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Don't let the door hit you on the way out and don't come back when they start winning either. In fact don't come back even after Gibbs is gone. That is a pathetic attitude and also wanting to see Brunell get his head ripped off is completely childish. No one says you have to support the coach, ownership or players, but you support the team win or lose. I f you can't back this team because of the fact that you disagree with decisions means you really aren't a true fan.

did you read my entire post? being a fan has nothing to do with wins and losses, we have been fans for years even while losing, so obviously there are more important things than winning, like integrity, character, honesty ETC. all the things JG showed he doesnt have anymore!!! Im not bailing on the redskins because of a decision, im bailing on JG! MB is JG baby so yes I would love to see him get hurt and JG right back were he obviously doesnt want to be! JG is a complete a$$ in my book, not because of the decision but his entire handling of this situation from day 1!

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even on a game level it makes no sense to me! he threw what 1 INT against the Raven? I watch Peyton throw 2 last night that should have been INT's in the redzone that also should have been easily returned for TD's Peyton Manning all but threw 2 but we are going to hold the 1 PR threw against him? that moronic!!!when played what 3 teams in the top ten in defense? and the other (cinn) is what top 10? any your going to yank him in a quarter, after saing he was finally going to get his shot? that BS! Gibbs knew MB was injured last year and left him in here for how many games? but PR get what 16 minutes??? this isnt the JG I grew up watching! not even close! the pressure to win and not destroy his legacy has gotten so great that it has lead to this. If he had said he was going to be here for as long as it takes, the pressure wouldnt be there. but because he has basically said he wont be here very long the pressure for him to win now is causing him to make poor decisions for the future of this franchise. If he was looking at the future he would be playing PR, he is only looking at his future and the fact he needs to win now to protect his legacy! If anyone deserved to lose there HOF induction, its HIM! everything he preached for 14 years, he just truned his back on to protect his legacy!

PR had three drives, he fumbled twice and threw one pick, he produced zero TDs but gives it away twice and puts on the ground on the one drive he doesn't lose it. No QB would have survived the hook under Gibbs for that and certainly not one that has been tossing INTs in the preseason already. All he had to do was protect the ball, he didn't do that. Why is it Gibbs fault? Joe has won 3 Super Bowls with three different QBs and HBs, he adjusts his offense to fit his team but giving the ball away simply won't be tolerated, at least not at the rate PR was turning it over. This team will win because of Defense, the running game and field position. Turnovers destroy the equation, that is the only reason PR lost his job. If it is upsetting I'm sorry but this about winning to Gibbs, not his legacy.

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So can Ramsey be a winner? Ramsey isn't now, nor will ever be a star or even a legitimate starter in this league. If we go to the playoffs we go on the play of Portis and the O-line's ability to give the QB time.

Am I supporting Brunell as a starter now and the future? No. I'm supporting getting the distractions out of the way to start developing Campbell. As I said in other threads you won't be able to develop him when you have a starter refusing that the future is right the guy on the bench. Brunell excepts this and realizes he is replaceable. PR is not a field general, hangs on to the ball TOO long which isn't good with blitzing Ds and even though he can move the line of scrimmage the worry is always there that somewhere in that drive he'll: get sacked on 2nd & 5 to make it 3rd & 12, fumble on a sack or throw a stupid interception on a VERY bad decision. I've always worried that everytime he's going down that he'll either fumble or try to dump it off but it ends up in the arms of a defender. I like Ramsey but what little he played Sunday he was mistake prone. Badly.

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he said PR was going to get his shot? 1 quarter isnt a shot! Ramsey moved this offense better in 1 quater than MB did in three. Gibbs admits he had been thinking about this change for a while, which means everything he has been saying publicly and most likely privately to PR is nothing but lies!! he is not a man of his word he doesnt have the Character and integrity that he insists his players have, he's a lying hypocrite!! for lack of a few words I would like to use!!

Ramsey played himself out of the position period. You wouldn't say any of this to Gibbs' face. His character and Ramsey's lack of ability are not related at all. PR protects the ball and he's still our QB.

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I think we all cheered Brunell on as hard as we could?! If he turns it around great, but until then, he's in a show-me position. It's not as if we lost 4 games and we had no choice and there was no doubt about who was the best option.

You continually made negative posts about Mark Brunell, and I can’t say that I honestly ever saw you “Cheer” him on at all last season.

