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TO not at Workouts

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Yeah, you'd rather gamble with $10 guaranteed on a safety with a bad back and injury histories. No risk there. I guess the other 30 teams are wrong for "gambling" by drafting young players too?

yeah we just took a shot in the dark on AA. no research or anything. point being hes made it in the NFL, hes a proven commodity. draftees are not and therefore are bigger risks.

and i dont know why more teams dont build like we do but hey, to each his own.

the main thing is this, we beat you twice last year with one WR a running game and a guy your HC said wasnt good enough for the NFL. our D held you to nothing in our home game and stopped you butt cold at the toilet bowl once we had the lead. knowing this lets look at the off season so far.

we picked up two more recievers, a pass rushing DE and replaced a safety with another with at least eequal value.

your claim to fame is that you signed a kicker and TO (the others you signed are of no signifigance but do tell if im wrong)

SO, knowing that you first got embarrassed at your ring of fame game and then got absolutely crushed at FedEx with the weapons we had and knowing that now we have more how do you think your brokeback boys will fare this season?

jones is about to prove himself a bust, crayton and glenn are scared of Sean Taylor and TO never really does anything against us.

the funny thing is you guys are swept again and you dont even know it yet. with all the hype that comes with TO you fools are staged to be the biggest bust of the year. enjoy.

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Seriously.. the two cannot be compared... ST did nothing and that will be illustrated in about a month or so im sure... Dude.. a club dj/lawyer...

these charges are trumped up.. while TO will do his things on live TV and bash people that he depends on and who depend on him..

All i can say about the Dallas TO realationship is that you two deserve each other....

How can a cowboys fans even BEGIN to speak about legal issues... your team has been full of criminals since it began... I agree with SAXON... you are a homo

You're right, they can't be compared. T.O. have never gotten into legal trouble and Taylor is an alleged felon. Yeah, if Taylor didn't do anything he wouldn't be going to court next month. I think the legal system has better things to do than go after people for the fun of it.

Nice argument. You can't think of anything else so you call me a homo. Well, at least I'm not the one showing man-love for Sean Taylor. Maybe you should get convicted of a felony (if you haven't already) and the two of you can share a jail cell and have all the you want together. I'm sure you'd like that.

Guys, seriously, how about we bring this discussion out of the basement here with the "homo" trash talking? Even as a diehard Redskins fan, I think it's dumb for this discussion of T.O. to fall apart to throwing flames about the Cowboys' history of criminals, and the same goes for taking jabs at Taylor for either spitting or his upcoming trial. Like either insult hasn't been played out to death already. The point is T.O. should definitely help the Cowboys along with the addition of Vanderjagt, and it's no secret that Glenn and Crayton's numbers will go up as well since so much defensive focus will be on covering Owens. Add in an efficient QB like Bledsoe, and it should make for some very competitive and interesting football games during the season, both within the NFC East and outside the division. I don't think it's fair for Cowboys fans to immediately knock on Lloyd, Randle El, Archuletta, or Carter however. Lloyd just needs maturity and some good coaching, Randle El inarguably helped the Steelers out with his versatility (especially when they didn't have Big Ben) in a run-dominated offense, and if you don't think Archuletta and Carter atleast have some big time potential under Williams and the rest of the defensive staff here, you're nuts. Not to mention the hiring of Al Saunders, which so many Cowboys/Eagles/Giants fans, not to mention pundits of the national media, seem to overlook, should have a huge impact on the way our offense runs. I think all things considered, the NFC East is undeniably back- maybe the hardest division in football, and when was the last time all 4 teams were possibly considered to be competitors not just for the division title but maybe even the NFC title? As not just a Redskins fan, but a straight up football fan, I can't wait for next season, every NFC East match up should be must-see.
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Please. Roy Williams is the Mike Alstott of the safety position. 31 out of 32 NFL coaches would say Sean Taylor is a better player than Roy Williams, and Parcells might give a no comment. Taylor is like a Roy Williams that can cover wide receivers.

The thing is ... more coaches and players are stating that Roy Williams is better judging on Pro Bowl votes.. :( :cool:

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You're right, they can't be compared. T.O. have never gotten into legal trouble and Taylor is an alleged felon. Yeah, if Taylor didn't do anything he wouldn't be going to court next month. I think the legal system has better things to do than go after people for the fun of it.

Nice argument. You can't think of anything else so you call me a homo. Well, at least I'm not the one showing man-love for Sean Taylor. Maybe you should get convicted of a felony (if you haven't already) and the two of you can share a jail cell and have all the you want together. I'm sure you'd like that.

OHHH brokeback gets offended.

and excuse me but our legal system in this country is awful.. people are always accused of things and brought to court and found innocent. therefore in your mind if someone is accused of somthing.. then found innocent.. they are still a Felon... ok... well atleast i know your a cowboys fan... due to Lack of education/intelligence.

Innocent until proven guilty.

TO is the worst cancer in NFL history.. but as i said... he is perfect for dallas.. .where the team knowns nothing.. and the fans actually know less.. wow...

Dallas 7-9 this year... bet on it

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