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Etan Thomas Electrifies Anti-War Washington

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The Speech Everyone Is Talking About: Etan Thomas Electrifies Anti-War Washington

Editor's Note: The following is a transcript of NBA star Etan Thomas's speech at DC's anti-war march on Washington, Sept. 24, 2005. Thomas is a power forward for the Washington Wizards, and is the author of a book of poems entitled More Than An Athlete.

Giving all honor, thanks and praises to God for courage and wisdom, this is a very important rally. I'd like to thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts, feelings and concerns regarding a tremendous problem that we are currently facing. This problem is universal, transcending race, economic background, religion and culture, and this problem is none other than the current administration which has set up shop in the White House.

In fact, I'd like to take some of these cats on a field trip. I want to get big yellow buses with no air conditioner and no seatbelts and round up Bill O'Reilly, Pat Buchanan, Trent Lott, Sean Hannity, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Bush Jr. and Bush Sr., John Ashcroft, Giuliani, Ed Gillespie, Katherine Harris, that little bow-tied Tucker Carlson and any other right-wing conservative Republicans I can think of, and take them all on a trip to the hood.

Not to do no 30-minute documentary. I mean, I want to drop them off and leave them there, let them become one with the other side of the tracks, get them four mouths to feed and no welfare, have scare tactics run through them like a laxative, criticizing them for needing assistance.

I'd show them working families that make too much to receive welfare but not enough to make ends meet. I'd employ them with jobs with little security, let them know how it feels to be an employee at will, able to be fired at the drop of a hat. I'd take away their opportunities, then try their children as adults, sending their 13-year-old babies to life in prison. I'd sell them dreams of hopelessness while spoon-feeding their young with a daily dose of inferior education. I'd tell them no child shall be left behind, then take more money out of their schools, tell them to show and prove themselves on standardized exams testing their knowledge on things that they haven't been taught, and then I'd call them inferior.

I'd soak into their interior notions of endless possibilities. I'd paint pictures of assisted productivity if they only agreed to be all they can be, dress them up with fatigues and boots with promises of pots of gold at the end of rainbows, free education to waste terrain on those who finish their bid. Then I'd close the lid on that barrel of fools gold by starting a war, sending their children into the midst of a hostile situation, and while they're worried about their babies being murdered and slain in foreign lands, I'd grace them with the pain of being sick and unable to get medicine.

Give them health benefits that barely cover the common cold. John Q. would become their reality as HMOs introduce them to the world of inferior care, filling their lungs with inadequate air, penny pinching at the expense of patients, doctors practicing medicine in an intricate web of rationing and regulations. Patients wander the maze of managed bureaucracy, costs rise and quality quickly deteriorates, but they say that managed care is cheaper. They'll say that free choice in medicine will defeat the overall productivity, and as co-payments are steadily rising, I'll make their grandparents have to choose between buying their medicine and paying their rent.

Then I'd feed them hypocritical lines of being pro-life as the only Christian way to be. Then very contradictingly, I'd fight for the spread of the death penalty, as if thou shall not kill applies to babies but not to criminals.

Then I'd introduce them to those sworn to protect and serve, creating a curb in their trust in the law. I'd show them the nightsticks and plungers, the pepper spray and stun guns, the mace and magnums that they'd soon become acquainted with, the shakedowns and illegal search and seizures, the planted evidence, being stopped for no reason.

Harassment ain't even the half of it. Forty-one shots to two raised hands, cell phones and wallets that are confused with illegal contrabands. I'd introduce them to pigs who love making their guns click like wine glasses. Everlasting targets surrounded by bullets, making them a walking bull's eye, a living piƱata, held at the mercy of police brutality, and then we'll see if they finally weren't aware of the truth, if their eyes weren't finally open like a box of Pandora.

I'd show them how the other side of the tracks carries the weight of the world on our shoulders and how society seems to be holding us down with the force of a boulder. The bird of democracy flew the coop back in Florida.

