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Ask An Overly Opinionated Female


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We don't procrastinate .... Haven't you already learned that women are the most impatient beings on the planet? Patience is something that isn't recognized in the vocabulary of a woman.

If you're not jumping when we say to jump, then you're procrastinating.


You can't be serious can you? :paranoid: :whoknows:

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We don't procrastinate .... Haven't you already learned that women are the most impatient beings on the planet? Patience is something that isn't recognized in the vocabulary of a woman.

If you're not jumping when we say to jump, then you're procrastinating.

I was eluding back to the original statement of "equality" you made, listen women have boobs, and ride emotional roller coasters all day, men are ussually relaxing and try to stay focused on important things like how many consecutive times we can throw a wad of paper into a trash can 10 ft away. Were diffrent, and un-equally balanced across the board thats what makes us all great.

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Why do women always lie about their girlfriends looks ? Just tell us she looks like a troll, its cool we may take her out just as a favor to you. Somewhere dark like the movies but out nonetheless. All of that she has a great personality isnt what we asked, we figure (hope) she has a decent personality if you are trying to hook us up.

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I was eluding back to the original statement of "equality" you made, listen women have boobs, and ride emotional roller coasters all day, men are ussually relaxing and try to stay focused on important things like how many consecutive times we can throw a wad of paper into a trash can 10 ft away. Were diffrent, and un-equally balanced across the board thats what makes us all great.

I'm gonna have to start talking to you like I talk to Jrock!!! ;)

Have boobs?

Ride emotional rollercoasters all day? We're forced to ride them because you're too busy throwing wads of paper into trashcans 10 feet away and then leaving the paper on the floor ... or because you're constantly asking for booty ... or telling us that we're not allowed to watch the stupid tv shows that we want to watch ... or saying that you want to go to the bar instead of spending quality time with us.

;) :laugh: :) :laugh: :) :laugh:

Just Jokes!!!

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Why do women always lie about their girlfriends looks ? Just tell us she looks like a troll, its cool we may take her out just as a favor to you. Somewhere dark like the movies but out nonetheless. All of that she has a great personality isnt what we asked, we figure (hope) she has a decent personality if you are trying to hook us up.

I don't like about my girfriends looks!!! I know my friends are beautiful.

And ... not everything is about looks. Personality counts too. So does ambition. So do so many other things.

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or because you're constantly asking for booty ... or telling us that we're not allowed to watch the stupid tv shows that we want to watch ... or saying that you want to go to the bar instead of spending quality time with us.

;) :laugh: :) :laugh: :) :laugh:

Just Jokes!!!

haha, Nothing wrong with trying to get your swerve on.

And my fiancee watchs 30 minute meals with Rachel Ray almost everyday. I have been priviledged to enjoy only 3 of the thousands meals from these episodes... :doh:

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I don't lie about my girfriends looks!!! I know my friends are beautiful.

And ... not everything is about looks. Personality counts too. So does ambition. So do so many other things.

haha. I guess you just proved my point.

And I am not saying looks are the end all. But when a guy asks about the looks of this girl, the answer always seem to come back to personality. When I hear she has a great personality when I am asking about looks, I brace myself for the worst and normally, she is not a hottie. Not necessarily a troll, but normally just average.

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haha, Nothing wrong with trying to get your swerve on.

And my fiancee watchs 30 minute meals with Rachel Ray almost everyday. I have been priviledged to enjoy only 3 of the thousands meals from these episodes... :doh:

Rachel Ray irritates the crap out of me. I'm sorry that your woman only watches those shows and doesn't share what she learns with you. Good meals are hard to come by. Tell her to get in the kitchen and cook! ;)

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haha. I guess you just proved my point.

And I am not saying looks are the end all. But when a guy asks about the looks of this girl, the answer always seem to come back to personality. When I hear she has a great personality when I am asking about looks, I brace myself for the worst and normally, she is not a hottie. Not necessarily a troll, but normally just average.

Wait a minute .... Why are you asking these questions when you already have a woman at home? ;)

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Rachel Ray irritates the crap out of me. I'm sorry that your woman only watches those shows and doesn't share what she learns with you. Good meals are hard to come by. Tell her to get in the kitchen and cook! ;)

If she stopped watching them that would cut into my me time. Thats no good.

