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POLL: Ramsey OR Gibbs


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If this isn't the most lopsided poll ever in favor of Gibbs we might as well shut this board down, because we don't deserve to have a place to be THAT stupid.

I was stunned we have so many idiots on this board :hammer:

You can not be serious and think Ramsey has more vaule to this team then Gibbs

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This is way to easy

Joe Gibbs by a million miles

In this case no...

Gibbs is a man of integrity, but this is a classless act.

If Gibbs would have said we are going to have an open competition between the QBs it would be different. But he told Ramsey, the players and all of the fans that Ramsey is the starter, the future. What a joke, the guy plays a quarter and is benched.

What did Brunell do lead a few drives for a field goal. Sure he didnt turn the ball over, but he only passed for 70 yards on 8-14...I never thought I would be this upset with Coach :doh:


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Nah man.

Gibbs is Gibbs.

And I am a Redskins fan in the end.

But if you asked me how I felt about the current situation, and who I would side with. Then thats clearly Ramsey. He was treated unfairly. I mean unless theres something we dont know. But as far as I see, Ramsey easily outperformed Brunell even in the quarter that he played.

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I am completely astounded by the results of this Poll.

You would think Ramsey led us to the superbowl, or the playoffs, or at least a winning record... :paranoid:

Was he ever given a "true" chance?

All Ramsey fans like myself believe we had a QB that may have led us to the 'Bowl. But we dont know for sure, cuz he was never given a chance.

PS - Hardcore Redskins Fan! And I only started following the 'Skins in '98 when they went 0-6 to begin their season.

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I was stunned we have so many idiots on this board :hammer:

You can not be serious and think Ramsey has more vaule to this team then Gibbs

This question is not about value, its about whos side you are on. When it comes to value its not close but the way Gibbs handled this situation is very unprofessional. Ramsey deserves a chance to play, we have seen what Brunell can do... :doh:


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Was he ever given a "true" chance?

All Ramsey fans like myself believe we had a QB that may have led us to the 'Bowl. But we dont know for sure, cuz he was never given a chance.

PS - Hardcore Redskins Fan! And I only started following the 'Skins in '98 when they went 0-6 to begin their season.

He started a significant number of games last year and Gibbs sees him every day at practice. Gibbs has alot more insight than we do.

No one has wanted Patrick to succeed more than I have, but I'm not going to stop being a Redskins fan because he's not the QB.

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If you live in the past, you stay behind. Gibbs has his legacy but it was his decision to come back and build a new legacy. It isn't happening. It won't happen with a 36 year old immobile, overpaid qb either.

It's not about whose done the most, it's about who has the potential to do the most....

And quite frankly, it's pretty low how Gibbs has treated the entire situation.

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Whoever said I stopped being a redskins fan.

I was a Redskins fan, I am a Redskins fan, and always will be a true Redskins fan.

But I dont agree with Coach Gibbs, and just because he has been good in the past is no reason why this decision of his a smart one. Either way, let the season roll and well find out ourselves if Gibbs is still a genious.

Like Monk said, "This question is not about value, its about whos side you are on. When it comes to value its not close but the way Gibbs handled this situation is very unprofessional. Ramsey deserves a chance to play, we have seen what Brunell can do... "

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If you live in the past, you stay behind. Gibbs has his legacy but it was his decision to come back and build a new legacy. It isn't happening. It won't happen with a 36 year old immobile, overpaid qb either.

It's not about whose done the most, it's about who has the potential to do the most....

And quite frankly, it's pretty low how Gibbs has treated the entire situation.

Amen to that!

