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Etan Thomas Electrifies Anti-War Washington

Thinking Skins

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Government is fundamentally corrupt.

I am sorry, but it's not a matter of getting the right people in office. As I have stated before that sounds awfully familiar and naive.

Reminds me of quote I recently read

"Some people will forever be chasing the chimera of better government. This shields them from the idea that the only option is less government."

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Some of us believe that the system is broken and that all the money in the world isn't going to fix it.

The state of the poor in this country is indeed tragic, particularly in the inner city. As far as I am concerned, government is the problem not the solution.

Why isn't the government the solution?

Are you saying that no government program helps any poor person?

Doesn't the government control the quality of the teachers these schools hire?

Doesn't the government control which schools get new books?

You don't think that the government has control over these 12 year olds getting life in prison?

You don't think that the government has control over who gets the death penalty?

If the government doesn't have control over these people, then please tell me who does. The response will be the same: We need to address these issues!

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Why isn't the government the solution?

Are you saying that no government program helps any poor person?

Doesn't the government control the quality of the teachers these schools hire?

Doesn't the government control which schools get new books?

You don't think that the government has control over these 12 year olds getting life in prison?

You don't think that the government has control over who gets the death penalty?

If the government doesn't have control over these people, then please tell me who does. The response will be the same: We need to address these issues!

The locals are where it has to start,from the parents-teachers-faculty-school board.

Believe me most times the goverment is just in the way.

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My 6 year old comes home everyday from BushHill and its my job to ensure she does her homework and reads the book she has for that week. Mine... not the teacher and not the government. We do spelling/reading/math/coloring etc. when we get back from the playground..... ]

The more time spent with the children is an investment the government can never match.

They do everything poorly.......... Nasa/Schools/SSA/Census/Congress/Senate/Presidency/Taxes/Gas/Roads/Mail/Farm subsidies/borders

Everything! If you want better you have to take their Failing grade and make up for it yourself... My father was a single D.C. cop in the 80's.... we were PUH-oor, living all over including South East... I got my GED and then in the military worked my way up from there... But I keep my crap job because i can go in at 5:30 and make sure I'm first in line to pick my kid up 45minutes ahead of time.. It gives time to have Taylor play in the playground and then when Carolaine gets out we can continue to play and then go home.... Could i do better if I left for a GS11-13... Dang right.. but the quality of life would go down...

Its all about choices... and the Government is none of the choices given.

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The locals are where it has to start,from the parents-teachers-faculty-school board.

Believe me most times the goverment is just in the way.

So then you disagree with the need for a school board? and a superintendent of schools?

And you think that politicians should not even address education in their campaign speeches since government doesn't belong in education?

Obviously its the community's fault that the there are not any new books in the local libraries?

And I guess we should blame the community for the number of Blacks getting the death penalty?

Is it the community's fault that a black guy gets pulled over at Midnight for 'driving too slowly' or 'driving with an air freshener hanging from his rear view mirror'? Appearantly these are big time crimes cause cops are out late at night just eager to pull me over for things like that.

TWA, you're right that it has to start in the community. But the overall problem is not that the community is not trying to address these issues. The problem is that the community, as a body that cannot make laws, does not have the power to change these laws.

Think of a mother who notices her child is sick. She will do all she can to help the child to get better. But there comes a point where she has done all that she can do. And if the child is still sick, she needs to go to a doctor to get a professional to look at it.

Now replace 'mother' with 'community' and 'child' with 'education' or 'death penalty' or 'employment' and we have the same situation. There comes a point where the community has to seek help from the government. And when the government ignores, or laughs at, or even worse blames the sickness of the community on the community. It just makes the problem worse. And its going to keep getting worse until some of these governemnt officials start to address and work to change the problems of the community.

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"TWA, you're right that it has to start in the community. But the overall problem is not that the community is not trying to address these issues. The problem is that the community, as a body that cannot make laws, does not have the power to change these laws."

The power does rest with the community if they vote.

Starting with the school board,then city officials.

And not only voting but getting involved with the kids education at school and home.

Our local shool district is not rich or white and was not too long ago a joke,but it has been turned around not by just money but parents and people from the community demanding BETTER,both from the school and themselves.

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With all due respect,

The other party was in power in both houses for 40 years, how did they get your people out of the situation as you discribe it. They didn't, and that's why it is that way today. It will be years before that changes.


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With all due respect,

The other party was in power in both houses for 40 years, how did they get your people out of the situation as you discribe it. They didn't, and that's why it is that way today. It will be years before that changes.


Nobody's giving the other party an excuse. Sh!t, I may just start to campaign for Libertarianisms if I think they'll help the situation.

He named a lot of conservatives cause they are some of the big names who go against the issues that he spoke of. But that doesn't make Ed Kennedy or John Kerry exempt. EVERYBODY needs to understand whats going on.

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