She cooks more than enough (just not 30 minute meals). Although I dont mind cooking at all.

A lot of the time we eat out, I just love not having to clean up or be bothered.

Wait a minute .... Why are you asking these questions when you already have a woman at home? ;)

Gotta help out the clueless single men in Redskins Nation, same thing you are trying to do I guess. :cheers:

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Why do women hate the history channel? Let me clarify, why do women hate it when there man watches the history channel?

I actually happen to like the History Channel .... I spent a good majority of my time watching specials about Hitler two weekends ago.

I think that women get pissy about men watching History Channel because it probably doesn't interest them. They'd probably rather watch Maury Povich to see the latest episode of "I've slept with 453 men and I don't know who my baby daddy is."

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Here this is for you Candace....

A journalist had done a story on gender roles in Kuwait several years before the Gulf War, and she noted then that women customarily walked about 10 feet behind their husbands.

She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now walked several yards behind their wives. She approached one of the women for an explanation.

"This is marvelous," said the journalist. "What enabled women here to achieve this reversal of roles?"

Replied the Kuwaiti woman: "Land mines."

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Explain Oprah.



I really can't help you there. I don't watch her. I'm at work when she's on ... and I'm not up late enough to catch her reruns ... and I don't watch the Oxygen Network ... or read her magazines ....

Sorry that I cannot be of assistance.

Maybe another one of the women can help you.

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Here this is for you Candace....

A journalist had done a story on gender roles in Kuwait several years before the Gulf War, and she noted then that women customarily walked about 10 feet behind their husbands.

She returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now walked several yards behind their wives. She approached one of the women for an explanation.

"This is marvelous," said the journalist. "What enabled women here to achieve this reversal of roles?"

Replied the Kuwaiti woman: "Land mines."

Hmmm ... well ... yeah ....

I think that I've gathered that you feel as if men dominate and that they're 'better' than women.


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If she stopped watching them that would cut into my me time. Thats no good.

She cooks more than enough (just not 30 minute meals). Although I dont mind cooking at all.

A lot of the time we eat out, I just love not having to clean up or be bothered.


On my first date with my wife, she came over and I fixed dinner. Ours is a marriage made in the kitchen.

Every weekend I take over the kitchen. I plan and cook the meals. Now, I do have two sons that are in charge of loading and unloading dishwasher.

tip: when single I learned to clean pots and pans as I cooked. In the end you won't have a big cleanup at all.

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For the love of god why the Lifetime channel?????? My wife loves that channel. I'd rather hear fingernails on a blackboard. Same movies different names. Woman gets abused gets revenge on nasty man who did it. Boring. :)

Ummm ... I compare the Lifetime Channel to soap operas .... Lots of drama, love, hate, anger, and lies all crammed into a little program (some ranging from 30 minutes while others range to 2 1/2 hours). Women love soap operas ... women love drama ... women love watching chaotic events in other peoples lives so that they can sit back and say "Damn, my life isn't that bad" or "I'm glad that I'm not her."

I will admit to watching the Lifetime Channel sometimes ... but it's only when nothing else captures my attention.

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Some quotes for all the ladies....all for humors sake...

"Direct thought is not an attribute of feminity. In this, women are now centuries behind man."

Thomas Edison

"When a woman becomes a scholar there is usually something wrong with her sexual organs."

Friedrich Nietzsche

"Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote."

Grover Cleveland, Former US President (1905)

"Nature intended women to be our slaves. They are our property."

Napolean Bonaparte

"Wild horses couldn't drag a secret out of most women. However, women seldom have lunch with wild horses."

Ivern Boyett

When women go wrong, men go right after them."

Mae West.

"She looked as if she'd been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say when."

PG Wodehouse.

"Women's intuition is the result of millions of years of not thinking."

Rupert Hughes

"A woman's place is in the wrong."

James Thurber

"Women should be obscene and not heard."

Groucho Marx.

"When a woman behaves like a man, why doesn't she behave like a nice man?"

Edith Evans

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