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Pasquarelli Strikes Again..... idiot.


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These guys are absolute ****in morons. They get paid to shoot their mouth off and offer nothing more than opions...that's it. They refuse to buy into the facts about what Joe Gibbs has brought back to D.C. as far as getting his players to have the team first mentality. Len probably has no idea that guys have restructered their contracts so that we could make these FA signings possible. He's just blinded by his complete hatred for Gibbs and the skins! Screw Him!!!

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So basically, the fact that Pastabelly, not the owners, was saying the Redskins could not get out of "cap hell" he now looks like a fool. So now, Len has decided to CREATE a story that all the owners are suspicious of Snyder but too afraid to say anything about it. What is this guy on? His hate for the Skins is unreal. Pastabelly is now saying that the whole league is against Snyder, only to try and justify his earlier specualtions and own personal agenda, despite the fact that our cap situation and how we get under the cap has been clearly explained in numerous articles. Maybe the other owners read, and know the Skins moves are legit. This is clearly yellow journalism. I once again will be e-mailing ESPN.com about this clearly malicious and accusatory article. Once again, I recommend anyone else who was offended by this article, and the many others bashing the Skins, to do the same.

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"One of these years, paying out all that money actually might pay off in a championship."

And here he is, setting up his out when Gibbs and Co. bring home the Lombardi. It won't be credited to the skill of the coaching staff. He will just blame it on the dumb luck of an owner willing to spend. After all, even a blind squirell finds a nut occassionaly. :doh:

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i hate that f-ing guy. i don't even bother reading his articles anymore he is full of ****.

He's right fellas..........The Skins knew they were in trouble untill the CBA was agreed on. Gibbs said it himself last night on NFL Network. Funny thing is your ignorant owner is doing it all over again. Better hope you win/buy one in the next 2-3 seasons.:laugh:

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Len is upset he can't convince any team to ask for an investigation because he can't understand no investigation is necessary, since, the league has each contract, and, we can't cheat :).

as usual when wrong, these media boobs try to sway the court of public opinion.

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He's right fellas..........The Skins knew they were in trouble untill the CBA was agreed on. Gibbs said it himself last night on NFL Network. Funny thing is your ignorant owner is doing it all over again. Better hope you win/buy one in the next 2-3 seasons.:laugh:

Yeah, humorous, except that the CBA was extended through the 2011 season. Given the success we have had managing the cap under the previous CBA, apparently we'll be OK for more than your "2-3" seasons.

You know what else? If pigs had wings, they could probably fly as well. To think that there was not going to be a CBA extension is simply naive; every party involved knew they needed to maintain the status quo in order to preserve the NFL game.

Thanks for trying, though.

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He's right fellas..........The Skins knew they were in trouble untill the CBA was agreed on. Gibbs said it himself last night on NFL Network. Funny thing is your ignorant owner is doing it all over again. Better hope you win/buy one in the next 2-3 seasons.:laugh:

Not what Gibbs said at all, said it would limit some of what their plans in signing FA's . Never said that they were in trouble one time, did say had a plan and would be under the cap.

Also a source in the league office said in the AP, that the Redskins always plan ahead and are very good at writing cap friendly contracts, and would have been under even before releasing LaVAr.


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He said there would have been cuts and major contract overhauls if the CBA had not been reached. I am not trying here its really simple..........You spend too much you pay for it in the end. Have fun its not gonna last long.

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He's right fellas..........The Skins knew they were in trouble untill the CBA was agreed on. Gibbs said it himself last night on NFL Network. Funny thing is your ignorant owner is doing it all over again. Better hope you win/buy one in the next 2-3 seasons.:laugh:

Holy crap... people reveal their intelligence level when they can look at something so straightfoward and basic and make completely inaccurate interpretations.

Gibbs said they had 2 plans in effect... and one plan (without the CBA) wasn't nearly as "fun" as the second one (with the CBA).

And it's true. The Redskins wouldn't have been able to sign any new players - at least not of this magnitude - without a CBA.

That isn't cap hell. That's acknowledging the team would have to go into the 2006 season with the same team that made the playoffs last year.

Which Cerrato and Gibbs have stated before... that the core was in place for a 3-year run. So we KNEW what team we had.

The extension of the CBA just gave us a whole lot more options.

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He said there would have been cuts and major contract overhauls if the CBA had not been reached. I am not trying here its really simple..........You spend too much you pay for it in the end. Have fun its not gonna last long.

NO he didn't

the Skins had restructures in place, and the only cuts were the same ones we made after the new CBA was signed.

get your facts straight

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He said there would have been cuts and major contract overhauls if the CBA had not been reached. I am not trying here its really simple..........You spend too much you pay for it in the end. Have fun its not gonna last long.

He didn't say either of those things, by the way.

And I seem to recall your type a few years ago, crying with the exact same line about 2006 being the Salary Cap Hell year. How did that turn out for you?


Unfortunately, to understand the situation would require you to have a little bit of knowledge about both the Redskins and the salary cap. Apparently you have neither.

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He said there would have been cuts and major contract overhauls if the CBA had not been reached. I am not trying here its really simple..........You spend too much you pay for it in the end. Have fun its not gonna last long.

Yeah, the same cuts we already made. And same with the restructures.... the team does this every year.

And our biggest losss.... LaVar Arrington was given a choice to remain with the team... it cost him $4.4M to BUY his free agency. Otherwise, he'd be a Redskin righ tnow.

Btw, the Cowboys cut Keyshawn... is he a cap casualty?

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