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im no loner a ramsey supporter i think ramsey will be good elsewhere not here , but i cant exactly support brunell either after what he did last year and he didnt do any better really sunday , ramsey had more yards in 1 quarter =\ now if he directs us to a win over dallas then , maybe i will look at him different but if he puts up lame ass numbers and we lose to dallas AGAIN then i dunno =(

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im no loner a ramsey supporter i think ramsey will be good elsewhere not here , but i cant exactly support brunell either after what he did last year and he didnt do any better really sunday , ramsey had more yards in 1 quarter =\ now if he directs us to a win over dallas then , maybe i will look at him different but if he puts up lame ass numbers and we lose to dallas AGAIN then i dunno =(

I honestly dont think Ramsey has what it takes to be good in the NFL.. too much pressure and he struggles way too much with reading defenses and touch passes..

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I'm hoping Brunell's injuries last year were worse then I thought they were.

If he is healthier then we should see a Brunell closer towards this pre-season's version rather than the Brunell of 2004.

He gives us a much better chance against Dallas on monday night. He put up good numbers against Dallas last year on monday night (at home) and Ramsey is very suspect on the road.

My concern is his ability to stay healthy. Here's to an injury free season for Mark. :point2sky :point2sky :dallasuck

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I'll support whomever is under center. If that's Brunell, so be it. If he stinks up the joint, I'll support him until Gibbs benches him, and support the next guy to go under center. Regardless, I stand behind Joe Gibbs, the coach. Players come and go, but Gibbs will be Burgundy and Gold until the day he dies.

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It is indeed "too early to tell." Mark Brunell HAS taken teams DEEP into the playoffs. I believe he was truly injured last year and what he may have lost physically with age, he has gained in field leadership and experience. Those two things alone are what we have lacked for YEARS.

He was a big-time QB in Jacksonville and that was only 2 seasons ago. I don't expect him to be "big-time" now, but I expect him to take advantage of the talent around him.

He can do it. Will he?.....

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It is indeed "too early to tell." Mark Brunell HAS taken teams DEEP into the playoffs. I believe he was truly injured last year and what he may have lost physically with age, he has gained in field leadership and experience. Those two things alone are what we have lacked for YEARS.

He was a big-time QB in Jacksonville and that was only 2 seasons ago. I don't expect him to be "big-time" now, but I expect him to take advantage of the talent around him.

He can do it. Will he?.....

two seasons ago he was benched in favor of a rookie after several years of declining production

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two seasons ago he was benched in favor of a rookie after several years of declining production

Indisputeable and I planned on a reply like that but on the brighter side of that issue, it has happened to other QBs like Trent Dilfer, Rich Gannon and Kerry Collins just to name 3 from very recent years and they each went on to appear in Super Bowls with their new teams.

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Look at the stats. They don't lie



10 years from now PR's stats will look the same. He'll be a backup with an occasional roll as a starter. He's not the answer to this team. Brunell probably isn't either but Brunell will not make noise and whine to the media when the grooming process of Campbell starts.

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I disagree with Gibbs' decision to bench Patrick Ramsey; and, I dislike him for that. He has been intent on this decision and we all knew subconsciously that this was bound to happen. I would rather watch Spurrier's offense than watch the putrid excuse for plays we see out there. This is not 1988. Minus having Michael Vick on your team, you have to be able to pass the ball in the NFL. What happens when Clinton Portis / Betts have a bad day? We are sure to get our a$$es smoked by the cowpukes next week. I am very dissapointed with Gibbs.

