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TO not at Workouts

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I think the Tuna must have a myocardial infarction related bonus clause written into his contract. Why else would he deal with all of this crap, especially Jerrah? I wonder if he has to give Stephen Jones a shoulder rub during the draft while baby J drafts for him... :silly:

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Please, you cowgirls would be peeing in your pants if you had Sean Taylor as your safety. The man is an animal on the field, and plays with a ferociousness that you all could only wish your team could possibly play with. He has a heart of a lion, and will tear your wide recievers apart, just like he has two years in a row. And yes, he has DESTROYED your sorry wide recievers a new one.

T.O. is straight up a cancer, and you haters comparing T.O. to Sean Taylor are completely missing the argument here. Take your sorry blue and white broke back glasses off and smell the grass, T.O. breaks a team apart and disentigrates all chemistry and team unity, Sean Taylor does not, and will not in the future. T.O. killed the 49ers, and the eagles, Sean Taylor has destroyed all wide recievers that get in our teams way. That's the difference, wake up.

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again you prove your ignorance. TO destroyed two football teams. ST is accused of committing a crime that had nothing to do with football, was no where near his team, coaches, stadium, or even season. if you cant see why TO is a detriment to his team and ST could merely, POSSIBLY have been a harm to only himself then nothing i can say will be of service to you.

So I guess it won't be a detriment at all if Taylor is convicted and gets jail time plus a suspension by the NFL? You guys are clueless. You're basing everything on your mad fanboy love that Taylor is innocent and won't get any jail time, despite the fact that people who are convinced they are innocent get convicted all the time. The fact is that you don't know what will happen and if he gets convicted (however slim because he's a celebrity with a slimeball lawyer), it's a blow to the team. I can tell you for sure that, as of April 15, T.O. has no chance of going to jail and missing the season. Can you say the same thing of Taylor? I didn't think so.

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So I guess it won't be a detriment at all if Taylor is convicted and gets jail time plus a suspension by the NFL? You guys are clueless. You're basing everything on your mad fanboy love that Taylor is innocent and won't get any jail time, despite the fact that people who are convinced they are innocent get convicted all the time. The fact is that you don't know what will happen and if he gets convicted (however slim because he's a celebrity with a slimeball lawyer), it's a blow to the team. I can tell you for sure that, as of April 15, T.O. has no chance of going to jail and missing the season. Can you say the same thing of Taylor? I didn't think so.
You're really missing the point here. Objectively speaking, "which player would you rather have on your team" is the (off-topic) question being posed here. Either a very young and potential All-Pro safety who made some extremely immature decisions a year ago but seems to be on track for getting his act together, or arguably the game's best wideout who has destroyed two teams in the wake of his ego and poses just as much of a danger to his opponents on the field as he does to his teammates off the field. Even if T.O. played for Denver and Taylor played for let's say the Ravens, I'd still take Taylor due to his age and his proven commitment to get along with his teammates and not cause any problems in the locker room. Yeah, he's made some mistakes, that's certainly undeniable, but he's only been in the NFL for 2 seasons now and some people seem to forget he's only 23 years old, I think a lot of us would do some questionable things if thrown into NFL stardom and pressure at that age. T.O. meanwhile is 32 years old and yet over the course of his career he still hasn't shown any strides towards maturity, rather it's just become a game of guessing when he'll blow up next that overshadows his accomplishments on game day. I don't think someone's off the field issues should even be brought into this debate, it's not like Taylor killed anyone or anything, and if you don't think the entire case is flimsy and lacking in enough evidence to make it worth anyone's time or money, then you're being biased against the guy because he's a Redskin. Strictly speaking about either T.O. or Taylor, Owens is a potential grenade in an organization with a possibly huge downside, and Taylor isn't, end of story.

As for being back on topic with T.O. not showing up to workouts, who really cares? Shockingly enough the media is finding something to blow up about T.O. and trying to fan the fire already. No sane person is going to question his work ethic or physical abilities so it's not like he'll show up later to camp out of shape and with a beer belly, and he's picking his workout dates to match up with Bledsoe- I can't see any big problems there. That being said, if I were T.O. I'd show up everyday to try to build team chemistry and prove the naysayers wrong about my attitude since he has quite an uphill climb in the eyes of the public and I'm sure a few teammates and coaches, so I do think he's making a mistake from that angle.

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Well Spitter Lover, I guess it's too bad Taylor is a Spit Safety and not a policeman. Hah!

