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Ann Coulter: New Yorkers "Would Immediately Surrender" If Attacked...


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The reason why her comments are ridiculous, is because she is of the opinion that Iraq/9-11/Al Qaeda are all one beast, and the fact that people don't want to be in this war, means they would ALSO be afraid of terrorists, or "taking the fight to terrorists"

This of course is totally off-base IMO, as I and many others don't equate Iraq with Al Qaeda so not supporting the overthrow of Saddam Hussien and the occupation, really has nothing to do with being attacked by Terrorists.

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If it came down to making a last stand type of fight I'd probably do it in the south instead of NYC too.

I have to disagree with that Dave. While the south may have the fighting spirit your looking for, it's easier to get automatic weapons on the streets of NYC ;)

Oh, and the Bronx would put up a solid fight. They still have lots of mountain ginnies there. I know, their family members:doh:

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Her stupidity lies in the fact that she applied her comments to New Yorkers as a whole. If she was talking about the Democratic Party, she would be 100% accurate.
Go to heavily democratic districts in urban areas and tell them they are a bunch of girly men that would run from a fight. Don't forget to leave a will detailing who gets your stuff before you go.

The problem with you blind partisan folks is that you connect Afghanistan and Iraq. No one other then the most extremely partisan lefties opposed the war against terror in Afghanistan. There was no surrender although I did encounter a lot of "what is taking so long" in reference to the longer then expected delay between 9/11 and the first strikes. But hey bud, don't let the facts get in the way of your spouting nonsense.

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Go to heavily democratic districts in urban areas and tell them they are a bunch of girly men that would run from a fight. Don't forget to leave a will detailing who gets your stuff before you go.

The problem with you blind partisan folks is that you connect Afghanistan and Iraq. No one other then the most extremely partisan lefties opposed the war against terror in Afghanistan. There was no surrender although I did encounter a lot of "what is taking so long" in reference to the longer then expected delay between 9/11 and the first strikes. But hey bud, don't let the facts get in the way of your spouting nonsense.

I said the Democratic Party, not the poor suckers who vote for it.

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Democrat and spineless liberals are two separate animals my family vote predominantly for democrat yet they are prolife, pro military, pro family and thanks to our southern root pro God.

I guess it isnt obvious unless you actually hear her talk and not read her etext when she is being sarcastic in some areas and serious in others.

I assume she'll be o tv or radio soon so I'll get a copy for you defenders of liberals and insert the sarcasm smilies when needed.

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my family vote predominantly for democrat yet they are prolife, pro military, pro family and thanks to our southern root pro God.

Then they vote for people who are diametrically opposed to everything they believe in. Time to wake up and smell the coffee...

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Democrat and spineless liberals are two separate animals my family vote predominantly for democrat yet they are prolife, pro military, pro family and thanks to our southern root pro God.

I guess it isnt obvious unless you actually hear her talk and not read her etext when she is being sarcastic in some areas and serious in others.

I assume she'll be o tv or radio soon so I'll get a copy for you defenders of liberals and insert the sarcasm smilies when needed.

Don't bother Dave. Her rants are complete baloney, intended only for her target audience (i.e. you).

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I said the Democratic Party, not the poor suckers who vote for it.
My mistake. Now that you've cleared that up you can go back to screening TV shows for possible moral....er I mean FCC violations. Right now while you are reading this, someone could be exposing their shoulder and a kid could see it. *shudder*
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I like her.. I think she's funny.

take all the shots you want.. I'm sure you like someone people hate..

Clinton, Franken, Oreilly, Rush, Hannity, Sharpton, Jackson, Lieberman, Kennedy, Rhodes, Woods, Yankees, Dukes, Stern, Imus, Junkies, etc...

From what I've heard from her, she is entertainment for the far right only.

Anything taken seriously is to not use the frontal lobe.

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From what I've heard from her, she is entertainment for the far right only.

Anything taken seriously is to not use the frontal lobe.

Bear, the problem is that she is not just "entertainment", and many people believe her crap. She constantly lies, and she is one of the easiest "columnists" to rip apart, but people still believe her.

Hell, AJ and ND are doing chest thumps in this thread spewing off some of the same crap Coltier does. I've actually seen ghost use Coltier as a source before. It is all a complete pack of lies, but it is meant to desensitize a society into believing that calling people names is not only right, but has to be done. You see things like spineless liberals, yet when you think about it, who's canidate actually fought in the war? Or how about the looney left, another phrase she often uses. How about when she equates liberals with being terrorist lovers?

It is all part of the lies and propaganda the RNC uses to pollute the mind of the American citizen. They use stooges like Coultier to demonize the opposition through lies and propaganda, and unfortunately, people like ND and AJ buy into the BS. It is wrong, but finally, people are starting to see through the absolute pack of BS lies she spewes from her mouth. She is the perfect example of a succubus.

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Bear, the problem is that she is not just "entertainment", and many people believe her crap. She constantly lies, and she is one of the easiest "columnists" to rip apart, but people still believe her.

Hell, AJ and ND are doing chest thumps in this thread spewing off some of the same crap Coltier does. I've actually seen ghost use Coltier as a source before. It is all a complete pack of lies, but it is meant to desensitize a society into believing that calling people names is not only right, but has to be done. You see things like spineless liberals, yet when you think about it, who's canidate actually fought in the war? Or how about the looney left, another phrase she often uses. How about when she equates liberals with being terrorist lovers?

It is all part of the lies and propaganda the RNC uses to pollute the mind of the American citizen. They use stooges like Coultier to demonize the opposition through lies and propaganda, and unfortunately, people like ND and AJ buy into the BS. It is wrong, but finally, people are starting to see through the absolute pack of BS lies she spewes from her mouth. She is the perfect example of a succubus.

