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POLL: Ramsey OR Gibbs


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i seriously think we should kick Joe Gibbs out. Because he hasnt proven himself. We gave him 17 games and he has only won 7 out of them. And he gave Ramsey a ****in quarter of play before letting go. I mean its simple logic. If a QB gets a quarter of play before the head coach makes his decision, then a head coach shouldnt get two seasons to prove himself.

Joe Gibbs is pulling a Daniel Snyder. Playing favorites.

Bring Back Norv Turner!

Norv, you got to be fu#$%^& kidding me.

You are to young to know Gibbs.

Doesn't this guy deserve a new avatar.

We are 1-0

I vote for both, Ramsey is just upset from the injury, he's going nowhere,

starter or backup.

The eagles lose two straight.................. :eaglesuck

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did you register just to say that garbage?


WoW, all this Gibbs bashin is so funny, but some is just F'd up. I talked bad about him for cuttin McCants, but some ppl have just gone too far.

Truthfully, I dont even see why ppl are ssupporting PR so hardcore. Its crazy how so many fans wanna stand behind guys like Ramsey and Jacobs who have been given plenty opportunity and have yet to really improve, or show true promise. He still lets himself get sacked when he could've easily avoided it. He still cant make the deep pass, it ALWAYS comes up short. Hes not a true leader at all. Come on how can another player feel confident in him when hes so inconsistent?

Plus, ppl talk about how bad Brunell did last season. Um.....didnt Brunell play hurt most of that time? I thought Gibbs made a poor decision to let him stay in so long with an injury like that, but hey, he NEVER really liked Ramsey. All this preseason stuff about Ramsey being his guy was just BS for other teams to get a bad first impression of his offense. Altho playin with Ramsey the way he did was also really F'd up.

Im far from being the biggest Gibbs fan in the world, but based on past performance I gotta go Gibbs by a longshot. Im shocked to see that the polls are so close.

If you were being serious to yourself, you would have seen this along way commin. Three draft picks for a QB in the first round? come on now, you just dont go after another young QB so heavily and plan on using the young QB you have for long term.

so can I get a better Avatar since so many other ppl are bashin Gibbs much worse than I have?

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I'm really not believing my eyes here. Patrick Ramsey seems like a great guy, and I have supported him, but he better win some games in the NFL before I choose his opinon over a Hall of Famer, and three time (four trips) Super Bowl winner.

Anybody who really didn't believe this was coming if Patrick went out and threw a pick, and fumbled twice after only ONE QUARTER of play in the regular season had another thing coming. If Patrick is successful in the NFL, it is not going to be with the Redskins. I have been a avid Ramsey supporter for a while now, but it's obvious now that he is not going to make it with the Redskins. Of course, I side with Gibbs.

I saw this coming after watching Brunell play in the pre-season. Anybody with eyes could see that he DESTROYED Pat. Everybody tried spinning it, and making excuses, but it was there plain as day. Keeping Pat in is just going to delay the inevitable anyway, because Campbell is the QB of the future for this team. If Brunell struggles, and we are out of playoff contention early. We should play Campbell, and try to get ready for the future. Unless Brunell is injured, Pat will not play another game as the Redskins starting QB. It's over for him in Washington, and yes he may be successful somewhere else. I just don't think it's ever going to happen for him here. That's what I believe.

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this poll is pathetic. Really, you all should be ashamed of yourselves.

I don't want to hear all this "fair shot" nonsense. If there was an open QB competition this pre-season like last year then Brunell would've won by a mile. That was Gibb's only mistake. Brunell could've won the job earlier and he would've had more reps with the first-team offense.

You guys are a disgrace. I'm at a loss.

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We have alot of fools on this board I see...How can you side w/Ramsey over Gibbs? Ramsey hasnt done anything to be given the benefit of the doubt, everyone has an excuse as to why Ramsey didnt do this or why he did that and it's sickening...Gibbs is making the right decision period...Why make the mistake he made last yr and wait 9 games and lose w/an ineffective QB? Make the change now and move forward...

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We have alot of fools on this board I see...How can you side w/Ramsey over Gibbs? Ramsey hasnt done anything to be given the benefit of the doubt, everyone has an excuse as to why Ramsey didnt do this or why he did that and it's sickening...Gibbs is making the right decision period...Why make the mistake he made last yr and wait 9 games and lose w/an ineffective QB? Make the change now and move forward...