Spitter lover? More like Spit lover. AND wtf does Spit Safety mean? Is That when he knocks out Glenn,Crayton, or the irrogant TO coming across the middle that he makes them spit blood all over place. Comparing ST and TO is fckn rediculous. ST is man and TO thinks he's the man.Big difference.TO had to be a Momma's boy and his mother had to be damn near pyschotic. Get the **** out of here with that BS your talking.

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OOh so this is where the arguments all happen. TO is great i guess if you can keep his mouth shut. Taylor has learned that i think about 9 years earlier than TO has... or has TO even learned that yet. I think this coming season will tell us.

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Question... do you all think when the off season starts up that ESPN and the lot will be all over T.O. and the Cowboys to the nauseating levels they were when he was w/ the Eagles ??? I may have just noticed it more b/c I was so sick of the coverage...

or do you think ESPN will back off a little this go around ?

I am going to try to control my desire to make predictions or ride the potential hilarity that could begin very soon in Dallas because I do fear TO, but I will say that the press circus on Terrell and the Cowboys will drive Bill Parcells MAAAAAD.

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Well, I respect that you're on board, not that you have a choice. I've lived that, prior to the 04 season. And no cap hit or dead money is good, Jerruh is a business man if he's anything. But do you really want to be looking for another wr in 07? With Bledsoe getting old and no one really in the wings, maybe you'll be rebuilding that year anyway. :whoknows: :D

Regardless of T.O., we're looking for youth at WR.

In this draft and in free agency and the draft next year too.

Not too worried about Bledsoe, he's got at least 2 years left.

But if you're trying to say I should be worried about Bledsoe getting older, what the heck are Skins fans with Brunell? ;)

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No consequence? Tuna strike you as the type of coach who has years to spare if one gets sunk by TO?

Since he came to Dallas, I've accepted Tuna being in Dallas on a year-to-year basis.

This season is his 4th.

The last of his original deal signed.

If you told me 4 years ago he would honor that 4 year deal, I would've done backflips naked down the street.

So sure T.O. may or may not drive Tuna out of Dallas, but I'm ready for that anyway since I never fully expected Tuna to be in Dallas past his 4th season to begin with.

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Since he came to Dallas, I've accepted Tuna being in Dallas on a year-to-year basis.

This season is his 4th.

The last of his original deal signed.

If you told me 4 years ago he would honor that 4 year deal, I would've done backflips naked down the street.

So sure T.O. may or may not drive Tuna out of Dallas, but I'm ready for that anyway since I never fully expected Tuna to be in Dallas past his 4th season to begin with.

Forget the Tuna...he's gonna wreck your team. He's done it two other places.

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There are a lot of haters here but I know first hand how much TO can improve your team. Forget all the **** about him being a cancer. As long as he catches the rock and scores TDs. Who cares. I certainly will miss his skill on the field.


If theres anyone out there whose opinion I can appreciate and respect (more than others) its Eagles fans.

And with you especially, I do.

I know exactly what Dallas is getting into with T.O.

I understand he is a cancer and can ruin a team's season.

But on the other hand, he can be the best WR in the game.

What I witnessed in 2004, while hating every second of it, was incredible.

Owens was so incredibly dominant, it was crazy.

And to me, if he can be that player again in Dallas, for this season, (I will take each season one at a time) I am willing to take the risk.

Just as all you Eagles fans did.

I have no doubt its going to be a bumpy ride, but I've been preparing myself for it for a long time.

Since JJ was giddy on the sidelines when asked about the potential of being able to land such a player.

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Man, how did TO ever force San Fran into a host of terrible personnel decisions, having no talent for the present and future, hiring a terrible coach, and the all around terrible play? I want to know how TO made the Eagles suffer a bunch of injuries, turn into an overconfident beast in their own minds, Reid be a poor game day coach, and Donovan McNabb lack leadership? I mean, that's some Satan-type stuff right there!

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You're right HHM. 2004 was a thing of beauty. Pure bliss. The best season I've ever experienced as an Eagle fan. Many others can agree with that (even if they don't want to).

You and I both know if TO had signed with the Redskins they would be hyping this guy like it was nobody's business. And rightfully so. The guy is a beast. Plain and simple. HE IS WORTH THE RISK. Look what he did for the Eagles. We went to the Super Bowl. Yeah, I know, he didn't play in the playoffs. He did however play the regular season and the Super Bowl (which by the way he cranked off over 100 yards on an ankle at 80 percent.)

