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Ann Coulter: New Yorkers "Would Immediately Surrender" If Attacked...


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My mistake. Now that you've cleared that up you can go back to screening TV shows for possible moral....er I mean FCC violations. Right now while you are reading this, someone could be exposing their shoulder and a kid could see it. *shudder*

Interesting. You've hit on a point though, because there's only one thing you can definitively say the Democratic Party does stand for...they will defend abortion, homosexuality and public obsecenity against any and all threats. Defend the country against terrorism? Nah. Manditory gay porn for grade-schoolers? Hell yeah. They'll fight to the death for that...

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Interesting. You've hit on a point though, because there's only one thing you can definitively say the Democratic Party does stand for...they will defend abortion, homosexuality and public obsecenity against any and all threats. Defend the country against terrorism? Nah. Manditory gay porn for grade-schoolers? Hell yeah. They'll fight to the death for that...

This is the most ignorant post I have ever read, bar none. :applause:

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Interesting. You've hit on a point though, because there's only one thing you can definitively say the Democratic Party does stand for...they will defend abortion, homosexuality and public obsecenity against any and all threats. Defend the country against terrorism? Nah. Manditory gay porn for grade-schoolers? Hell yeah. They'll fight to the death for that...

Great post.

Do not listen to what they say..... watch what they do.

And if you watch what liberals DO, then I would have to say your post sums it up nicely.

Liberal pin head.... "I support the troops but I do not support the war." and "I am for aborting unborn babies but I think capital punishment of a mass murderer is bad."


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Interesting. You've hit on a point though, because there's only one thing you can definitively say the Democratic Party does stand for...they will defend abortion, homosexuality and public obsecenity against any and all threats. Defend the country against terrorism? Nah. Manditory gay porn for grade-schoolers? Hell yeah. They'll fight to the death for that...

Go ahead AJ. Don't you ever let a little thing like reality get in the way of a good partisan rant. Just make up a bunch of crap and see where it takes you.

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Are you a Nazi, or are you just into Nietzsche for kicks?

Friedrich Nietzsche died in 1900 and correct me if I'm wrong but the didn't the Nazi party begin around 1920? I don't see why he is so demoinzed becuase his words were used after his death by lunatics. Perhaps someone here can explain it to me.

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Interesting. You've hit on a point though, because there's only one thing you can definitively say the Democratic Party does stand for...they will defend abortion, homosexuality and public obsecenity against any and all threats. Defend the country against terrorism? Nah. Manditory gay porn for grade-schoolers? Hell yeah. They'll fight to the death for that...

I don't believe conservatives because they use "morals" to defend what they really care about, money.

Case and point.


Conservatives use the moral ground that it is killing an innocent life and there are alternatives to abortion. Specifically, adoption.

Adoption is an an excellent option, but it's expensive to properly manage, to care for the babies, to screen the potential parents, and then place the child in a good home.

But conservatives rally against the money spent on adoption!

They have political cartoons against the department adoption falls under. They have talk show hosts complaining the amount of money spent in the department adoption is under.

What department of government does adoption fall under?


The welfare department handles adoption.

So, the next time the conservative talk show hosts talk about the "Welfare State" think about the little children YOU wanted brought into this world, yet are so leery to help out.


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Liberal pin head.... "I support the troops but I do not support the war." and "I am for aborting unborn babies but I think capital punishment of a mass murderer is bad."

Conservative pin head..."I am for saving the unborn but for killing anyone convicted of a capital crime (i.e. it doesn't matter to me that innoncent people get convicted occasionly and that the existing system is full of corruption)."

BTW - both sides are hypocrites.

To me, you are either pro-choice on abortion and pro-capital punishement or you are pro-life and anti-capital punishment. You can't realistically be for opposite sides on these issues - because then you are just confusing yourself. ;)

BTW - if anyone cares - I am pro-choice and pro-capital punishment (despite its flaws).

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I don't believe conservatives because they use "morals" to defend what they really care about, money.

The moral defense has always fallen apart when money comes up. Jesus spoke strongly about materialism. Much more strongly then anything relating to abortion yet it is almost entirely ignored by all. If you even bring it up you get a very strong defensive response from moralists.

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Friedrich Nietzsche died in 1900 and correct me if I'm wrong but the didn't the Nazi party begin around 1920? I don't see why he is so demoinzed becuase his words were used after his death by lunatics. Perhaps someone here can explain it to me.