See, for some, and justice comes in packs like wolves in sheep's clothing. T.K.O.d by the right hooks of life, many are left staggering under the weight of the day, leaning against the ropes of hope. When your dreams have fallen on barren ground, it becomes difficult to keep pushing yourself forward like a train, administering pain like a doctor with a needle, their sequels continue more lethal than injections.

They keep telling us all is equal. I'd tell them that instead of giving tax breaks to the rich, financing corporate mergers and leading us into unnecessary wars and under-table dealings with Enron and Halliburton, maybe they can work on making society more peaceful. Instead, they take more and more money out of inner city schools, give up on the idea of rehabilitation and build more prisons for poor people. With unemployment continuing to rise like a deficit, it's no wonder why so many think that crime pays.

Maybe this trip will make them see the error of their ways. Or maybe next time, we'll just all get out and vote. And as far as their stay in the White House, tell them that numbered are their days.

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I didn't know everyone was talking about that speech. I didn't even know Etan Thomas was there.

Anyway, he needs to concentrate more on rebounding and scoring than politics.

Nice stab at the right wingers, Etan. When was the last time a loosie lefty went down to the hood and did anything for you?

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I didn't know everyone was talking about that speech. I didn't even know Etan Thomas was there.

Anyway, he needs to concentrate more on rebounding and scoring than politics.

Nice stab at the right wingers, Etan. When was the last time a loosie lefty went down to the hood and did anything for you?

Didn't like a lot of what he said, but I do "love" how you think only trained politicians have opinions on issues. After all why should any of us bother about thinking,

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I didn't know everyone was talking about that speech. I didn't even know Etan Thomas was there.

Anyway, he needs to concentrate more on rebounding and scoring than politics.

Nice stab at the right wingers, Etan. When was the last time a loosie lefty went down to the hood and did anything for you?

If politicians can concentrate on bills in congress and sterioids is sports, then I think Etan can talk about the war and rebound at the same time!

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The funny thing is that those people would still become successful because they like myself wouldnt settle for a situation like that and wouldnt let their kids commit adullt crimes[/quote

How do you know this? What is that based on?

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When was the last time a loosie lefty went down to the hood and did anything for you?

Are you kidding me? The only thing the right wing has for America's poor is disdain. You could see it clearly in the wake of the hurricane where much of the countries right wing responded with "why should I pay" and "those people are idiots."

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Etan is a smart young man and he deserves to be listened to. What he hasn't quite figured out yet is that his bus needs to be half filled with Democrats. Politicians (****roaches as I affectionately call them) are great at spinning a story to get certain groups to vote for them. At least the Republicans don't spin to the poor and the young like the Democrats do. They do their spinning towards groups who are more likely to get out and vote. Either way, the ****roaches always win and we always lose.

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Are you kidding me? The only thing the right wing has for America's poor is disdain. You could see it clearly in the wake of the hurricane where much of the countries right wing responded with "why should I pay" and "those people are idiots."

That's a bit unfair. Now it is true that many on the right do indeed have disdain for the poor, but not all right-wingers do. Many on the right oppose welfare, because they believe it causes far more harm than good (and there is indeed a great deal of evidence that supports that thesis).

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That's a bit unfair. Now it is true that many on the right do indeed have disdain for the poor, but not all right-wingers do. Many on the right oppose welfare, because they believe it causes far more harm than good (and there is indeed a great deal of evidence that supports that thesis).

What you seem to be describing is the exception to the rule. Very few if any voice that opinion, just look on these boards and you'll see that what you are saying is extremely rare when compared to the "it's their own damn fault!" cries of contempt. Welfare inproperly applied does more harm then good and no welfare system at all does a great deal of harm itself. I'm completely against the European style welfare system because it encourages staying on it, but the US version is closer to something workable then people think it is. Despite the myths and over blown complaints of abuse the system has helped a lot of americans get back on their feet. It has a long way to go, but the it's my money and why should they get a penny of it people don't care about the poor, they care about #1. A big company needs a little tax money, hey who cares if that gives them a unfair edge in competition....but the second it goes to poor people it's "oh he's going to by drugs with it!" or some other brand of idiocy.

