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All ES members please read: Some thoughts about making donations to Extremeskins


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As someone who has been using this website since its infancy, I'd like to take a second to point a few things out to the newer members, and to remind some of the more veteran members some things as well.

This website was started by a small group of guys that were huge Skins fans, and that formally talked about the Skins on other websites. My understanding is, these guys got tired of dealing with trolls and other problems found on the other Skins fans boards, and decided to build their own website that would always be free, and that would never have ads or pop ups. A place where intelligent conversation about all things Redskin could be had, and trolls would be quickly dispatched. Thus, Extremeskins was born.

Long before the Redskins decided to become involved with this website, everything was done here out of the pockets of the founders. In addition, all of the work involved in building, monitoring, and maintaining the site was done by these same guys. ES was truly a labor of love.

Soon there after, members like myself and many others started making small contributions to the site. ES was selling high quality hats and tee shirts, and other Redskins items, for low prices to raise money to support the site, but us original members always knew that even with the contributions, the founders were flipping a substantial part of the bill out of their pockets. Keep in mind these guys also had jobs and some were starting families.

At some point the contribution system evolved, and members could become bronze, silver, gold, or platinum contributors. Most of the guys that used the boards regularly contributed, and for whatever reason, most of my favorite posters were platinum contributors. It took me a while, but I myself became a platinum contributor, and was proud to do so. I still felt like I was getting the better end of the deal with the free usage of this great site. This contribution system was probably in place for about 3 years.

Fast forward a few years and thousands of members, and ES announced the merger with the Redskins. Soon we had these wonderful reports from the games, and other new features to enjoy. It appeared that the contributions were no longer necessary, and there was some discussion as to what should be done with the contribution money already collected, but not yet spent. There were lots of great recommendations about fan/player outings, or tix for ES members, and the ES founders I'm sure spent a lot of time discussing how to use the money to reward the members. Which brings me today...

I think most ES members have no idea that Art, Blade, and Die Hard, the founders of this site, as well as Om and Henry and the rest of the staff are paying their own expenses to go to the games to provide us with all of this great coverage. In my ignorance, I figured the team was paying these guys expenses, but in fact, just like in the early days of ExtremeSkins, these guys are spending their own money to enrich our fan experience. Sure, they've had some great opportunities to meet the team and so on, but they've also worked very hard, and spent a lot of money for this site and its members.

I want to make 2 recommendations right now, and I want everyone to know, I was in no way put up to this:

First, I think that all travel expenses for the ES staff to the games should be paid out of the contribution fund that already exists. All of the other recommendations about what to do with the money should be secondary to getting these guys to the games.

Second, I want to ask all members to make a small contribution to ES to make sure that these guys never have to flip their own bill again when they cover the games for us. You can paypal a few bucks, or more if you can afford it to ES. There are a ton of new members on this board who have never had to pay a nickle to be here, and for us old members, well it's been a while since we have donated anything either. It is time to show some gratitude to the ES staff for the tremendous work they have done for us. This has been the greatest Redskins season in many years, and Extreme has enriched it for all of us. It's time to pay Extreme back. I'm going to paypal ES 20 bucks as soon as I figure out how to reactivate my paypal account, which I deactivated shortly after the merger.

Mods, please post the paypal/donation link.

Come on people. Let's show these guys some appreciation!

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I think most ES members have no idea that Art, Blade, and Die Hard, the founders of this site, as well as Om and Henry and the rest of the staff are paying their own expenses to go to the games to provide us with all of this great coverage. In my ignorance, I figured the team was paying these guys expenses, but in fact, just like in the early days of ExtremeSkins, these guys are spending their own money to enrich our fan experience. Sure, they've had some great opportunities to meet the team and so on, but they've also worked very hard, and spent a lot of money for this site and its members.

Come on people. Let's show these guys some appreciation!

Wow. I had no idea they were paying their own way either. I figured that the Skins were covering all travel costs. Ouch.

I've only contributed once and it was when I lost a wager - but I would be happy to contribute some more. I don't dig on paypal but I would be happy to send a check to one of the mods if they PM me an address or post it in this thread. And I better have "large contributor" under my name. That would be hilarious.

I spend minimum 2-3 hours a day on this site and I'm not sure what I'd do without it. I mean - I'd be more physically fit, perhaps have the chance to take up some healthier hobbies, visit my family once in a while, or just start by getting off the couch. But all that stuff is overrated. :logo:

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GSF and ES members,

Sincere thanks for the kind thoughts. While it's tempting to take this opportunity to give out the routing number to my personal checking account :) ... fact is, at the time of the merger we stopped taking/asking for donations. For a variety of reasons, some of which have been spoken about already, others which we cannot.

We have talked about finding ways to possibly use future donations, including for the members' benefit (tailgates, game trips, etc.), but with everything else that we've been dealing with since August, we've not yet had the time to really flesh those ideas out.

So at least for the time being, those of you feeling compelled to set aside an Extreme buck or two, put it in interest-bearing until such time as we know how best to approach the matter. With the offseason just a few weeks away ... we'll have time to figure stuff like this out once the hangover wears off. :)

Again, warm thanks for the appreciation and the thought.

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I believe that the Skins should be covering their travel expenses. As best I understand things the Skins now own this site with the original crew still in control as before the merger.

If this is the case the Skins are benefitting directly form the continued high level of writing and photos that this staff provides. This is why I feel they should be covering the staffs travel expenses.

I donated to this site when the orginal guys where doing it themselves and did so happily.

