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POLL: Ramsey OR Gibbs


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If this isn't the most lopsided poll ever in favor of Gibbs we might as well shut this board down, because we don't deserve to have a place to be THAT stupid.

Okay 489 to 415 currently in Gibbs favor definitely not lopsided... Art, you better start putting the plywood up on the windows and doors. This is crazy.

While Patrick is a great guy, how many franchise quarterbacks have we had who have won in the playoffs? How many coaches have we had who have won in the playoffs? What makes folks think that Patrick is the next coming of Joe M., Brett F., etc.??? I just do not get it. I really want to love Patrick at QB but he continues to fail to show. He had all of the first string time throughout the preseason and showed little. He was the starter in camp and throughout the practices ( very likely many more looks/snaps than he would get in games for the entire rest of the season) and if the coach (any coach not a coach who has won the Superbowl with different QB's) says that its not working or this other guy gives us more chance to win than you have to go that way. The coach is brought in and paid to make those decisions, PR is brought in and paid to play QB.

One more thing, people say he did not have a chance and that because of MB salary he would have to start. I say dead wrong. If PR looked like Vick, Favre, Montana, or even Brady sometime in the past year, MB would be sitting his butt on the bench until he retired. All he has to do is play like a top tier NFL QB (or look to be improving to be one) and no one is sitting him, no new QB is drafted and no one is having this discussion. He just plain has not shown in the preseason or regular season. He has been okay with streaks of great, but also lots of mediocre with streaks of down right bad.

I dislike McNabb, but statistically from last year he makes very good decisions and does not get picked. He looked bad last week yet no one will want him to sit because he has showed what he can do. I submit that the fumbles and ints are why Gibbs has lost patience in taking another shot with Ramsey. If PR eliminated these (or at least had few relative to his TDs) then things would again be different.

My two cents and I still can't imagine why this poll is even close. A redskin fan for 30 years and this seems crazy. Maybe the fan base is more about touchy/feely, be happy kind of things now and not about winning, just do not understand.

Simple... Just win... all problems will go away.

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Wow, some serious venom in this thread. I'm surprised at the depth of emotion, really. So here's my 2 cents:

I'll gladly admit to voting for Ramsey in this poll. Noone else seems to want to, but I'm happy to explain why. As far as I could tell the poll said nothing about trading one person or the other. I merely interpreted it as whose side are you on in this latest chapter. Do I think Ramsey is ultimately more critical to the success of this team than Gibbs? Of course not. Do I think he got a raw deal, and this was not Gibbs' best moment? Absolutely.

Sorry, but it's hard to not feel for the kid after watching him act like the consummate professional on Monday Night Live tonight when questioned about the whole situation. He is saying all the right things, and seems to fully support MB.

I really don't see how it can be argued that he got a fair shake this year. How many games did Gibbs stick with Brunell last year before making a change? And Rams didn't look anywhere near as bad yesterday as MB last season.

Anyway, I voted for Patrick because I think Gibbs is just wrong on this. I'm not second guessing the X's and O's - just the timing and the lack of support he has given PR versus MB. The whole thing could have been handled better, IMO.

I am with you verbatim.

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Joe Gibbs adapted his running game to make it easier for Clinton Portis to succeed. That's good coaching.

Patrick Ramsey's forte is rifling intermediate range passes from the shotgun formation. Last year, Joe refused to use the shotgun which gives the passer more time to survey the field. That's poor coaching.

The sole advantage of the T formation is play action. Joe Gibbs rarely calls for play action passes on first down. This tendency leads to more third and long situations. More poor coaching.

If Joe Gibbs would adapt his scheme for the passing game to the talents of Patrick Ramsey as he did for Clinton Portis, we Redskin faithful might have more reason to hope for another return to a Super Bowl.

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Wow I can't even imagine anyone selecting a QB over a Hall of Fame coach......well if it was GJ verse Peyton Manning or Tom Brady maybe it would be a different story. I can't believe Ramsey has 400+ votes can someone pass me that joint please......

Agreed... I think its absurd that so many people voted for Ramsey.. I blame the infamous "hanging chad".. is this post being hosted in Florida?

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I Beleive Joe Gibbs Is An Awesome Coach. I Definetly Disagree With How He Has Treated Ramsey. Especially After He Gave Brunnell Eight Games Of The Worst Play Of A Quarterback That I Have Seen. Benching Ramsey After One Quarter Is Wrong And I Dont Blame Ramsey If He Wants To Be Traded. The Redskins Organization Has Not Treated Him Fairly Since Gibbs Came Back. If You Dont Want Him Than Lets Pick Up Some Draft Picks That We Need.

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I Beleive Joe Gibbs Is An Awesome Coach. I Definetly Disagree With How He Has Treated Ramsey. Especially After He Gave Brunnell Eight Games Of The Worst Play Of A Quarterback That I Have Seen. Benching Ramsey After One Quarter Is Wrong And I Dont Blame Ramsey If He Wants To Be Traded. The Redskins Organization Has Not Treated Him Fairly Since Gibbs Came Back. If You Dont Want Him Than Lets Pick Up Some Draft Picks That We Need.

I love the Caps man.


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Now we are voting against a coach that has taken us to the promise land 3 times? Against a qb that hasn't even won a playoff game? What is really going on with us this isn't personal people this is real and Ramsey is a turnover machine. Think about the Giants game last year when he came in throwing all those picks. Stop acting like Ramsey has done something for us he is expendable just like Stephen Davis, Champ Bailey, Pierce, and Smoot. He isn't bigger then the team and we never be bigger then the Coach. Who I love unconditionally so when we trade Ramsey you can stop singing Hail to the Redskins and get on with him because he stinks right now.

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I've got to agree with those that respect the Coaches call. As over-conservative as his actions might have been, if he can't trust his gut instinct, then we're in trouble anyway.

Ramsey has control over his destiny for awhile (at least a few times anyway)

and will again, if he doesn't give up on Ramsey. And if he does, then he will prove out my "Self-Doubt" theory.

I saw a movie tonight called "What the Bleeb..." that recalled a group of 4,000 people came to DC and meditated, with the prediction that violent crime would be reduced by 25% that summer, and it came to pass.

How about a little meditation about Monday nights' game?

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i can't believe there's 43% in support of ramsey.that is ludicrous.forget last year,after all Joe did inherit Spurriers team.two completely different styles.if Joe could have gotten Marty Schottenheimers team it would have been better.Ramsey sucks.it's that simple.and if Dan Snyder can just give a coach a chance to build a complete team instead of only giving them a year or two we will finally get to see some results.i mean,what coach out there has a two year plan?3,doubtfully.4 more likely.but 2?none.

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