I also really love the "Show-Me Position"

I think it's quite funny coming from you considering you never could see Ramsey wasn't going to make it here. :laugh:

Have a cold one on me tonight. :cheers:

I knew this day was coming. :lift:

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the 3 defenses PR faced in preseason are better than any defense he will face all season so using that against his is not a true gage! secondly the INT didnt hurt this team Chicago got no points, the second fumble was recovered by the skins again not hurting the team and the 3rd which you can not possibly blame on PR, simply because of the low blow Chicago took on him 95% of all QB wouldnt have held on to that ball! using the preseason is a horrible excusefor the reasons above, he didnt do one thing Sunday that hurt this team! what he did do is move this offense better than brunell did all last year and 3 quarters on sunday!!! Gibbs has been lying all offseason about giving PR a shot, it was simply a way from keeping PR from asking to be traded in the off season, he has devided this team already after 1 game, shown that, he cant be taken at his word, and I would bet 50% of this team agrees what he did to PR was wrong, he just threw in the towel on this whole season. you can say anything you want about being professional, but this team has now seen the true side of JG and they wont play nearly as hear for the lying hypocrite as they would have last week!

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I supported every guy under center since i've been a fan of this team.

This change will not effect me in anyway.

Yeah, unless we start losing because of it. And especially if we start losing in the absolutely depressing manner in which we lost last season with Brunell at the helm.

I'm also a bit confused about the apparently "poisonous" nature of turnovers. I understand Gibbs dislikes turnovers (who doesn't?) but everyone here talks about a turnover like it's the end of the world. Carson Palmer had 1 INT and 1 fumble; his team won easily. Eli Manning threw 2 INTs, one of which was returned for a TD; his team blew out the Cards. Brian Griese also threw 2 INTs, one of which went for a score; his team beat a Super Bowl-contending team in the Vikes. Jake Delhomme had 2 INTs and a fumble; his team was in it until the end. Trent Green, Aaron Brooks, and Gus Frerotte all had turnovers but won.

The fact is, you can turn the ball over once or twice in a game without costing your team the game, especially with a defense as stout as ours. The key is, you have to make up for those mistakes by making big plays and leading drives. Patrick seemed well on his way to doing that on Sunday before getting injured, especially with over 17 YPC and over 9 YPA. Don't forget he should have had a TD as well.

I'm just afraid that some people are assuming we can continue to win by playing like we did on Sunday, with only a few legitimate drives and dominant defense. We can't. It was incredibly lucky that the Bears played so poorly on offense; had they been anything other than COMPLETELY inept, we are tied with the Eagles right now. Just because Brunell's ball control bit works against the poorest teams in the league does not mean it will work in a fair fight...I thought we learned that last year.

Ah well, though. C'est la vie. Let's go Mark, prove me wrong. I hope, though, for the sake of this season, that Gibbs isn't afraid to go to Ramsey when/if Brunell struggles. And I hope that Patrick can go out there and give it one last shot to impress the Coach.

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I disagree with Gibbs' decision to bench Patrick Ramsey; and, I dislike him for that. He has been intent on this decision and we all knew subconsciously that this was bound to happen. I would rather watch Spurrier's offense than watch the putrid excuse for plays we see out there. This is not 1988. Minus having Michael Vick on your team, you have to be able to pass the ball in the NFL. What happens when Clinton Portis / Betts have a bad day? We are sure to get our a$$es smoked by the cowpukes next week. I am very dissapointed with Gibbs.

Feel better now?? Got that load off your chest?? GOOD....

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I agree with Gibbs and think Brunell is a good starter, the guys bashing him really don't know who he is!! CHECK his career stats!! He is a smart QB that has Hall of Fame potential if he had 1-2 more outstanding years! Ramsey, On the other hand makes bad decisions by not looking at all of his choices to throw to. While Brunell checks all his possible options and if no one is open he gets rid of it. Campbell on the other hand is our future but the problem is that he is a typical rookie, always looking at the receiver the whole play b4 throwing to him, his moves are very predictable and if he played, his potential would decrease indefinitly. If y ou don't agree with me its fine, but I just have my beliefs and know what i'm actually talking about!!

Go Skins :dallasuck

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Check his stats!!!!!! Heck why don't you go check Jerry Rice's stats while you are at it. Past stats mean nothing........it's current stats and Brunnell cannot make an accurate pass over 20-yards. he can rainbow one but not throw one. He needs to be holding a clipboard. If PR is done then put in Campbell. Boonell cannot and will not lead this team to the playoffs. Time has passed him by. I said this when Gibbs went out and got him. If he was any good don't you think Jacksonville would have wanted some compensation!!!!!!!!!

