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Ask An Overly Opinionated Female


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probably good advice.

And thanks Candace... she actually could use a jewelry box... she leaves jewelry laying all over the place.


Trust me when I say that the jewelry box isn't going to make a bit of difference. I bought my wife an expensive jewelry box and I still find one earring on the washer and the other on the bathroom sink. Keep the sexual remarks to a minimal please. :D

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What should I get my wife for her birthday? (Feb 6th)

We agreed to cap gifts this year at $50... to save money for the baby stuff and college down the road. :)

The only thing I can think of is a gift certificate to a maternity store... but that is kind of boring. Heres our picture (2nd post down) http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=41561&page=68&pp=15

they have pregnancy massages. A co-worker just had one and she said it was awesome!

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I honestly can't see myself shagging either ....

Re-virginated for me I suspect. :D

Anyway, on to another question :

Women want equal rights yet expect a gentleman...Why is that ?

Dont get me wrong because I was brought up to respect women and open doors, and such. But at the same time isnt that demeaning ?

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Re-virginated for me I suspect. :D

Anyway, on to another question :

Women want equal rights yet expect a gentleman...Why is that ?

Dont get me wrong because I was brought up to respect women and open doors, and such. But at the same time isnt that demeaning ?

Good question.

I think that this is relative to your own interpretation based upon the term 'gentleman.' I'm very glad that you were brought up to respect women.

But when I think of a 'gentleman,' to me it doesn't necessarily consist of opening and closing doors, pulling my chair out, standing when I approach or sit down at the table. To me, a gentleman is a respectful person, is a kind person.

Men expect women to be a 'lady.' What exactly is a 'lady?' A daintly little female who excuses herself to go to the powder room, who never belches, who never curses, etc.

To me, being a gentleman or a lady is all about the way that you carry yourself and about being a respectful person. I don't expect my gentleman to open doors for me or do any of the other 'knight in shining armor' things for me - but dont get me wrong - it's a nice gesture.

I have no problems opening my own doors, holding doors open for others, paying for meals, dishing out compliments, etc. I think that the term gentleman varies in meaning from person to person.

To me, a gentleman is a nice guy.

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To me, a gentleman is a nice guy.

Those are the two of the worst words you could ever say to a man. . . You're a "nice guy" :laugh:. . .almost as bad as "that's it???" (not that it has ever happend to me, but a friend of mine. . .well story for another thread)

So I guess the moral of this thread is don't hold doors open for Candace :silly:

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to any of the single girls, what is your strategy for finding "mr. right"?

What tests will he have to pass?

How will you not consider his income, with the high cost of living in the DC area? Or do you have a salary figure in mind?

Do you think you'll have to "settle" because of that issue?

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Why is it that when a woman has low self esteem its our job to fix it? and then when we try to help them and empower them to see themselves in a better way they sabatoge our efforts and it eventually ends up in a fight that somehow is our fault?

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What was the best Valentine's date you've ever been on?

I believe that it was last year .... I was single and so were a few of my girlfriends. We all decided to get dressed up, went out to dinner, had a few drinks and then called it a night.

I was with good company, ate good food and had fun. Thats all that I could ever ask for.

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Why is it so hard for a girl to realize men need to play Madden sometimes...

I do whatever my girl ask but please can I just get a couple games of Madden, I can see if I was cheating or something....

Haha! Sometimes? How often are you playing this? Are you spending hours and hours a day with that controller in your hand?

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Why is it that when a woman has low self esteem its our job to fix it? and then when we try to help them and empower them to see themselves in a better way they sabatoge our efforts and it eventually ends up in a fight that somehow is our fault?


Don't date a woman with low self esteem.

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to any of the single girls, what is your strategy for finding "mr. right"?

What tests will he have to pass?

How will you not consider his income, with the high cost of living in the DC area? Or do you have a salary figure in mind?

Do you think you'll have to "settle" because of that issue?

Whoa .... interesting question.

I don't think that I've ever had a strategy of finding "Mr. Right." I've always found that when I'm looking for a potential boyfriend, no one is available - yet when I finally decide to go out and have fun all by my lonesome, thats when prospective suitors come my way.

I'm not a picky person by any means, nor do I think that I'm hard to please or that I have high expectations ( :doh: :laugh: :doh: :laugh: ).

I believe that when you're dating someone, you have to iron out all of the BS later on. You should simply get to know someone and determine whether or not the person has the potential to be a part of your life for a long period of time. If that person does, then you should simply date. Through dating you find out all of the ins and outs of the person (their job, their financial status, their dreams, their ambitions, etc.). By dating, it's enough for me.

I'm not going to say that the financial aspects of things don't matter, because they honestly do. I'm not seeking out a millionaire or someone who's well off - I'm seeking out someone who's honest, caring, compassionate, considerate, friendly, blah blah blah. As long as HE has a job that pays HIS bills, then thats good enough for me. I do well and can support myself, and if he can do the same, then everything will be fine when/if we decide to mesh together later on down the road.

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