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Redskins.com: Quiet please :).


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Definitely keep it quiet on Sunday, guys. We don't want you pesky fans disturbing the flow of the opposing offense:doh:

What exactly does Solomon mean by a 15 yard penalty... I've never heard of such a thing. Can they penallize the crowd????

I think they can call delay of game. I seem to remember it happening before. Not to the Redskins, but I think I have seen it before.

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Gentlemen (and I use the term fondly but loosely...),

this is sports, this is football, this is the USA. We aren't playing some cricket match in jolly old England. So stuff the poupon back in the jar & let's remember what team support is all about. (By the way, I went to Florida before the days of the old ball coach. Actually, he'd graduated & moved on... I think raucous would be a good term to describe the general pandemonium there even back in those days...)

Most games there's enough noise coming from our house to cause the neighbors to comtemplate police intervention... except they know better now. So Solomon can kiss my grits....anyone fortunate enough to be at 'Skins game had better make some serious sounds or they might as well stay home & watch it on their flat-screen TV & give their ticket to a REAL fan!!

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I can't wait to see Solomon's article Monday morning after Fed-Ex reaches decimals it hasn't heard since the 99' playoff game against Detroit this coming Sunday...Bring the noise this weeek PLEASE!

Trust me. I'm going to the game on Sunday and I will bring 16 years worth of noise with me.:wavetowel :seahawksu

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I feel ashamed. Had I know that all the yelling, clapping, and stomping my dad and I were doing along with the rest of our section was frowned upon, we wouldn't have done it. Far be it for us to help make FedEx a bad place for opposing teams to play. Really, it's just not fair. Keep it down tomorrow folks. We don't want to feel the wrath of Seattle fans for making their team uncomfortable. Maybe I'll queitly read the paper when our defense is on the field. :finger:


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