I would give anything if TO and McNabb could have reconciled and worked something out. You will enjoy this season HHM. You will enjoy it very much. Like you said. One season at a time. :)

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I hope you honestly don't believe that pointing a gun at people you SUSPECT to have stolen your ATV's is not a crime? So if someone steals my TV and I go around the neighborhood and accuses whoever I think stole it and point a gun at them and that would be okay with you? Enforcing crimes is why we have police and why there are laws against citizens being vigilantes. Suppose he did know who did it but messed up on where they lived and pulled a gun on an innocent family? That would be okay with you, right? Because those "punks should have been shot." Every Skins fans goes out of their way to say that Taylor is only an alleged felon and deserves to have his day in court (those than admit he should stand trial at all). Yet it was perfectly okay for him to be his own judge, jury and executioner to punish who he thought were the alleged criminals? How hypocritical. I guess only Taylor deserves the benefit of the doubt and justice, huh? Cause he's a Redskin! And before you use the typical fanboy line that those guys were thugs with criminal records, answer me this. Did Taylor know this when he went after them? Unless he did some kind of background check on them before going after them, then it can't be used as a justification for going after them (true or not). For all he knew, they could have had clean records. I don't think it would have changed his decision to do what he did.

You're absolutely right. It is in no way, shape, or form right to pull a gun on someone you suspect of stealing your ATV. It is, however, or at least it should be, fully within your rights to pull a pistol on someone who SHOT BULLET HOLES IN YOUR YUKON WITH AN AK-47 AND COULD'VE HIT THE GAS TANK WITH ONE OF THOSE BULLETS AND KILLED YOU.:doh:

Next question.


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You and I both know if TO had signed with the Redskins they would be hyping this guy like it was nobody's business. And rightfully so. The guy is a beast. Plain and simple. HE IS WORTH THE RISK. Look what he did for the Eagles. We went to the Super Bowl. Yeah, I know, he didn't play in the playoffs. He did however play the regular season and the Super Bowl (which by the way he cranked off over 100 yards on an ankle at 80 percent.)

I think you need to do a search of the discussions about TO among Redskins fans. Most were NOT in favor of adding him.

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I think you need to do a search of the discussions about TO among Redskins fans. Most were NOT in favor of adding him.

Yeah and how many were in favor of trading Coles for Moss? Come on, bro. TO is a beast. Half of these guys would be saying "Gibbs can change him" or "Gibbs sees something we don't. I trust him." And you know what? Thats what they should be saying!! HE DOMINATES!! I am not happy about the prospect of playing him twice this year.

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Yeah and how many were in favor of trading Coles for Moss? Come on, bro. TO is a beast. Half of these guys would be saying "Gibbs can change him" or "Gibbs sees something we don't. I trust him." And you know what? Thats what they should be saying!! HE DOMINATES!! I am not happy about the prospect of playing him twice this year.

Check the threads slick, I was ALL ABOUT Coles for Moss :D

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Check the threads slick, I was ALL ABOUT Coles for Moss :D

1 out of 50,000. I highly doubt there were more for it than against it. But I'm sure most will swear up and down they were. Whatever though. Point is TO is a beast. The Cowboys have him and he's going to make them a real contender. :)

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Question... do you all think when the off season starts up that ESPN and the lot will be all over T.O. and the Cowboys to the nauseating levels they were when he was w/ the Eagles ??? I may have just noticed it more b/c I was so sick of the coverage...

or do you think ESPN will back off a little this go around ?

There will be some coverage, but unless he's holding out and doing sit-ups in his driveway again, there won't be as many photo-ops as there were last year. Last year there was an intriguing storyline being followed. This year, so far, the storyline isn't nearly as intriguing. But knowing TO, it could get that way shortly.
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Yeah and how many were in favor of trading Coles for Moss? Come on, bro. TO is a beast. Half of these guys would be saying "Gibbs can change him" or "Gibbs sees something we don't. I trust him." And you know what? Thats what they should be saying!! HE DOMINATES!! I am not happy about the prospect of playing him twice this year.

TO isn't worth it for any team...how soon you forget.

McNabb is still suffering from TO hangover. He's got some serious mental hurdles this season because of your 'beast.' You do remember that your 'beast' came up suspicously lame in some big games last year, don't you? And do you remember any Eagles newspaper stories last year that didn't include TO in the first graph?

Short memory, WD. But you'll remember when McNabb plays the Cowboys the first time this season.

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