Probably because there are some of us that can remember what happened last year and would rather see Gibbs go then to go through that mess with Brunell starting again. Kinda funny but does anyone honestly feel this team will ever score 20 or more points in a game with Brunell starting without the defense or special teams scoring? It's just going to be a sad depressing season with no hope yet again unless we see Ramsey.

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I can't believe this poll and I can't believe the people who voted for Patrick, I was on his side as far as Qbs go. But you don't side with a 4th year QB who hasn't played in a playoff game vs. a HOF coach with 3 rings. duh.

Give me some Kool-Aid, I'm getting thirsty.

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If this isn't the most lopsided poll ever in favor of Gibbs we might as well shut this board down, because we don't deserve to have a place to be THAT stupid.

Art Gibbs lied man.. And it's hurt a lot of folks.. Me included. I don't care what QB starts, but give the man what you promised a fighting chance.. It's upsetting.

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As classy as Coach Gibbs is, I am sure he will honor the chat on Friday.

However, looking at this poll, I would not be surprised if he said FORGET IT.

If THAT MANY people don't understand the difference, his chat will ultimately be a waste of breath.

All of those falling all over Snyder for bringing Gibbs........you might want to bash him also.

This is totally un-friggin-believable.


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I am so incredibly embarrased by this poll. I pray that Joe Gibbs does not read this board. We already know that some of the teams execs do, including the owner on occasion. All I can say is that those who voted for Ramsey are clearly fans of other teams or left over GatorSkins from the Spurrier debacle.

If there are any 'real' Redskins' fans that would choose a 4th year qb with a losing record over the only coach to ever bring Superbowl victories to this proud franchise, then I feel sorry for you, your friends, your family, and any others that must come in contact with you, as you are clearly from the depths of the gene pool. Idiots.

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Earth to Extreme, Ramsey has never done a thing in the NFL and Gibbs has won 3 Superbowls with three different QB's.

13 of you are totally clueless. Maybe take up scrabble, it's a whole lot less stressfull.

Exactly. I cannot believe this poll (and the results)!

Let's see, which would you choose:

a) 3 Super Bowl rings (with 3 different QBs) -- with the B & G, no less

B) a strong arm and toughness when hit repeatedly?

(I won't even go into the downside, just stick with the positives.)

Hmm, tough choice! Unbelievable!!!

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I have been a follower of this website ever since. I just got the permission to post today.

I mean Joe Gibbs is a hall of fame coach. Given!

He got us three superbowl rings.

But the real question is Can he do it again? And an idiot will tell u that with Mark Brunell, it just aint happening. I mean the way hes playing favorites right now, and being so unfair is contradicting everything he has ever preached in football about character, and morale. It just isnt the same ole Gibbs. If it was, Patrick Ramsey would be preparing himself to kill the Cowboys next week not Mark Brunell.

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I understand the strength of feeling of those who voted against Joe Gibbs, but really?I mean really? Everybody needs to calm down - this is a guy who won us 3 super bowls and who has this franchise back on an upward track for just about the firs time since he 'retired'. If we where talking about the MLB spot no one would raise an eyebrow.

Anybodt recall when he traded Jay Schroeder for Jim Lachey - he got that one right!

I don't agree with this decision - but I'm a fan and not accountable for the results. Thats Gibbs job and he knows more about football than us. We need to rally behind what is a playoff team given average QB play.

I just hope we can get a decent pick for Ramsey and wish him well with whomever he plays for after us.


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You Ramsey guys are nuts. This is the 3rd time this dude wanted out of here even if he didn't demand the trade he was thinking about it. Brunell is the best choice at QB, he a great fit for what we do, now he is a stop gap for the future so that leaves Ramsey odd man out. I mean we didn;t give up all them picks for nothing.

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How can people be voting for Gibbs. I've never been so upset about something. This is a spinless move and a serious down grade in QB. I'm selling my tickets till Brunell is removed and we as Redskin fans should stand behind our players and not let something so wrong happen

it's simple those that did vote Gibbs know a lot more about what he can and will do for the team , then say people in their mid 20's back to the teens on this board. J.Gibbs is trying to bring respectability back to this organization. something that it hasn't seen since he first retired .

be patient and you will be it coming together . ramsey will start again . when he is fully recovered from the decapitation that he recieved sunday

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