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what your opion of danny???


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I'll say it again, if you want to join ES.com you need to pass an IQ and drug test...

Ok, where to start...

I couldn't care less about whether Snyder is a tree hugger or if DC gets money - I care about the Redskins and so does Snyder which makes him an excellent owner. Many owner treat their teams like a business compared to Snyder who is a fan first, owner second. Albeit Snyder has become over involved and has made bad moves but the first sign of a great owner is a willingness to spend to make the team better.

Would you rather have the 49ers owners who don't want to spend and charge their players for gatorade, or the Rams owner who doesn't want to goto the SB cause it costs too much?

You sir are a fool if you think we could do better.

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prices at fedexz are inline with most sports venues, been to MCI lately? and say what you want about Snyder, he IS a fan. the mistakes he made regarding personnel he did so through inexperience and due to thinking like a fan. outside of the Redskins i do not care what Dan Snyder does. right now he is doing all the right things by doing nothing.

but a question for you, where does this post come from at a time like this? we just clinched a playoff spot for the first time in 6 years. why is this on the top of your list of thinks to discuss? just wondering....

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well id say hes pretty bad. this guy only cares about himself and his money;hes very selfish. he cut down all those trees on his property without the permision of the parks service just so he could see the potomac river. and with the salary cap, how much good is all his money to the team anyway? he monopolizes everything! have any of you noticed that the prices at fedex for food and crap is well above the league average, not to mention the danny owns fedex so theres no lease money going back to DC!!! and dont get me started on merchandise prices and availability!!!

Go back to Dallas troll. You only WISH you had an owner like Snyder. :dallasuck

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Snyder has shown a willingness to spend for the sake of the team and the fans. He is operating a successful buisness, the highest grossing franchise in the nation's most popular sport, but I don't begrudge him that. He is using his money to hire great coaches and bring in great players. He will invest everything in this team, and for that, I thank him.

He has made some mistakes in the past, but they came from a desire to win. Since he has learned to let the football people make the football decisions he has been a great owner. He still wants to win and he is doing what it takes. As fans, we can't ask for much more.

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It's free enterprise baby! All power to him. If he raises the prices too high, then maybe people will stop buying stuff/going to games. Then you'll just have to watch the Skins from home on TV. That's .. pretty much .. free (except for those of us in other parts of the country whom are forced to pay >$200/year to watch them). Last I checked, there's still like a ~20 year waiting list for season tickets, the longest in the NFL. So I guess there are thousands of stoopit suckers who are willing to bend over and give Dan all of their money! :laugh:

As to the trees .. probably a bad move on his part, but I don't know what the particulars are, nor was I present when he and the Park Service made their initial agreements, so I'm not going to be judgemental. He's going to have to pay his fine and make restitution, so it's not like he got away with anything.

As to "lease money" .. he OWNS FedEx. If I remember correctly, I think he paid more than a few measly dollars to buy the team, the stadium, and the ground the stadium sits on. So, what's your point? I think it's pretty cool that JKC paid for the stadium with his own money unlike every other NFL/pro sports team that manipulates the taxpayers to pay for their stadiums. Plus, all of the tax money that the stadium pours back into the area via concessions and merchandise sales.

We're going to the playoffs .. the Skins are the most profitable sports franchise in existence .. yeah, I HATE Dan Snyder! :rolleyes::rolleyes: [/sarcasm]

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well id say hes pretty bad. this guy only cares about himself and his money;hes very selfish. he cut down all those trees on his property without the permision of the parks service just so he could see the potomac river. and with the salary cap, how much good is all his money to the team anyway? he monopolizes everything! have any of you noticed that the prices at fedex for food and crap is well above the league average, not to mention the danny owns fedex so theres no lease money going back to DC!!! and dont get me started on merchandise prices and availability!!!


BTW, Isn't this exactly the kind of poster Art was referring to yesterday??

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Maybe that old saying, "The rich get richer" is true? Who cares?

Believe it or not, some people want to have their reward on this side of eternity. That's a matter of choice and preference. I'd rather get my reward on Judgment day, because then it will last for eternity

I agree though, the prices are way too high for the average fan, but this is why some of us don't like going to the games. To me, it's a real hassle to go, which is why I always have the best seat in the house.

To me, $ 200.00 per year for the Sunday ticket is very affordable and hassle free, and that's the ticket for me.

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well id say hes pretty bad. this guy only cares about himself and his money;hes very selfish. he cut down all those trees on his property without the permision of the parks service just so he could see the potomac river. and with the salary cap, how much good is all his money to the team anyway? he monopolizes everything! have any of you noticed that the prices at fedex for food and crap is well above the league average, not to mention the danny owns fedex so theres no lease money going back to DC!!! and dont get me started on merchandise prices and availability!!!

Get a Life man, Dan Synder is one of the best owners in all of sports, your on the wrong site man, we here are Redskins fans from top to bottom.

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Maybe that old saying, "The rich get richer" is true? Who cares?

Believe it or not, some people want to have their reward on this side of eternity. That's a matter of choice and preference. I'd rather get my reward on Judgment day, because then it will last for eternity

I agree though, the prices are way too high for the average fan, but this is why some of us don't like going to the games. To me, it's a real hassle to go, which is why I always have the best seat in the house.

To me, $ 200.00 per year for the Sunday ticket is very affordable and hassle free, and that's the ticket for me.

I agree with you on the "Eternity" point. But I also know that when I go to Eternity, I can't take my wallet with me. So, if I lived in DC, I would get season tickets. Then again, I don't drink or go out to night clubs, have expensive hobbies, have to drive an overly expensive car (heck, I keep cars for 8-10 years .. what a waste of money!), etc. The one thing I enjoy is the Skins. I don't get into baseball, basketball, or any other sport. I do however foam at the mouth re: the Skins!

(I also give to Church and charities, for the record.)

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He is a money-hungry guy.

What i'm worried about is his past relationships with players. Apparently he was very friendly with players such as Champ, Smoot, and Lavar. And now look at what's happened. How do current players take his actions seriously? He seems phony in this respect.

I mean, do other players sit there and think, "am i the next one out". Smoot and Bailey were "core" guys, and they were let go. How does anyone on this team feel secure about their jobs (or feel genuineness in their relationship with the front office)?

And the money thing is rediculous. First of all, it's pretty bad that a lot of fans have to take a BUS RIDE to get to the stadium. Let's not forget $25 parking on top of the most expensive tickets in football. Consessions are rediculous, and you can't bring in your own food (can we have RFK back, please). What was that crap earlier about banning people from walking to the stadium (thankfully, that changed, but come on snyder!).

I just hope that the recent praises towards the Dan, brought by Gibbs, can be sustained after Gibbs leaves.

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Danny is a negative factor except for his money, and the fact he brought back Gibbs. If not for JG, and the fact they are winning, I would never attend a game. JG is special. This team is special. I can only hope the JG influence "rubs off" on DS, and has an influence in the future...

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