What really proves the disdain though is this idiocy that people don't know what party is trying to help them. This idea that inner city residents are too stupid to see who has their best interest at heart, and that some republican who knows as much about the ghetto as I do about the surface of mars knows better. You can't pretend to respect people if you think their too stupid to act in their own best interest.

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Didn't like a lot of what he said, but I do "love" how you think only trained politicians have opinions on issues. After all why should any of us bother about thinking,

Ugh...in other words, who really gives a crap about what the backup forward for the Wizards thinks? Who gives a crap what you or I think if we went up there and gave the same speech? Yes, people that aren't trained politicians can talk all they want on issues, but theywouldn't be taken seriously as an important social commentator or politician.

Show me where I think that only trained politicians should have opinions on issues?

I just don't like Etan in the first place, which makes it easier for me to make fun of him. And if you saw the Wizards play last year you would know that he really DOES need to work on his game.

And Destino, when did a lefty ever go down to the ghetto, roll up his sleeves and pitch in like poet laureate Etan Thomas wants the evil rich whiteys to do? When has a lefty ever "become one with the other side of the tracks, get them four mouths to feed and no welfare, have scare tactics run through them like a laxative, criticizing them for needing assistance."?

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And Destino, when did a lefty ever go down to the ghetto, roll up his sleeves and pitch in like poet laureate Etan Thomas wants the evil rich whiteys to do? When has a lefty ever "become one with the other side of the tracks, get them four mouths to feed and no welfare, have scare tactics run through them like a laxative, criticizing them for needing assistance."?

How much time have you spent in a soup kitchen? Go talk to all those horrible lefties yourself.

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This is one big area where you and I part ways. When one starts taking the ad hominem route, out of a sense of the equitable, one must open the same door to the other side.

We can go round and round with that line of thought.

While leftist protestors march in front of Veteran's Hospitals, the 'right wingers' actually give support, both material and emotional to soldiers. They don't "support the troops" any more than they care about the poor.

But we're not allowed to impugn the motives of the left, right? They're all true patriots the same as you or me, yes?

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE---not everyone believes in these things because they have a world view that shapes those beliefs. Not because of some petty personal prejudice.

Something I recently encountered is that ending slavery wasn't just a religious crusade, but was also related to the rise of the laissez faire theories of Adam Smith and others, who argued that slavery was not only a moral transgression, but that economically it was a wasteful institution. hey, maybe Adam Smith really wanted slavery, but more than that he wanted to throw poor slaves out in the cold?!

Threads like this are the reason I'm pretty much done with the political threads, at least during the season. Nothing but shrill invective, ad hominem, fuzzy logic, advocacy of socialism, and rising levels of vitriol and hostility.

Plus, I feel less respect for people when I see some of their views on these issues, because I feel they're attacking me, and not merely disagreeing. Why even put up with it anymore?

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How much time have you spent in a soup kitchen? Go talk to all those horrible lefties yourself.

Actually I've spent quite a bit of time in soup kitchens. We used to go every month when I was in Jr high school downtown to So Others May Eat (S.O.M.E.) and I'd also go down to a homeless womens shelter with my church to help hand out clothes and blankets. So don't go start thinking that I'm some rich white kid who has nothing better to do than sit behind a computer all day and verbally **** all over poor people.

I don't think lefties are horrible, but I do think they believe that the magical answer to problems is to throw money at it and ask for a vote in return.

And also, wasn't this an anti war rally? So why's Etan Thomas talking about rounding up the conservatives and taking them to the ghetto? Or was this an anti conservative rally?

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And also, wasn't this an anti war rally? So why's Etan Thomas talking about rounding up the conservatives and taking them to the ghetto? Or was this an anti conservative rally?

They are one and the same these days.

What we really need to do is round up conservatives and other people on the right and put them in camps, so that they can work in terrible conditions 'for the people' and learn the correct way of thinking.

Everytime a far leftist opens their mouth, I hear Mao and Pol Pot and Ho Chi Minh and Castro. It reminds me that, in the end, the world they wish to see manifest would involve much human sacrifice and misery and the LOSS of liberty.

