomes of it.

Side note: I'm due to do a weeks worth of training in Daytona (AMI) so we'll need to catch a brew or two.

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Expect the worst, then put it out of your mind. Have fun. Life's too short. I dated a few strippers back in the day. Oddly enough, did not meet them at strip clubs and didn't know they were strippers until they told me. Life works in strange ways. Neither relationship turned out bad and they didn't rob me blind or anything. One relationship ended up being very rewarding.

My advice would be to take the relationship out of the club though. If you're exchanging emails, then ask her to go out sometime. Don't visit her at the club anymore. See what happens. :2cents:

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Chaos City!!!

You will live to regret this. If you're lucky it will happen quickly before too much damage happens.

Strippers are such bad news...

Agreed. My brother dated a stripper and it wasn't pretty.

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I dated a stripper a few years ago for a little while. Good times, no worries. She was Hawaiian, very smart, and sort of led a dual life (financial services by day, pole dancing by night).

No regrets. :D Just keep your eyes open.

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But tonight was just nuts. There was this crazy chemistry going on, it was real and neither of us knew how to handle it. It was funny because I could tell she was trying to resist it but it was making me crazy and and I kept wearing her down. I'm not going to get graphic here but it became a mad lust thing that a LOT of people noticed including a bouncer who signaled us to cool it.

Sounds like you hit your ATM limit :).

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Dude, have you not figured out that's just a game they play.

They're great actresses, who will do anything to make you THINK that they're in love with you, or in lust with you, with the ultimate goal of getting in your wallet.


And, trust me, Mick would know when a woman is faking it :).

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Strippers are not to be trusted. They represent the worst aspects of femininity. You are being taken for a fool...perhaps that's what you want.

You are a fool for generalizing people in such a way.......I met a stripper that was very nice and was just making money to support her son and get through college.....I say that is representing femininity very well, to be a single mom in college, doing what must be done to make things better for herself and son.

Expect the worst, then put it out of your mind. Have fun. Life's too short. I dated a few strippers back in the day. Oddly enough, did not meet them at strip clubs and didn't know they were strippers until they told me. Life works in strange ways. Neither relationship turned out bad and they didn't rob me blind or anything. One relationship ended up being very rewarding.

Hmm.....come to think of it, Jen is a good dancer ;)

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I can't believe I wrote that last night. :laugh:

Believe me folks you aren't telling me anything I don't already know. None of this is new to me. I worked in bars for years. And over the years I've known a bunch of strippers as friends and even hit it with one, but even the coolest of them had issues and I never wanted to get involved with any of them. Even if they didn't have issues, their job is to jump in guys laps and I could never be comfortable with that. That's what makes this so F'd up.

It started as a game. Most of the time we sould sit at the bar, I would flirt with her and she would be like yeah, whatever and we would get a good laugh out of it. Over time I've had a few dances with her but believe me, she could have made a lot more money working the crowd than hanging out with me at the bar as much as she has. In fact I've told her that I feel guilty some times for taking up so much of her time and if she needs to do her thing, not to feel bad about telling me so.

Last night was really different though. Right from the start it was intense and it was a strange night anyway.

OK, get this, it's kind of funny... I go in and sit at the bar. Over the course of two drinks, waiting for gigi to show, at least a half dozen girls try to hit me up for a dance. If you've ever been to a strip club, you know the routine; the phony intro...some want to sit down and talk, others get right to the point and each time I'm trying to blow them off as politely as posible. Finally one of the girls at the end of the bar gets creative and playfull and throws a paper napkin ball at me. She started to do it again and I grabbed a plastic cup, set it on the bar and told her that was her target. Next thing I know we both have plastic cups and we are entertaining the bar with a game of basketball. LOL. Eventualy she came over and intoduced herself and that's when Gigi came out. It was funny because she must have walked by when I was playing and when she walked up, she looked jealous. LOL. First thing though I gave her the CD I had promised for a month. She was happy and the basketball girl was cool, realized I was there to see Gigi and split. Soon after, Gigi's freind stopped by to tell her how she was watching me trying to get rid of all of these girls and describing my "oh S___t, here we go again" face. LOL.

That's when things started to get interesting. We were having a drink at the bar and I was doing my usual BS flirting when I ran my hand up the back of her neck and into her hair and she lost it. Guys, you know when you've hit that spot and the girl just squirms. I was like, well, well, what do we have here? :D It was after that that things really got crazy. It was crazy laughing fun and it was passionate. Afterwards we were both like "what the hell just happend?". It's been a joke till now but I'm pretty sure we are going out soon; as soon as her girlfriend who is staying with her goes back to Hungary. I want to but then I don't... I'm not in love or anything. I like the girl and I'm in lust, but that's it. As long as it stays that way for both of us I guess it's cool. Like I said, to be continued...

909997 - how do you think I came up with the title of the thread?

Dean - Too old to have fun? And dude, she's not sleazy, she smokin' hot. If you puke over that you have to be gay. (not that there is anything wrong with that :laugh: )

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Back in the mid 80's, a customer of mine owned a strip joint. To make it even better, two good friends worked there. One bartended, and the other worked the door. Over the course of two years or so, I got involved with two strippers. Both were workinf their way through college.

Lena was from Sweeden, and we dated for about three months till she got deported. Silvia was from Brazil. We saw each other constantly for about seven or eight months. She moved to CA, and that was the end of that.

Neither of them were sleezy, and actually quite classey ladies. I remember Lena cutting my hair in the kitchen of my apartment, when my parents popped in and my mom commenting she was built like a brick **** house :laugh:

My advice is, have some fun, and see what becomes of it.

Side note: I'm due to do a weeks worth of training in Daytona (AMI) so we'll need to catch a brew or two.

Absolutely. PM me before you come down and I'll give you my number. One of my good friends is dogmatic from cpmd. He moved down about 8 months ago to work at the speedway. Maybe the three of us can get together. :cheers:

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