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I think that we have a better chance to beat the cowboys with Mark. I really think that mark is going to play better then he did last year.


mark threw for 70 yards on sunday. its basically the same from last yr. for me, if you gonna bench ramsey, replace him with the rookie . put him in there and get it over with because lets face it, mark will be no different from last year in my mind.

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I can't say I am happy, but I wish nothing less than playoffs for this team. The players should be hungy, the fans are famished and the mediots have so far been proven dead-on.

Embarassing times, but given that, change needs to occur. If this is it, great. If not, at least we tried something. I'm no NFL coach, so it should be easy for me to defer an opinion to Gibbs decision making, but it is hard right now.

I hope the improved mobility and throwing motion of Brunell's wassn't just a preseason thing. I hope he rocks the house. I think he's a great guy, class act, and I only made fun of him in two threads last season. Honest.

It's a wild time right now...

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I think that we have a better chance to beat the cowboys with Mark. I really think that mark is going to play better then he did last year.


Are you serious???

We all better hope so...

8-14 70 yds...I just dont see it, this is going to be exactly like last year unless Brunell can start playing the way he did almost 4 years ago :doh:

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Check his stats!!!!!! Heck why don't you go check Jerry Rice's stats while you are at it. Past stats mean nothing........it's current stats and Brunnell cannot make an accurate pass over 20-yards. he can rainbow one but not throw one. He needs to be holding a clipboard. If PR is done then put in Campbell. Boonell cannot and will not lead this team to the playoffs. Time has passed him by. I said this when Gibbs went out and got him. If he was any good don't you think Jacksonville would have wanted some compensation!!!!!!!!!

Right now we have to worry about DALLAS .. DALLAS on Monday Night. The question is not playoffs. The question is DALLAS. First let's beat Dallas. Then we'll move on.

Since you brought up stats, let's look at some situational stats regarding Mark Brunell in 2004:

Monday Night Games: QB rating 97.4 with zero INTs

September Games: QB rating 82.6 with one INT

vs. Own Division: QB rating 87.9 with one INT

Behind by 1-8 pts: QB rating 94.9 with one INT

At Own 20 or less: QB rating 96.1 with zero INTs

In Red Zone: QB rating 106.6 with zero INTs

31+ pass attempts: QB rating 104.4 with one INT

Pass on 4th down: QB rating 109.7 with zero INTs

Last 2 Mins of Half: QB rating 108.6 with zero INTs

In addition, his best quarter is his 4th quarter.

Conclusion: Mark Brunell plays his best when under pressure.


Ramsey's stats are the opposite. He seems to do his worst when under pressure. He's too tight.

I'm on the Brunell bandwagon, at least for THIS GAME, which is the one we have to worry about NOW.

Now let's go win.

<picture me running out of the room pumping my fist and chanting "rah rah rah" like John Belushi in Animal House here>

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I'm just afraid that some people are assuming we can continue to win by playing like we did on Sunday, with only a few legitimate drives and dominant defense. We can't. It was incredibly lucky that the Bears played so poorly on offense; had they been anything other than COMPLETELY inept, we are tied with the Eagles right now. Just because Brunell's ball control bit works against the poorest teams in the league does not mean it will work in a fair fight...I thought we learned that last year.

That is what pisses me off the most, people act like last season did not happen. Who in their right mind could honestly support this bull**** with a straight face? And honestly believe after watching Brunell flounder in our passing game, think Santana Moss or David Patten will look any better than Coles and Gardner now that we have a QB who can't complete deep passes.

For those who support this crap, I don't want to see any of you complaining about our offense and our losses this season. Since you supported the decision that made this happen, you deserve it. :mad:

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Some of the people on this site need to take a deep breath. One poll indicates that people support PR over Gibbs. What the hell is wrong with us as fans. Gibbs knows football better than anyone. The positives on MB from one fan's perspective:

1.) MB will make fewer mistakes than PR.

2.) MB can read defenses much better than PR.

3.) MB is more mobile than PR.

4.) MB is an experienced veteran.

5.) MB's arm strength is much improved over last year and he looks to be in his old form.

Some of these points are more of opinions than facts; however, with a top defense, an outstanding OL, one great RB in Portis, and a good back-up RB, MB only has to play mistake free football. Do not turn the ball over! Gibbs stresses this and I agree with his assessment.

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