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ive been a redskins fan since 1982 ( I was 8) I learned alot watching the redskins of the 80's. Joe Preached, integrity, Character, honesty, loyalty, and "what it means to be a redskins". Today I watched with my very own eyes Joe Gibbs turn his back on integrity, character, honesty, loyalty and basically everything he preached about what it means to be a redskin! Ive been a fan through the good times, bad times, everything else, and wore my jersey proudly! I cant actually say I feel that way today! I forgave him for cutting PR throat the first time (when he went out and signed MB), I swallowed the facts that after naming PR the starter and saying he is the guy who will take us to the SB, then cut his throat again by trading up to get Jason Campbell. Now after pretending to support PR all Training camp he cuts his throat again, by benching him after 1 quarter, when PR had obviously shown he can move this offense more in 1 quarter than MB could in 3!!! I cant swallow that! hey joe? what happened to loyalty? what happened to honesty? what happened to integrity? what happened to Character? you have demanded this qualities from every player you ever coached, but today you cash them all in! why? because your scared that if you dont do something drastic and get this team to the playoffs your legacy will be tarnished? your a hypocrite! some things are more inportant than wins and loses in my opinion, the traits JG preached for years for starters. thats what made me a fan of darrell Green, art Monk etc.! today is a very sad day for me, to hell with wins and loses, JG just cashed in everything he was worth the hope of a few wins! Im embarrassed to be a redskins fan! I embarrassed I have supported such a cut throat, lying, backstabbing hypocrite for all these years! do the right thing here and releash PR! you have damaged his career enough to this point, but dont , make him sit on the bench so when the fragile, unproductive, POS Brunell gets injured you can again ask PR to bail you out! you made your bed, lie in it, the honorable thing you could do at this point is let PR go and move on, but will you do that? probably not! I hope dallas rips brunell's head off and hands it to you, then PR can tell you to go to hell play your golden boy Campbell! I love the redskins have all my life, but I just cant support this team as long as JG is still here!! :2cents:

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I just cant support this team as long as JG is still here!! :2cents:

Don't let the door hit you on the way out and don't come back when they start winning either. In fact don't come back even after Gibbs is gone. That is a pathetic attitude and also wanting to see Brunell get his head ripped off is completely childish. No one says you have to support the coach, ownership or players, but you support the team win or lose. I f you can't back this team because of the fact that you disagree with decisions means you really aren't a true fan.

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His first year he was fed to the wolves under Spurrier, his second year we didnt have a offensive line and he was knocked to the ground every single play and last year he started to show a glimpse of brilliance, we deserved to be bit in the ass for this screw up and I hope we do.

That reasoning and a nickle will get you a piece of bazooka bubble gum, but not any sympathy here. The Skins don't deserve any ill will because thier first round reach turned into a bust. (See Heath Shuler, ouch just thinking back to that hurts) They've already been bit in the @$$ for spending the pick on Ramsey.

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even on a game level it makes no sense to me! he threw what 1 INT against the Raven? I watch Peyton throw 2 last night that should have been INT's in the redzone that also should have been easily returned for TD's Peyton Manning all but threw 2 but we are going to hold the 1 PR threw against him? that moronic!!!when played what 3 teams in the top ten in defense? and the other (cinn) is what top 10? any your going to yank him in a quarter, after saing he was finally going to get his shot? that BS! Gibbs knew MB was injured last year and left him in here for how many games? but PR get what 16 minutes??? this isnt the JG I grew up watching! not even close! the pressure to win and not destroy his legacy has gotten so great that it has lead to this. If he had said he was going to be here for as long as it takes, the pressure wouldnt be there. but because he has basically said he wont be here very long the pressure for him to win now is causing him to make poor decisions for the future of this franchise. If he was looking at the future he would be playing PR, he is only looking at his future and the fact he needs to win now to protect his legacy! If anyone deserved to lose there HOF induction, its HIM! everything he preached for 14 years, he just truned his back on to protect his legacy!

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When did he say his starting QB would be entitled to either fumble or toss a pick on every drive he had?

he said PR was going to get his shot? 1 quarter isnt a shot! Ramsey moved this offense better in 1 quater than MB did in three. Gibbs admits he had been thinking about this change for a while, which means everything he has been saying publicly and most likely privately to PR is nothing but lies!! he is not a man of his word he doesnt have the Character and integrity that he insists his players have, he's a lying hypocrite!! for lack of a few words I would like to use!!

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seriously guys did any of you see Dallas dropping Brees on his back every other play? We'll need someone who can rid of the ball fast so whether it's PR or MB it's probably going to be alot of dink and dunk all night anyway. The difference is PR will be knocked down 2/3 of the pass plays and god only know how many times he'd get sacked and also no telling how many times he fumbles on the sack or panics and dumps the ball off to anything breathing as he's about to go down regardless of what uniform that breathing creature is wearing. He's done that before.

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