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Man Law!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Man Law: ridiculing man law is strictly forbidden, and is a sign of latent homosexuality. :silly:

:laugh: :laugh:

I agree about the belt clips (uber gay) but the bluetooth headsets are hot.

sorry, I still think they're for Trek fans. Or for people who take themselves and their cell phones waaaaay too seriously.

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Man Law: If it is cold, carbonated and contains alcohol and carbs, it is beer.

Light beer contains less alcohol, so if you're trying to get lit up on bud light, you're already fighting your own intentions.

If you have produced beer in a factory (home kits don't count), worked in a slaughterhouse or killed an animal with your bare hands, you should be exempt from one man-law.

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If you have produced beer in a factory (home kits don't count), worked in a slaughterhouse or killed an animal with your bare hands, you should be exempt from one man-law.

The other day I killed a mouse with a rake in the back yard (The hayfield behind my house was cut. Little ****s run around everywhere when that happens). Is that half a point?

And when I was 16, I killed a wounded duck with an oar from a canoe.

So do those two incidents add up to one point/exemption?


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Light beer contains less alcohol, so if you're trying to get lit up on bud light, you're already fighting your own intentions.

If you have produced beer in a factory (home kits don't count), worked in a slaughterhouse or killed an animal with your bare hands, you should be exempt from one man-law.

I used to slaughter 30-40 hogs each summer for my grandfather does this add up to some exemptions?

I have a buddy who knifed a deer to death, he is freaking insane, is he exempt?

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That should be a Law Law. My wife was trying to talk to me while I was watching the Mavs game last night and I was waving her off and when the commercial came on I was like Can't you see that I was watching something?

Man Law #326

All men within earshot of a man on the cell phone in the parking lot or restroom of a strip joint, should assist said man in fabricating a solid alibi.

To include acting as a tow truck driver or work friend in need of assistance by jumping on the cell phone to speak to a suspecting wife/girlfriend.

MAN LAW!!!!!!


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Man Law #326

All men within earshot of a man on the cell phone in the parking lot or restroom of a strip joint, should assist said man in fabricating a solid alibi.

To include acting as a tow truck driver or work friend in need of assistance by jumping on the cell phone to speak to a suspecting wife/girlfriend.

MAN LAW!!!!!!



MAN LAW!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

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Light beer contains less alcohol, so if you're trying to get lit up on bud light, you're already fighting your own intentions.

If you have produced beer in a factory (home kits don't count), worked in a slaughterhouse or killed an animal with your bare hands, you should be exempt from one man-law.

This is false. Bud Light has the same amount of alcohol as a Guinness. 4.2%

And trust me. I can get nicely lit drinking Bud Lights:


Furthermore. All you guys looking for "exemptions" need to check yourselves. You shouldnt NEED exemptions. This are all pretty easy to follow for men.

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I sitll want to know if sex during halftime is violation of man law

Its fine as long as there is still plenty of time to refill your beer, heat up some wings, check your fantasy teams, AND afterwards your wife/girlfriend/hooker must leave you the hell alone unless she can explain in 25 words or less the current NFL rules concerning instant replay.

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Its fine as long as there is still plenty of time to refill your beer, heat up some wings, check your fantasy teams, AND afterwards your wife/girlfriend/hooker must leave you the hell alone unless she can explain in 25 words or less the current NFL rules concerning instant replay.

shoot halftime is 15 minutes long, I could do all of that twice.

Thankfully my wife knows the rules, and she hates the tuck rule

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shoot halftime is 15 minutes long, I could do all of that twice.

Thankfully my wife knows the rules, and she hates the tuck rule

Then you are all set my friend. :cheers:

Extra points for doing that at a friends house. :D

Triple extra points for doing all that at a bar. :laugh:

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Then you are all set my friend. :cheers:

Extra points for doing that at a friends house. :D

Triple extra points for doing all that at a bar. :laugh:

shoot if you are at a bar, they heat up the wings and get you the beer, so all I would need is to have sex (2 minutes) check fantasy teams on pda (5 minutes) can still watch half of halftime:D

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Its fine as long as there is still plenty of time to refill your beer, heat up some wings, check your fantasy teams, AND afterwards your wife/girlfriend/hooker must leave you the hell alone unless she can explain in 25 words or less the current NFL rules concerning instant replay.

I just voted you as the "Man of the Year"!!!!

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can you ask these if it is a team you are playing on instead of rooting for?

That is a HELL NO!! If you are playing for a sports team you should know it BETTER than any team you are a fan of. You should not only know your record and your schedule, but you should know the scounting report of the next team you play and what the weather will be like at gametime.

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Not exactly a Manlaw but whenever my Mom would join my Dad, my brother and I watching a Skins game as soon as she sat down he would turn to her and say "If you are not talking football, you're not talking." Amazingly she never got mad.

This should be added to the Constitution of the US.

Man...such a simple thing too...why haven't I ever thought of this before???

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Its fine as long as there is still plenty of time to refill your beer, heat up some wings, check your fantasy teams, AND afterwards your wife/girlfriend/hooker must leave you the hell alone unless she can explain in 25 words or less the current NFL rules concerning instant replay.

If you like Budlite try Bud Select, so good.

Can you explain in 25 word or less the current NFL rules concerning instant replay :silly:

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Man Law: You cannot root against your team. Ever. Not to get a better draft pick, or bench the sucky QB. Ever. Never. period.

Man Law: NO man shall use a fitting room while shopping. It is permissible to throw a shirt over the one your are wearing, however, you cannot sollicit advice from others on how you look. You're a man.

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