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ExtremeSkins Fan View: Quiet, Please

By Arthur Mills


September 29, 2005

Today there shall be no jelly. It's Polaner All Fruit all the way.

I was in Dallas for the Monday night game against the Cowboys, watching the game from the press box. When Santana Moss caught the go-ahead touchdown pass from Mark Brunell, I found myself acting a bit like one of those head-standing beer bong guys who get the laughs at parties described by Mark Steven in last week's ExtremeSkins Fan View. I think he was even talking about me despite having no recollection of attending a gathering with Mark where a beer bong might have been involved.

Gatherings of this nature have been known to haze the memory a bit. Maybe he was there last year at a tailgate at FedExField where I'm positive I was and nearly certain I was in possession of such a device for a considerable period. Or that could have been the punch. I can't be sure at this point being it's hazy.

Perhaps Mark just knew my nature. Either way, the preceding two paragraphs represent exactly the kind of thing this column shall have none of. This is a mustard-free zone. I'm giving you the Grey Poupon.

I've discovered my fan behavior is boorish in some circles. Circles, mind you, with very powerful and impressive persons.

As I leapt watching Moss dash into the end zone, turning to slap five with another ExtremeSkins fan there with me, I saw looks of confusion on the faces of those left in the room with us. Journalists were there, you see, and I was in their press box domain. These are men who make a living writing yet seemed perplexed by the concept of what they were seeing.

Had they gathered together to describe what they were witnessing with two fans hugging each other in celebration in their inner sanctum they would not have been able to place it. Joy among fans, it appears, is a concept causing members of the media to become quite irritable.

So, I call on all ExtremeSkins fans to shed our shared reality of proper fan behavior and move closer to the media's view of how we should behave. It's time, friends, to dump the coffee and upgrade to tea with a spot of cream.

We must fight our more base instincts as fans. No longer should we disturb the flow of football games with our vocalizations. It is critical we maintain some semblance of decorum as fans.

I'm trading in my SUV for a Toyota hybrid the instant this column is finished.

I thought I was proud after our opening home game against the Chicago Bears, seeing the home crowd generate enough sound to assist in causing three false start penalties by the Bears on a critical drive in the fourth quarter.

I thought I was appreciative of our coaching staff for thanking us for the noise, something Joe Gibbs did after the game.

Imagine how uncouth I felt discovering the media viewed our actions as flawed. I'm devoting this space this week to thanking former Washington Post sports editor George Solomon for pointing me toward the true path.

After our victory against the Bears, Solomon wrote in his column, "What I do not agree with is Gibbs congratulating the fans at FedExField for making so much noise Bears QB Kyle Orton had trouble getting off his plays. I call that behavior bush league. In similar situations at NFL stadiums, the QB should step back and wait for the noise to subside, or until the home team is hit with a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct."

Now having cheated the Chicago Bears out of their rightful chance of victory against the Redskins with our unsportsmanlike cheering, we face a critical juncture as fans of this team as we head into our home game against the Seattle Seahawks.

We still feel the contented glow brought about by beating Dallas in a victory helping to exorcise many of the haunting memories caused by the Cowboys. That victory could be the launch point for greater success, but it means much less if the Redskins cannot maintain the momentum and win at home against Seattle.

As satisfying as the win was against the Cowboys, the game against Seattle is far bigger. A win legitimizes this team's chances to achieve greater success than we've enjoyed for far too long.

As fans you will likely seek to urge the team to victory as you did against the Bears given the importance of helping the team overcome its propensity of taking a step back every time it has a chance to emerge.

Our instinct as fans is to respond to the importance of this game with raucous behavior, thereby creating something of a home field advantage for the Redskins. Now we know better than to act in this fashion.

George Solomon has been around sports for decades. As a University of Florida graduate he experienced the blissful solitude of home games at "The Swamp" where fans of the Gators enjoyed the shining sun, but always allowed opposing teams to communicate freely and without interruption.

He knows we are lacking when we create such a disruption to the game as to negatively impact the opposition.

So, this week as we munch on petit fours with a nice sweet wine, let's not make the mistake of helping the home team again. We wouldn't want to be bush league.

Would we?

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I think that the refs. take away a time out then start penalizing the crowd 5 yards a clip, then try and figure out how they will get the zebra stripes off before someone in the crowd kills them. :notworthy Quiet please, :notworthy Seatle is driving to win the game we wouldn't want them to miss the cadence. God knows don't everybody go on ball movement.

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Man, that's awesome Art. I would have paid good money to see you jumping up and down for joy in the press box with the mediots wondering wtf was wrong with you. Great read, and way to represent. You need to drag Solomon's sorry butt down to the DTC's tailgate and let those dudes deal with him. :laugh:

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