I will admit Coulter is a hack when you admit Michael Moore is a hack. Deal??

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Bear, the problem is that she is not just "entertainment", and many people believe her crap. She constantly lies, and she is one of the easiest "columnists" to rip apart, but people still believe her.

Hell, AJ and ND are doing chest thumps in this thread spewing off some of the same crap Coltier does. I've actually seen ghost use Coltier as a source before. It is all a complete pack of lies, but it is meant to desensitize a society into believing that calling people names is not only right, but has to be done. You see things like spineless liberals, yet when you think about it, who's canidate actually fought in the war? Or how about the looney left, another phrase she often uses. How about when she equates liberals with being terrorist lovers?

It is all part of the lies and propaganda the RNC uses to pollute the mind of the American citizen. They use stooges like Coultier to demonize the opposition through lies and propaganda, and unfortunately, people like ND and AJ buy into the BS. It is wrong, but finally, people are starting to see through the absolute pack of BS lies she spewes from her mouth. She is the perfect example of a succubus.

She can argue a heckuva lot better than you can.

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The part I find ironic is the way she talks down about the geographic areas that are basically blue states (ny?). I was in Arkansas a few weeks ago at a family reunion, and one of my cousins pointed something out that has kind of stuck with me since: For as much as the right insists they are turned off by "the elitism spouted by the left," how many on the right feel "better or superior" to those on the left?

As I read this tripe, I think of that quote where she is clearly trying to foster the "we're better than those NYers because we're for the war" bit. As my cousin put it, I see Northern states that are predominantly liberal vote for Republicans for president, but outside of Clinton taking Arkansas, I can't think of many southern states that defy that red blue prediciton. For as much as the right claims the blue states are just peace loving intellectuals with no spines...you would think they would forgive the occassional quote that aspouses the south as just "ignorant hicks." Both are just stereo-types with little foundation in reality. I look at quotes like Coulter's and put them up with any liberal I see in the street wondering how those "ignorant hicks" keep electing Bush even when they don't like him. The only difference is Coulter's words sell and make her millions. I just wonder at the intelligence of those giving her money for spouting such garbage...they must be ignorant hicks :D Quick somebody come up with a marketing scheme so I can make millions for saying it first or loudest.

Disclaimer: Please read the sarcasm intended in past few sentences.

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In all Franken's last book there was a running joke throughout asking "What is wrong with that (female dog)"

She is simply intolerable and out of her damn mind, a quote from an article she wrote after 9/11, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

She gives conservatives a bad name.

Now I'm a pretty left-wing guy, but using Al Franken to comment on Ann Coulter is kind of....well....silly. Al Franken is definitely more "sane" than Coulter is, but he's still very far left.

Coulter says some pretty retarded things, mostly in the interest of self-promotion, I think. She has books to sell, so she sells them with all her heart! More people will buy the books of an uber right-wing nutjob than the books of a regular right-wing semi-crazy person. :)

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All of the people that take her seriously are not to be taken seriously.

All of the poeple that say she equals Michael Moore...get it.

There are both sides of the story, definitely. Michael Moore is not necessarily the left-wing equivalent of Ann Coulter, but he is definitely representative of the extreme left. I'd say Jeneane Garoffalo is more the left-wing equivalent of Ann Coulter, but I could be wrong. They both tend to just spit out these scathing statements that have absolutely no factual base.

Actually, I guess Moore is kind of the left's Coulter, because they are both selling a product.....they are both nuts, that is for sure.

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Now I'm a pretty left-wing guy, but using Al Franken to comment on Ann Coulter is kind of....well....silly.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

I'd disagree with you that Franken is more "sane" than Coulter is. He's every bit as insane as she is.

And I disagree that Coulter, Gerofalo (or Moore, Franken, etc.) have "absolutely no factual base" when they "spit out these scathing statements." There is SOME factual basis, it's a question of which facts are ignored.

If I have to choose between a statement at face value from Coulter or Moore, I'm going with Coulter, hands down.

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:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

I'd disagree with you that Franken is more "sane" than Coulter is. He's every bit as insane as she is.

And I disagree that Coulter, Gerofalo (or Moore, Franken, etc.) have "absolutely no factual base" when they "spit out these scathing statements." There is SOME factual basis, it's a question of which facts are ignored.

If I have to choose between a statement at face value from Coulter or Moore, I'm going with Coulter, hands down.

Of course you would. She tells you what you like to hear.

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I will admit Coulter is a hack when you admit Michael Moore is a hack. Deal??

They aren't even in the same league. I have my own problems with Moore because he's too over the top, but he is also not a democrat. But to compare what he says to what Coltier says? They aren't even close. Coltier used hate lies and propaganda, Moore just used propaganda.

BTW, Moore is a libertarian, and if people would actually listen to what he has to say, they would realize that he is against the dems on a number of areas. It is the right wing propaganda machine who has positioned themselves to get all people to think Moore is a liberal democrat, he is not.

With that being said, I do not care for Moore's brand of sensational journalism, and he does imbelish the truth too much, but to say he is as bad as Colrier is just not true. Coltier is an evil wench who deamonizes the otherside through hatefilled rants. Moore demonized the republicans (and democrats) through propaganda with a lot of truth to it, but he goes way to far.

I have always thought the facts were bad enough against Bush, and by putting his version of spin on it, he makes it easier for the otherside to attack him. If he just reported on the facts alone, without spin, more people would favor his brand of journalism.

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