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Pasquarelli Strikes Again..... idiot.


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I would love to be a fly on the wall when Lenny P is letting loose about the skins - the hate that must come from that venomous fork tongue of his could fill up Fed Ex.

It's amazing. I got to assume that ESPN is also in on this, I'm sure they, in some way give him some room to bash us, or even direction. That is why I have TOTALLY banned that site.

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He said there would have been cuts and major contract overhauls if the CBA had not been reached. I am not trying here its really simple..........You spend too much you pay for it in the end. Have fun its not gonna last long.

The cuts happened regardless. As for the contract restructurings, we were prepared for the worst and got the best. What's wrong with being prepared???

Mrkodi, I'm not trying to get into a pi***** contest with you so I will not reply to anything else you have to say, however, I am curious what team you root for, and why, all the sudden you have decided to come troll to our board??? Is it because we're making moves towards a championship while your team sits on their asses??? Just curious.

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Fatty McButterpants....LOL!

Lenny was oh so counting on the CBA non-extension. It ruined his plans and he's an angry man. We have a ton of cash...he hates it, the other owners hate it, but the players love it. Too bad, Lenny.

Fatty McButterpants...hahhhahhhahaahhaa..

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So, either Washington contracts manager Eric Schaffer is a genius or Snyder has found a way to circumvent the cap. Seems it must be the former, since none of the legion of the team officials who keep wondering privately how the Redskins are able to add players -- and who complain to the media about Washington's laxity in turning in contracts to the league -- apparently has the gumption to raise the issue with the NFL Management Council.

...I don't know why everyone's getting so mad - Lenny P just had to admit that Eric Schaffer is a genius. :point2sky

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He's right fellas..........The Skins knew they were in trouble untill the CBA was agreed on. Gibbs said it himself last night on NFL Network. Funny thing is your ignorant owner is doing it all over again. Better hope you win/buy one in the next 2-3 seasons.:laugh:

Len P. is just another guy who generates product - anti-redskin/anti-Snyder blabbering - for a specific segment of the market - people who dont like the Redskins/hate wealthy people that aren't from Texas. In this context, he can be considered a master of his craft...the king of fools.

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He's right fellas..........The Skins knew they were in trouble untill the CBA was agreed on. Gibbs said it himself last night on NFL Network. Funny thing is your ignorant owner is doing it all over again. Better hope you win/buy one in the next 2-3 seasons.:laugh:

And perhaps you should do some more research. True, had their been no new CBA, we probably would not have been able to sign all of these new guys we have brought in, we would have likely had to mostly stand pat with a team that already made the playoffs last year. But reality is, we cut the same guys after the new CBA that we would have before. No one was ever in trouble...don't believe the national media that as a whole doesn't understand the cap.

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We will have a hard time at the end of the CBA as the same rules apply because once the system ends, the use OF the system will ultimately make it a tighter fit than it has been. But, we'll never have any problems as long as the system is in place. Moreover, we just saw how easily we could have handled it this time, so, we're in grand shape.

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How could that fatty leg sweep any one. Dosen't he mean he would lay down and try to roll him over. Also where does this jerk get of calling OUR owner Fatty (even if it is in regards to his wallet). Has he looked in the mirror.

Really, its one thing to write an unbiased opinion, but when you attack someone personally; that is uncalled for. There was a line crossed, and Fatty McPastabelly should lose his job.

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For once, why can't Lenny just judge the signings themselves, instead of giving us another anti-Snyder rant. It is really growing tiresome. Someone at ESPN should make this guy aware of just how biased he is making himself appear to be. It is completely unprofessional behavior.

Lenny should acknowledge that the Skins have a good team (that is only getting beter!!!), and have had 2 consecutive successful offseasons leading up to this one. He's regurgitating stuff from 2000. THE SKINS HAVE MADE BRILLIANT MOVES SINCE GIBBS RETURNED!

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Pastabelly was just on ESPN Radio with Eric Kusillyass. He said the Redskins play "rotisserie football" and sign as if it's fantasy football, then said he was sure his comments would rile up the Redskins fans on their little message boards, or something to that effect... :laugh:

Man, we really get to him. He is one angry fat man.

