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Pasquarelli Strikes Again..... idiot.


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Holy crap... people reveal their intelligence level when they can look at something so straightfoward and basic and make completely inaccurate interpretations.

Gibbs said they had 2 plans in effect... and one plan (without the CBA) wasn't nearly as "fun" as the second one (with the CBA).

And it's true. The Redskins wouldn't have been able to sign any new players - at least not of this magnitude - without a CBA.

That isn't cap hell. That's acknowledging the team would have to go into the 2006 season with the same team that made the playoffs last year.

Which Cerrato and Gibbs have stated before... that the core was in place for a 3-year run. So we KNEW what team we had.

The extension of the CBA just gave us a whole lot more options.

And you over spent again. All the room that was made with the CBA is now gone and then some.

Just so you know I checked the commish website and yes you are in BIG trouble. The skins are 20,533,000 OVER the cap right now. And yes this is the new cap I am talking about you know the one WITH the CBA included.

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And you over spent again. All the room that was made with the CBA is now gone and then some.

Just so you know I checked the commish website and yes you are in BIG trouble. The skins are 20,533,000 OVER the cap right now. And yes this is the new cap I am talking about you know the one WITH the CBA included.

I hope you are joking. We just avoided being hampered by the cap w/ the new CBA agreement. Do you honestly believe the same people who get us out of the "cap hell" every year would be stupid enough to put us right back in there? Our cap situation is fine. Don't believe the media when it pertains to the Redskins, you will sleep better.

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He didn't say either of those things, by the way.

And I seem to recall your type a few years ago, crying with the exact same line about 2006 being the Salary Cap Hell year. How did that turn out for you?


No the real question it how did that turn out for you? As of right now the skins are $11,533,000 over the cap. And yes that is with the new CBA. Hats off to Snyder he has done a fine job of screwing up your cap.

I know most of you are going to come at me like I am BS'ing everyone fact is I am not. Hell I dont even mind the skins. I was just shocked to see that your owner was digging himself the same whole you all just lucked out of.

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No the real question it how did that turn out for you? As of right now the skins are $11,533,000 over the cap. And yes that is with the new CBA. Hats off to Snyder he has done a fine job of screwing up your cap.

I know most of you are going to come at me like I am BS'ing everyone fact is I am not. Hell I dont even mind the skins. I was just shocked to see that your owner was digging himself the same whole you all just lucked out of.

According to you, we dropped 9 million off the cap in under 15 minutes. Again, give our FO more credit than that. They wouldn't screw our cap figure immediately after we avoided trouble w/ a new agreement.

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No the real question it how did that turn out for you? As of right now the skins are $11,533,000 over the cap. And yes that is with the new CBA. Hats off to Snyder he has done a fine job of screwing up your cap.

And you over spent again. All the room that was made with the CBA is now gone and then some.

Just so you know I checked the commish website and yes you are in BIG trouble. The skins are 20,533,000 OVER the cap right now. And yes this is the new cap I am talking about you know the one WITH the CBA included.

So which one is it genius?

BTW, this is the coward that started this enlightening thread and never bothered to come back and defend himself.



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I hope you are joking. We just avoided being hampered by the cap w/ the new CBA agreement. Do you honestly believe the same people who get us out of the "cap hell" every year would be stupid enough to put us right back in there? Our cap situation is fine. Don't believe the media when it pertains to the Redskins, you will sleep better.

The guy that tries to get you out of cap trouble is Eric Schaffer. Eric is not the stupid one its Snyder. Poor Eric is faced with the challenge of fixing Snyders spending problems. Funny thing is that Eric Schaffer was quoted on comcast saying that the spendng is going to catch up with the Skins the CBA just delayed it a bit. Its going to be similar to what the Cowboys and 49ers went through. I honestly dont understand why all you people keep acting as if this is not a problem.

Now are you going to argue with the guy that actually deals with the Skins cap?

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The guy that tries to get you out of cap trouble is Eric Schaffer. Eric is not the stupid one its Snyder. Poor Eric is faced with the challenge of fixing Snyders spending problems. Funny thing is that Eric Schaffer was quoted on comcast saying that the spendng is going to catch up with the Skins the CBA just delayed it a bit. Its going to be similar to what the Cowboys and 49ers went through. I honestly dont understand why all you people keep acting as if this is not a problem.

Now are you going to argue with the guy that actually deals with the Skins cap?

Funny thing is it is Gibbs who approves how much money we are spending on the players. If Gibbs believes a player is worth the money, a contract is offered. This is why we didn't resign Ryan Clark. Snyder pays the money, and that's it. This isn't 2000, where Snyder is gobbling up aged veterans. We have a HOF coach picking out the players. How does poor Eric "fix Snyder's spending problems" ? A contact is a contract. The only "fixing" you can do is converting roster bonuses, which HAS TO BE INCLUDED in the contract before it is signed. Either that or you have a player restructure, which only two have (Washington and Griffin) and that was bonus conversion, not actual contract restructuring. The cap increases next year by 7 million, and there is no 30% rule. All the players we signed see the biggest portion of their money at the END of their contract. By the time their contract affects us in a negative way, we either resign that player or release them. This is what we have been doing for years, and is the reason why we don't have the media predicted "cap hell" every year. You honestly believe Gibbs is stupid and would allow his team to screw themselves over? Gibbs is a smart man, and knows about the cap situation as well. He won't overpay players as he and Snyder want this team to have a future. If you still honestly believe we are in cap trouble again already, then you haven't learned that we get out of it every year and will continue to do so.

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Hate this f**** pastabelly. Use to dislike hime but have hated him since he wrote that piece of **** "ordinary joe" article. I wanna see his stupid face when we win it all but i bet you his grumpy ass will come up with some sorry article as to how we were lucky. Does anyone has his email? We need to flood it.......

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"I hate very few people, but if I saw fatty on the street I would leg sweep him and watch him flail about as he tried to stand up without success."

And I wish I were walking by at the tiime, so I could step on him, and maybe stamp out a cigarette on his fat face.

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"I hate very few people, but if I saw fatty on the street I would leg sweep him and watch him flail about as he tried to stand up without success. And I wish I were walking by at the tiime, so I could step on him, and maybe stamp out a cigarette on his fat face.

Nothing personal.

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No the real question it how did that turn out for you? As of right now the skins are $11,533,000 over the cap. And yes that is with the new CBA. Hats off to Snyder he has done a fine job of screwing up your cap.

I know most of you are going to come at me like I am BS'ing everyone fact is I am not. Hell I dont even mind the skins. I was just shocked to see that your owner was digging himself the same whole you all just lucked out of.

I don't even know why I'm going to bother trying to explain this, but...we are not over the cap. The sites you are looking at are either simply wrong, or outdated. The league would not allow us to be signing players if we were over the cap. All contracts have to be submitted to the league office for final approval. You'd do well to listen to many on this board, they know a good bit more than you're going to find in the national media or random web searches.

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