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Honestly the decision Gibbs made is ridiculous and it makes me sick. To think I have to watch Brunell has ruined my week and taken all the wind out of a promising season. Brunell is washed up. Everyone on the planet except Joe believes it. Yes he has 3 Super Bowl Rings but the last one came over 13yrs ago. This decision is going to cause the team to start 2nd guessing Joe when Brunell stinks up the field. It's simple. Brunell Had the 2nd worst QB rating in the NFL after 10 games. Brunell is no longer a viable starting QB in this league period. And for all those folks who still think Joe Gibbs is a savior and must have seen something in Brunell, please tell me what you saw? Everyone in the league saw him play against the Bears. It was 2004 all over again. No he doesn't turn the ball over but he doesn't throw it either. Hell he even tripped over his own feet trying to do play action. If Chicago hadn't false started 3 times b/c of fan noise they would have kicked a game winning field goal and I garuntee you if that happened Ramsey would still be starting this upcoming week. Joe treated Ramsey with disrespect and for that I have lost alot of respect for him. Time for him to get with the program or go back to NASCAR before Gregg Williams leaves and then we will be up the creek with no paddle. Without Williams our beloved skins would be the worst team in the NFL.

Get ready for 8/9 in the box Monday night and for the rest of the season. I don't like rooting for injuries but someone please knock Mark out of the game.

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I can’t believe all the “fans” who are whining because Ramsey “wasn’t given a chance,” who think Gibbs is acting “unfairly,” and not showing “integrity,” because Ramsey was “promised” that he would be the starter.

Gibbs is under no obligation to play a QB if he thinks the guy doesn’t give the team the best chance to win right now, this week. He can name a different starter any time he feels like it, and he would be disloyal to the team and the fans if he started a QB who he feels isn’t the best man to win the game. I think he is showing a lot of guts and integrity in making a change at this time.

Sure, in hindsight he should have named Brunell the starter earlier, but maybe he wanted to give Ramsey enough time to prove he could do the job, and he had no way of knowing that Brunell would look so much better this year than he did last year.

The whiners need to remember that this isn’t a self-esteem-building exercise for Ramsey. This is the NFL, where winning is the name of the game. Ramsey failed the test, he doesn’t get a passing grade, he doesn’t get promoted to the next grade to preserve his fragile ego. He doesn’t get a “satisfactory” because he tried hard. He is now living in the real world, where failure is not rewarded.

Ramsey was given enough time to show the coaches that he doesn’t give us the best shot at winning next week against Dallas. I hope they are right, and we will see on Monday. I’m not unhappy with the decision, because Ramsey keeps making mistakes, and showed no improvement this year over last year, unlike Brunell. If Gibbs thinks Brunell gives us the best chance of winning, fine with me.

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for the last time....it was THE ENTIRE OFFENSIVE COACHING STAFF THAT MADE A COLLECTIVE DECISION. It's not just some ready for social security head coach, as some would have it, acting on antidiluvian principles.

You sure about that? From an espn article:

"I know a lot of people would disagree with this, and I understand that," Gibbs said. "For me, personally, I felt like it was a decision that I had to make. I think we've got a situation where two quarterbacks can win ball games for us. ... I know this is something that Patrick doesn't agree with -- he's a very competitive guy -- but it's something we're going to have to work through."

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Unbelievable! The man throws interceptions throughout pre-season and then follows that up by throwing one on opening day, but, uh, yeah, lets stick with Patrick Ramsey over Joe Gibbs. (Words cannot convey the sarcasm I am trying to express.)

Didn't Boonell throw one too? Oh, I forgot there was a penalty on that play.

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it's simple those that did vote Gibbs know a lot more about what he can and will do for the team , then say people in their mid 20's back to the teens on this board. J.Gibbs is trying to bring respectability back to this organization. something that it hasn't seen since he first retired .

be patient and you will be it coming together . ramsey will start again . when he is fully recovered from the decapitation that he recieved sunday

Get off the age kick dude!

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You sure about that? From an espn article:

"I know a lot of people would disagree with this, and I understand that," Gibbs said. "For me, personally, I felt like it was a decision that I had to make. I think we've got a situation where two quarterbacks can win ball games for us. ... I know this is something that Patrick doesn't agree with -- he's a very competitive guy -- but it's something we're going to have to work through."

If this is the case " I think we've got a situation where two quarterbacks can win ball games for us" why isn't Ramsey starting.
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