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Admittedly, I am new at posting here, but it seems like there is a lot of complaining about Lenny P here. If you dont like Lenny P's articles, then why are is everyone making an effort to go to espn.com and read his articles? There are many other writers out there that can report news and offer opinions in an unbiased manner. For my redskins info I just read it here on redskins.com. Just my thoughts.

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I could give a crap what this guy's opinions are in regards to whether or not these signings bring a Super Bowl, but what I do care about is him spouting off this 'theory' about us cheating. First, if you have proof, bring it or shut up. Second, if Synder had found a way to pay people under the table, do you really think someone wouldn't find out about it with the number of players involved?

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Admittedly, I am new at posting here, but it seems like there is a lot of complaining about Lenny P here. If you dont like Lenny P's articles, then why are is everyone making an effort to go to espn.com and read his articles? There are many other writers out there that can report news and offer opinions in an unbiased manner. For my redskins info I just read it here on redskins.com. Just my thoughts.

You're right in theory but, unfortunately, wrong in practice. There's a lot of joy to be had in bashing the guy and pointing out his flaws. It makes us, as humans, feel better about ourselves. :)

:cheers: welcome to the board, by the way.

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Admittedly, I am new at posting here, but it seems like there is a lot of complaining about Lenny P here. If you dont like Lenny P's articles, then why are is everyone making an effort to go to espn.com and read his articles? There are many other writers out there that can report news and offer opinions in an unbiased manner. For my redskins info I just read it here on redskins.com. Just my thoughts.

I completely understand your point.

HOWEVER, the problem here is RESPECT. If the patriots, cowboys, or eagles did what we're doing they would be geniuses. Since the Redskins are signing players we're breaking rules and running towards "cap hell." Sports writers are supposed to be unbiased, but we're always knocked down. (not just by Fatty McButterpants.) Its frustrating and disrespectful to our franchise.

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Pastabelly was just on ESPN Radio with Eric Kusillyass. He said the Redskins play "rotisserie football" and sign as if it's fantasy football, then said he was sure his comments would rile up the Redskins fans on their little message boards, or something to that effect... :laugh:

Man, we really get to him. He is one angry fat man.

What did Eric say in response (he has sounded like a hater before)? Someone should call Eric and point out what a moron Pastabelly is, and let him know that the whole "fantasy football" argument is soooooooo 2000. I'm sure Pastabelly didn't mention Gibbs' name once, or acknowledge that the Skins made it to the divisional round of the playoffs last year, or that Gibbs has acquired the following starters in his "rotisserie football" offseasons since returning:

Santana Moss

Clinton Portis

Marcus Washington

Cornelius Griffin

Sean Taylor

Chris Cooley

Shawn Springs

Phillip Daniels

Carlos Rogers

Casey Rabach

Joe Salave'a

I'm sick and :censored: tired of this stupid, "Here the Redskins go again..." argument. It's lazy and it doesn't take into account the presence of Joe Gibbs and what he's done since he's returned.

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What did Eric say in response (he has sounded like a hater before)?

He didn't offer anything to either challenge or support the Fat One, but I know from past remarks that both he (and obviously Cowherd) really don't care for us on a personal level. Everything seems personal with these guys, even down to the Fat One's remarks about us on our "little message boards."

All Eric asked was whether these signings were (duhhh... ) different from 2000. Pastabelly said basically the ages of the players were the main difference.

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Admittedly, I am new at posting here, but it seems like there is a lot of complaining about Lenny P here. If you dont like Lenny P's articles, then why are is everyone making an effort to go to espn.com and read his articles? There are many other writers out there that can report news and offer opinions in an unbiased manner. For my redskins info I just read it here on redskins.com. Just my thoughts.

We get upset b/c this guy is on a national platform, meaning many people here his "opinions" and take them for fact. He criticizes our organization w/o any facts or evidence to support, and overall makes wild accusations about this team and it's owner. Imagine if you were the owner, and your pouring your wallet and your heart into this team. How would you feel if a national sports journalist was claiming you were a cheater, a liar, and a backsatbber? (If you don't believe he has, read his article about the Lavar deal). He doesn't use responsible journalism, just speculation. In my opinion, this recent article he flat out is making stuff up. I mean, to say the other owners are suspicious of Snyder but afraid to act? What the f**k are they supposed to be afraid of? His reporting disrepsects our team, thus disrespecting us. I don't know about you, but I don't take kindly to disrespect.

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