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OK, Now I'm Angry (at David Patten - merged)


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Ugh, internal strife, ****ing from players..hope this doesn't continue.

For some reason Patten thought he was going to be the man here, I don't know why he thought that. I don't know how many people expected huge things from him. Like the article said, Moss was brought here to be the #1 guy.

Anyway, I remember being at the seattle game and thinking that we were doing a good job of spreading the ball around.

The article acts like the Giants have finally found the solution to shut Moss down and that the word is out. I didn't watch the game (I was on a flight returning from a vacation) but didn't Moss drop some catches? It's not like that didn't help in his cause of him getting shut down this weekend.

One bad game, big whup. I'll be worried if the Eagles spank us. And Patten needs to cool off. Its not his fault that Brunell has good chemistry with Moss and Cooley.

If someone wants to be the man, they need to get open. I don't see patten open all that often.

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Over and over again, I've heard about Patten being such a team player. The guy has dropped a few balls this year (and yes, the one against the Giants that the thread-starter discussed was TERRIBLE), and I thought... well, that's okay. He'll bounce back... plus he's a team player. But now he cries in this article about not getting the ball enough. Well guys who drop balls should NOT expect as many opportunities as guys that catch them, plain and simple. How many balls have you seen Hines Ward drop? I understand Patten's frustration, but if he's so humble and such a team guy, why didn't he put some of the blame on himself for not catching all the balls thrown his way? And we're not talking about balls that were difficult to catch, we're talking about balls that have bounced off his chest in crucial situations. I'm giving the guy a second chance, but I'm so tired of hearing wideouts whine about not getting the ball right after a game in which they drop balls that my young son is expected to catch in our backyard. Again, I'm giving him another chance, but his comments are counterproductive... plus until he catches everything thrown his way (especially the easy ones), he's got no business complaining. Have you heard Gibbs or Brunell single him out and complain about him dropping balls? No, because they are team guys. I thought Patten was one too. Maybe he let his emotions get the best of him and the article isn't showing his true colors. Because of that possibility, I'll give him another chance. But he's skating on thin ice with those kinds of comments.

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Bottom line ... don't whine immediately, IMMEDIATELY, after you drop an easy catch that would have been for a crucial first down. Catch the d@mn balls thrown your way first and then you'll get more. This is unbelievable. I say bench the malcontent right now. Absolutely unbelievable that in a team game, he comes out blasting just as the team hits a bit of adversity that they have to work through. I'm really ticked about this and I hope the team is too. There is no room for this type of attitude, particularly when he hasn't made plays when given the opportunity.

My thoughts exactly. Regardless of whether or not he has a valid point about wanting to be used more (and he might), you don't complain about this right after a blowout loss, in the media, when you weren't exactly playing at your highest level. :eaglesuck

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We need to spread the ball around. Teams have got to be guarding Moss differently now.

We need that 2nd WR to step up.

BTW, I though Patriot players never whined about catches?

I don't see a problem with what Patten said. It's just his frustration after a tough lost.

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I'm kinda pissed that he's complaining after this loss. He was never anything amazing in New England, and Santana Moss is having a great year. Anyways, he dropped a pass that hit him in the numbers against THe Giants.

For a team that has some distraction everyweek, last week was awesome just focusing on the Giants Game. I was hoping this week we could just retool and worry about the eagles, but this Schmuck had to open his mouth.


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I'm kinda pissed that he's complaining after this loss. He was never anything amazing in New England, and Santana Moss is having a great year. Anyways, he dropped a pass that hit him in the numbers against THe Giants.

For a team that has some distraction everyweek, last week was awesome just focusing on the Giants Game. I was hoping this week we could just retool and worry about the eagles, but this Schmuck had to open his mouth.


what did he say? just complaining about balls thrown his way?

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Yes, i though Taylor Jacobs was going to be real good this year. I guess his preseason injury really screwed up his chances.

I like david patten, but he shouldn't be complaining. If anyone should complain it's Clinton Portis, he ran the ball four times. He might be a bit overated, but still four carries.

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Patten has a chance to be a good player, he's just frustrated because he isn't getting the ball, and we're losing. We have to start taking advantage of teams worrying about Moss, and get the ball to the other receivers. I see his point. If we were winning, he'd be happy. He was brought in to be a deep threat too, but we haven't gotten him the ball.

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It's not about being selfish, but you want to contribute to what they expect out of you. So from that standpoint, yeah, you want more balls; yeah, you want more production, but I'm not in control of that.

"I don't control where the quarterback goes with the ball or when my play is called, so the bottom line is being positive and focusing on the team aspect, and I've been conditioned over my nine years to do that. But it's extremely frustrating; I'd be lying if I told you anything otherwise. But it's just the way it is. It's the nature of the beast, and that's what shows a great team: when you have guys who can acknowledge that, accept that, and deal with what they are dealt with."

He danced around it, but you know what he was getting at.

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