I hate Etan Thomas. Isn't that what he wanted with this speech? :)

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What you seem to be describing is the exception to the rule.

You know in the past, I would have disagreed with you on this point. But I think you are right. Unfortunately, I think opposition to welfare is primarily motivated by racism. I disagree with Paul Krugman on many issues, but he was dead on this issue. The lack of racial diversity and racial animosity explains why America's welfare state is smaller compared to Europe.

As a libertarian, I find this completely depressing and it iswhy we have to distance ourselves from conservatives.

What really proves the disdain though is this idiocy that people don't know what party is trying to help them.

This needs to be clarified. Who is engaging in idiocy?

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This is one big area where you and I part ways. When one starts taking the ad hominem route, out of a sense of the equitable, one must open the same door to the other side.

We can go round and round with that line of thought.

While leftist protestors march in front of Veteran's Hospitals, the 'right wingers' actually give support, both material and emotional to soldiers. They don't "support the troops" any more than they care about the poor.

But we're not allowed to impugn the motives of the left, right? They're all true patriots the same as you or me, yes?

MAYBE, JUST MAYBE---not everyone believes in these things because they have a world view that shapes those beliefs. Not because of some petty personal prejudice.

Something I recently encountered is that ending slavery wasn't just a religious crusade, but was also related to the rise of the laissez faire theories of Adam Smith and others, who argued that slavery was not only a moral transgression, but that economically it was a wasteful institution. hey, maybe Adam Smith really wanted slavery, but more than that he wanted to throw poor slaves out in the cold?!

Threads like this are the reason I'm pretty much done with the political threads, at least during the season. Nothing but shrill invective, ad hominem, fuzzy logic, advocacy of socialism, and rising levels of vitriol and hostility.

Plus, I feel less respect for people when I see some of their views on these issues, because I feel they're attacking me, and not merely disagreeing. Why even put up with it anymore?

I don't think you and I would part ways here as much as you think. There are a ton of horrible people on both sides of the fence and part of what's wrong with this country is that political correctness no longer allows us to call them out. Because that's just ad hominem and down right mean. But it's also in large part true.

A ton of the lefties you see at anti-war rallies are horrible people. I've been there and met them myself. They say horrid things about our troops and speak of them like they are murderers out to do as much evil on the world as they can get away with. They're trash and I've told them that to their faces. This isn't even mentioning the communists that seem to have never met a anti-war rally they didn't want to hijack.

Both sides of politics need to stop instinctively defending their ugly allies. Nothing of what I'm saying is directed at you personally or at any right winger that really does care about people. I work with a lot of them and have personally met right wingers that give more then half their income to charity. But there is a growing trend on the right I don't like and I'll call it out. We can talk about the anti-war trends whenever you want, I was banned off DemocraticUnderground for my thoughts on that and other moonbat BS. I'm sure I could generate a good laugh from some of those who think I'm a hard core lefty.

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You know in the past, I would have disagreed with you on this point. But I think you are right. Unfortunately, I think opposition to welfare is primarily motivated by racism. I disagree with Paul Krugman on many issues, but he was dead on this issue. The lack of racial diversity and racial animosity explains why America's welfare state is smaller compared to Europe.

As a libertarian, I find this completely depressing and it iswhy we have to distance ourselves from conservatives.

This needs to be clarified. Who is engaging in idiocy?

Didn't Ancal say himself that America was actually less racist than almost any country he had visited? While, yes, a lot of feelings on welfare has to do with racial animus, I don't think a great deal of people feel incredibly sympathetic for the white mother on welfare either(or receiving food stamps.)

Especially when you begin to see addicts receive SSI Disability and the manipulation of the system that breeds a very personal corruption and does nothing to end the problems that bring a person to welfare.

However, I do think that the focus on welfare is disproportionate for the funds we're talking about. However, the cultural impact, especially in the areas Thomas speaks of, cannot be underestimated.

The War on Poverty is a failure, and I'd add that wars on amorphous social ills is right out of the Nazi propaganda of the 20s-40s.

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