I do like the merchandise idea though. If the skins would provide t-shirts, hats, jerseys to sell then use that for the staffs travel expenses that would be a good idea. :2cents:

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I believe that the Skins should be covering their travel expenses.

For the record, the team takes care of airfare & hotels. What we foot out of pocket is rental cars, meals, equipment (audio recorders/cameras/laptops/etc) & anything else, like Art's bar tab. :)

And like Om has already said, thanks for the appreciation and the thought.

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Also once everything is figured out Rayprills( I believe ) started a thread in which many of us "pledged" money if the Skins made the playoffs/beat cowgirls/beat eagirls, etc. Maybe once it is all figured out we can find that thread and go from there. And to all the Mods You guys are just awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks........Dooz

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GSF- Thank you for posting, I like many others was honestly unaware that this was the case. If my one measly little vote counted for anything it would be wholeheartedly to at least cover trip expenses for the staff here. This is a phenomenal site and they do rate some appreciation and recognition for all their hard work for lo these many years.

OM? I understand your point, but could there be established a fund specifically for this, for people that chose to make contributions designated for this alone? I can only imagine what a frenzied and furious season this has been for you all between the explosion in membership in ES and the mind-boggling achievements of the team, God only knows what else you have been dealing with. If you rank all the members here I am in the "poorer than churchmouse" category but I would and could do something and I'd like to. I'm sure that many others would as well. We don't know you personally, not to see you at the mall or across the back fence kind of personally, so it does rather leave ES as the vehicle through which we might act, but there are a lot of fans here that feel a kinship and a closeness to this site and it's founders that transcends a mere internet thing. In some ways I imagine being officially affiliated with the team now might make it even more difficult for any of us to do anything just because of legalities or the appearance of impropriety but I read this post and I'm sitting here thinking "This is so wrong".

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GSF and ES members,

Sincere thanks for the kind thoughts. While it's tempting to take this opportunity to give out the routing number to my personal checking account :) ... fact is, at the time of the merger we stopped taking/asking for donations. For a variety of reasons, some of which have been spoken about already, others which we cannot.

We have talked about finding ways to possibly use future donations, including for the members' benefit (tailgates, game trips, etc.), but with everything else that we've been dealing with since August, we've not yet had the time to really flesh those ideas out.

So at least for the time being, those of you feeling compelled to set aside an Extreme buck or two, put it in interest-bearing until such time as we know how best to approach the matter. With the offseason just a few weeks away ... we'll have time to figure stuff like this out once the hangover wears off. :)

Again, warm thanks for the appreciation and the thought.


I know you can't go into detail, but is there nothing that can be done to help you guys out? I don't want to donate to the site, I want to donate to the staff.

From where I'm sitting, the fans and the team have tremendously benefitted from the merger, but you guys, while enjoying some nice perks, appear to be in the same situation that you were when the site was born, trying to juggle work, family, finances, and the site.

If you guys are prevented legally by the merger from taking donations, I would like to suggest that you use some of the funds from donations collected before the merger to pay all of the ES staff's expenses to the Seattle game. You guys have certainly earned it.

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Considering how incredibly well the team has done in JG's second year back I KNOW a ton of people reading here have or are going to go pick up new gear. Consider making a worthwhile statement of support instead by taking that cash and putting it toward the "OMG These ES Guys Deserve Better Fund". Something like this could easily be done on the side, away from the team and the site so nobody gets their legal briefs in a bunch.

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Something like this could easily be done on the side, away from the team and the site so nobody gets their legal briefs in a bunch.

If only one of the Staff member's weren't a lawyer... ;)

And GSF, I have to say that I echo Om's statement: irrespective of what happens, I really appreciate the gesture.

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Proud owner of two hats and two shirts. I would be happy to contribute again, this sight is awesome. Lots of insight before it hits the local media and hands down the best and most copied sight in the league. The only wish being a former platinum donater that I could get a cool sig like so many folks have. There is a link to email the redskins, (not recommending, just suggesting) that everyone's feedback to the skins could help get the staff's travel covered.

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I'd love to boy some ES gear, and wear it the games. If it would help offset the expenses these guys are having to pay out of their own wallets, so much the better to buy some gear.

I just assumed (incorrectly) that the fellas were having their expenses paid by the team. Those road trips can get expensive.

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If only one of the Staff member's weren't a lawyer... ;)

And GSF, I have to say that I echo Om's statement: irrespective of what happens, I really appreciate the gesture.


How dare you use such a big word on this board.

I want to see more uses of "irregardless" or dual-syllabic words out of you Mr. Lawyerman. Just b/c you are a mod now does not mean you can speak above our heads and confuse us w/ these "so-called" words.

Is it true that all the ES hats and shirts are gone....gone......gone.....whoa....oh?

I'd love another black ES hat and a stretcher for my "supposed" XL ExtremeSkins jersey that was apparently mislabeled as it surely is a large.

Interesting read on the inaugural post. I did not know that as well.

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I'd love another black ES hat and a stretcher for my "supposed" XL ExtremeSkins jersey that was apparently mislabeled as it surely is a large.

Someone :rolleyes: has been eating too much chili at his tailgates? (I know...mine too :laugh: )

After we win the superbowl, it would be nice to hash this all out and figure out what can and cannot be done. Mods please keep us in the loop cause hey... we care! :D

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Proud owner of two hats and two shirts.

As am I, not to mention the classic Extremeskins Fleece and took. My black cap and black shirt made it to work today in the midst of all the Broncos jerseys. Boy, those Broncos fans look scared. :paranoid:

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