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Why are Skins from the 70's ignored on here?


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I know that age has alot to do with it.But there are rarely discussions about Brig Owens,Charley Taylor,Pat Fischer ,Larry Brown etc on here.Though they lost in SB VII those teams seem to get no love on here.

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Because for the most part there aren't that many 40 year olds that post on here. I could talk about them all day long if there was enough interest.

I always found it interesting that George Allen's Redskins have more HOFers than Joe Gibbs' Redskins.

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Age is perhaps largely the culprit, I have always wondered this myself. I remember my dad saying that there were bad teams during the 70s, but there was a SB appearance and several 10+ win seasons...?

Maybe it was the uniforms.. :laugh:

The only bad team in the 70s was 1970 though. The problem was that, other than 1972, George Allen couldn't win a playoff game.

But you want to talk about a team with personality, the Skins under Allen had it. Sonny, Billy, the Dancing Bear, Diron Talbert, Chris Hanburger and his dutch boy hair cut, Pat Fischer, Ken Houston, Jack Pardee, Richie Petitbon, Roy Jefferson, Charley Taylor, Jerry Smith, Verlon Biggs, Mike Bass, Brig Owens, Myron Pottios and on an on.

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The only bad team in the 70s was 1970 though. The problem was that, other than 1972, George Allen couldn't win a playoff game.

But you want to talk about a team with personality, the Skins under Allen had it. Sonny, Billy, the Dancing Bear, Diron Talbert, Chris Hanburger and his dutch boy hair cut, Pat Fischer, Ken Houston, Jack Pardee, Richie Petitbon, Roy Jefferson, Charley Taylor, Jerry Smith, Verlon Biggs, Mike Bass, Brig Owens, Myron Pottios and on an on.

Isnt that when Lombardi died too? 1970?

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Chris Hanburger and his dutch boy hair cut.

Can someone tell me more about Hanburger? He's a nine-time Pro Bowler. I wonder how many nine-time Pro Bowlers are as ignored as he is. I've heard from a couple older Skins fans who say Hanburger wasn't as good as the nine Pro Bowls make him out to be.

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I think we talk about the Redskins of the 70s about as much as the Redskins of the 90s... The Redskins of the 80s will always be special because they brought Washington its first Super Bowl title. The dramatic fashion in which they did it, with the mythical exploits of Riggins and the hogs, is something people can identify with.

Although I was too young to remember, it matters little to me. I feel like a was there and can only imagine how much greater it must have been to have seen the Riggins and the hogs.

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The only bad team in the 70s was 1970 though. The problem was that, other than 1972, George Allen couldn't win a playoff game.

But you want to talk about a team with personality, the Skins under Allen had it. Sonny, Billy, the Dancing Bear, Diron Talbert, Chris Hanburger and his dutch boy hair cut, Pat Fischer, Ken Houston, Jack Pardee, Richie Petitbon, Roy Jefferson, Charley Taylor, Jerry Smith, Verlon Biggs, Mike Bass, Brig Owens, Myron Pottios and on an on.

The 1970 team was somewhat competitive. Looks like they started out bad because of the Lombardi situation and then slumped in the middle of the season and couldn't recover.

Those of us under about 50 probably didn't know how bad bad could be until the 90s.

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I'm gonna go with age as well. That doesn't mean some of us youngins wouldn't enjoy hearing about the "over the hill gang".

sorry Bird but we do not qualify as "youngins". at least not on this board. here i guess guys our age are "middlins".

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And there was also Manny Sistrunk, the DT that Allen deployed to fill out a 5-man DL against Green Bay in the playoffs. I remember Sistrunk as one of the younger players on Allen's defense and how Allen thought he was needed to shut down the Green Bay running game, which was, in essense, John Brockington, who had over 1000 yards in '72. That scheme worked too. If memory serves me correctly, Sistrunk's biggest attribute was his physical strength--let's face it, the other linemen were fairly long in the tooth. I have great memories of those Redskins.

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There was a thing on Pat Fischer on the NFL Network, he was a gritty tough player I would have liked to seen play

I like Pat, and he was tough... but he got burned alot. That was one of the problems of the '70's Skins. They couldn't hold a lead without the opponents passing game catching up with us. I think that was one of the reasons I was thrilled when we drafted Darrell Green.

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And there was also Manny Sistrunk, the DT that Allen deployed to fill out a 5-man DL against Green Bay in the playoffs. I remember Sistrunk as one of the younger players on Allen's defense and how Allen thought he was needed to shut down the Green Bay running game, which was, in essense, John Brockington, who had over 1000 yards in '72. That scheme worked too. If memory serves me correctly, Sistrunk's biggest attribute was his physical strength--let's face it, the other linemen were fairly long in the tooth. I have great memories of those Redskins.

Good call!!!! :notworthy

If I recall the starting front five that game were Verlon Biggs, Diron Talbert, Bill Brundige, Ron McDole and Sistrunk. Brockington was considered huge at the time for a running back and the Skins handled him with ease.

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I like Pat, and he was tough... but he got burned alot. That was one of the problems of the '70's Skins. They couldn't hold a lead without the opponents passing game catching up with us. I think that was one of the reasons I was thrilled when we drafted Darrell Green.

I think you are thinking of the Skins defenses later in the 70s or the early 80s. From about 71-77 the Skins pass defense was excellent. Fischer teamed with Brig Owens, Mike Bass and Ken Houston to make up a heck of a secondary.

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And there was also Manny Sistrunk, the DT that Allen deployed to fill out a 5-man DL against Green Bay in the playoffs. I remember Sistrunk as one of the younger players on Allen's defense and how Allen thought he was needed to shut down the Green Bay running game, which was, in essense, John Brockington, who had over 1000 yards in '72. That scheme worked too. If memory serves me correctly, Sistrunk's biggest attribute was his physical strength--let's face it, the other linemen were fairly long in the tooth. I have great memories of those Redskins.

Don't forget, MacArthur Lane was also a running threat...he had 821 yards that season.


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those teams of the '70's were effecient if not spectacular. Great Defenses, just good enough offenses to win. Great Kicking games. Once George Allen left, things started off great for then new coach Jack Pardee in '78. We were 6-0 and finished 8-8. '79 We should have won the division but due to a crazy tie breaker on the last day, the Cardinals had to lose to the Bears by less than 31 points and the lost by 33. That meant that we had to beat Dallas on the last game of the season to either win the division or get kicked out of the playoffs althougher. I HATE ROGER STAUBAUCH TO THIS DAY FOR THAT GAME!

That was the famous funeral wreath hand delivered to the Redskin lockerroom after the game by Harvey Martin

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These were the guys that got me into the Skins in the first place. My elders where I grew up talking with reverence about these guys who I barely remember or never saw outside of NFL films. Fischer, Hanburger, Taylor, Houston. When I was a small fry, the older kids in my neighborhood and the parents would tell stories like this. You couldn't help but love the Skins and Hate Hate Hate the cowboys. IMO not enough of this kind of story telling goes on.

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Can someone tell me more about Hanburger? He's a nine-time Pro Bowler. I wonder how many nine-time Pro Bowlers are as ignored as he is. I've heard from a couple older Skins fans who say Hanburger wasn't as good as the nine Pro Bowls make him out to be.

Make no mistake Hanburger earned his Pro Bowl appearances. He was a headhunter literally. He made the clothesline an art.


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Don't forget, MacArthur Lane was also a running threat...he had 821 yards that season.


OMG that is a name I haven't thought of in a long, long time. I'd forgotten that he had replaced Donny Anderson that year.

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