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Michael Moore statement on Canadian Election


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I like Moore's line:

"Far be it from me, as an American, to suggest what you should do. You already have too many Americans telling you what to do."


Then he proceeds to tell Canadians what to do. What a dumb ass.


Michael Moore Statement on Canadian Election

Michael Moore is currently in production on his next movie. As an avid lover of all things Canadian, he has issued the following statement regarding Canada's upcoming election on Monday:

Oh, Canada -- you're not really going to elect a Conservative majority on Monday, are you? That's a joke, right? I know you have a great sense of humor, and certainly a well-developed sense of irony, but this is no longer funny. Maybe it's a new form of Canadian irony -- reverse irony! OK, now I get it. First, you have the courage to stand against the war in Iraq -- and then you elect a prime minister who's for it. You declare gay people have equal rights -- and then you elect a man who says they don't. You give your native peoples their own autonomy and their own territory -- and then you vote for a man who wants to cut aid to these poorest of your citizens. Wow, that is intense! Only Canadians could pull off a hat trick of humor like that. My hat's off to you.

Far be it from me, as an American, to suggest what you should do. You already have too many Americans telling you what to do. Well, actually, you've got just one American who keeps telling you to roll over and fetch and sit. I hope you don't feel this appeal of mine is too intrusive but I just couldn't sit by, as your friend, and say nothing. Yes, I agree, the Liberals have some 'splainin' to do. And yes, one party in power for more than a decade gets a little... long. But you have a parliamentary system (I'll bet you didn't know that -- see, that's why you need Americans telling you things!). There are ways at the polls to have your voices heard other than throwing the baby out with the bath water.

These are no ordinary times, and as you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he's a man who shares his world view. Do you want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest? Is that how you want millions of us down here to see you from now on? The next notch in the cowboy belt? C'mon, where's your Canadian pride? I mean, if you're going to reduce Canada to a cheap download of Bush & Co., then at least don't surrender so easily. Can't you wait until he threatens to bomb Regina? Make him work for it, for Pete's sake.

But seriously, I know you're not going to elect a guy who should really be running for governor of Utah. Whew! I knew it! You almost had me there. Very funny. Don't do that again. God, I love you, you crazy cold wonderful neighbors to my north. Don't ever change.

Michael Moore

(Mr. Moore is not available for interviews because he now needs to address the situation in Azerbaijan. But he could be talked into it for a couple of tickets to a Leaf's game.)

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nice work Westbrook...

you know what is kind of ironic?

remember how "everyone hated the US after we invaded Iraq"?

since then:

UK: Tony Blair reelected

Japan: Koichi Koizumi- reelected

Australia: Michael Howard- reelected

Canada-Liberals defeated next week

Israel: Sharon reelected

Poland: conservatives elected

France- Chirac at 18% popularity, de Villepin fired

Germany- Schroeder defeated

America- Bush reelected

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What a damn joke Moore is

As are:

Ann Coltier

Sean Hannity

Rush Limbaugh

Michael Savage

Bill O'Reilly

Michelle Malkin

Tucker Carlson

etc. etc. etc.

Funny, but I don't see to many threads posed by dems about Coltier's latest BS lies, yet I see this Michale Moore BS all the time. Why can;t conservatives actually debate the issues instead fo pimping up their straw men about supposed things liberals are??? What is the purpose of this thread other then the typical conservative chest thumping circle jerk?

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Typical liberal response Chom. You constantly start threads about the same type of stuff, just about Conservatives and now you complain about it. Wow. You start more political chest thumping threads than anyone on this board. The whole purpose of this thread is to update the us on Michael Moore and what hes up to now.

And Grant, we got your point in one post, no need to post the basically same message twice in a row.

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Typical liberal response Chom. You constantly start threads about the same type of stuff, just about Conservatives and now you complain about it. Wow. You start more political chest thumping threads than anyone on this board. The whole purpose of this thread is to update the us on Michael Moore and what hes up to now.

And Grant, we got your point in one post, no need to post the basically same message twice in a row.

So show me where I quoted a Coltier article and knocked it down. You;ll have a hard time searching, and BTW how many people on this website have a high opinion on Moore? Even the liberals here can't stand the guy, so you argument is kind of useless.

So you have 2 opinions as to why the thread was started. To tell ES people who already hate Moore that he doesn'e like republicans or to start a chest thumping right wing circle jerk?

I am putting my money on the circle jerk. it makes to much sense.

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So show me where I quoted a Coltier article and knocked it down. You;ll have a hard time searching, and BTW how many people on this website have a high opinion on Moore? Even the liberals here can't stand the guy, so you argument is kind of useless.

So you have 2 opinions as to why the thread was started. To tell ES people who already hate Moore that he doesn'e like republicans or to start a chest thumping right wing circle jerk?

I am putting my money on the circle jerk. it makes to much sense.

You are correct. Good observation.
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So show me where I quoted a Coltier article and knocked it down. You;ll have a hard time searching, and BTW how many people on this website have a high opinion on Moore? Even the liberals here can't stand the guy, so you argument is kind of useless.

So you have 2 opinions as to why the thread was started. To tell ES people who already hate Moore that he doesn'e like republicans or to start a chest thumping right wing circle jerk?

I am putting my money on the circle jerk. it makes to much sense.

It all makes sense now....




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So show me where I quoted a Coltier article and knocked it down. You;ll have a hard time searching, and BTW how many people on this website have a high opinion on Moore? Even the liberals here can't stand the guy, so you argument is kind of useless.

So you have 2 opinions as to why the thread was started. To tell ES people who already hate Moore that he doesn'e like republicans or to start a chest thumping right wing circle jerk?

I am putting my money on the circle jerk. it makes to much sense.

I never said you quoted a Coulter article and knocked it down. I said you always knock Conservatives, which you do. I dont even need to search, because its basically on every page of this site. My argument is, which I plainly say, is that this thread was started to post something about Moore and what hes saying now. I really dont know what else to say or if I can explain it any easier.

So your argument is useless.

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I like Moore's line:

"Far be it from me, as an American, to suggest what you should do. You already have too many Americans telling you what to do."


Then he proceeds to tell Canadians what to do. What a dumb ass.

i think what he meant to say was "I'm not gonna tell you what to do... as long as you think the same things I think."

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Funny, but I don't see to many threads posed by dems about Coltier's latest BS lies, yet I see this Michale Moore BS all the time.

I think that's because nobody of consequence actually takes Coulter seriously, whereas there is the occasional misguided soul out there who is foolish enough to take Moore at face value.

When it comes to winning hearts and minds, Moore's personality and methods are more threatening to conservatives than Coulter's are to liberals.

That's a compliment to the balance Moore has managed to strike between unbridled self-promotion and pushing a social agenda. One gets the idea that despite his many faults, he has a rational belief in what he's saying. Coulter doesn't really come across that way on TV; I always imagine her going backstage afterwards and laughing at all the people who actually believed what she said.

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so since a year ago Moore called the terrorists in Iraq "freedom fighters like the American Minutemen"...

what does he do now?!!

Sunni insurgent groups like the 1920 Revolutionary Brigades over the weekend declared war on Al-Queda in Iraq.

so which side does fatburger take? Al-Queda's side, or the Sunni terrorist side?

and how funny is it that Canada is kicking out the libs and choosing conservatives who support President Bush?!! :laugh:

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