I tend to think people find it easier to blame someone for their ideals rather than blaming the culprits who twisted those ideals.

I could blame christianity for the actions of christian hate groups. Or, I could blame the actual groups for twisting the message. Which one would be more accurate? ;)

Found this summary of Nietzsche to be dead on explanation of his beliefs...its's from http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/n/nietzsch.asp

He regarded Christian civilization as decadent, and in place of its “slave morality” he looked to the superman, the creator of a new heroic morality that would consciously affirm life and the life values. That superman would represent the highest passion and creativity and would live at a level of experience beyond the conventional standards of good and evil. His creative “will to power” would set him off from “the herd” of inferior humanity. Nietzsche's thought had widespread influence but was of particular importance in Germany. Apologists for Nazism seized on much of his writing as a philosophical justification for their doctrines, but most scholars regard this as a perversion of Nietzsche's thought.

Obviously, Hitler and fellow Nazi's twisted the superman idea to fit into their hate the jew, hate anyone who isn't ayrian, not disabled, and isn't heterosexual genocide, Thus, some people like to blame Nietzsche for lending a hand to Nazism.

Pathetic to say the least, imho.

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Hitler used Plato's Republic to justify his actions as well..come to think of it so did Stalin.

As for the Arian race..he let Muslims into his society and beloved SS army when all started going bad.

His ethics towards the disabled definitely twisted, but I think he's probably the first high profile person to try genetic engineering on a sick real life scale.

At least the world now tries it on stem cells...

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Friedrich Nietzsche died in 1900 and correct me if I'm wrong but the didn't the Nazi party begin around 1920? I don't see why he is so demoinzed becuase his words were used after his death by lunatics. Perhaps someone here can explain it to me.

Forgot to mention you spelled his name wrong (left out the 's').

Nietzsche may have been mentally ill (presumed to be from a case of syphilis), and he may have partially engaged in hyperbole/sarcasm, but the fact remains that Nazism was essentially an attempt to put what he wrote into practice.

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If you look around, you can find many differing opinions on the connection between Nietzsche and Nazism, mainly because his militant atheistic amorality is extremely attractive to modern-day leftists, but they have to jump through hoops to disconnect him from Hitler. It can't be done. Here's another piece to add some insight:

William L. Shirer's take on the Relationship Between Friedrich Nietzsche and the Nazis

From William L. Shirer (1959), The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Nietzsche, like Goethe, held no high opinion of the German people, and in other ways, too, the outpourings of this megalomaniacal genius differ from those of the chauvinistic German thinkers of the nineteenth century.... The Germans, he wrote in Ecce Homo, "have no conception how vile they are," and he came to the conclusion that "wheresoever Germany penetrated, she ruins culture." He thought that Christians, as much as Jews, were responsible for the "slave morality" prevalent in the world. He was never an anti-semite. He was sometimes fearful of Prussian culture, and in his last years, before insanity closed his mind, he even toyed with the idea of European union and world government.

Yet I think no one who lived in the Third Reich could have failed to be impressed by Nietzsche's influence on it. His books might be full, as Santayana said, of "genial imbecility" and "boyish blasphemies." Yet Nazi scribblers never tired of extolling him. Hitler often visited the Nietzsche museum in Weimar and publicized his veneration for the philosopher by posing for photographs of himself staring in rapture at the bust of the great man.

There was some ground for this appropriation of Nietzsche as one of the originators of the Nazi Weltanschauung. Had not the philosopher thundered against democracy and parliaments, preached the will to power, praised war and proclaimed the coming of the master race and the superman--and in the most telling aphorisms? A Nazi could proudly quote him on almost every conceivable subject, and did. On Christianity: "the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost perversion... I call it the one immortal blemish of mankind.... This Christianity is no more than the typical teaching of the Socialists." On the State, power, and the jungle world of man: "Society has never regarded virtue as anything other than as a means to strength, power, and order. The State [is] unmorality organized... the will to war, to conquest and revenge... Society is not entitled to exist for its own sake but only as a substructure and scaffolding by means of which a select race of beings may elevate themselves to their higher duties... There is no such thing as the right to live, the right to work, or the right to be happy: in this respect man is no different from the meanest worm." (Women, whom Nietzsche never had, he consigned to a distinctly inferior status, as did the Nazis, who decreed that their place was in the kitchen and their chief role in life to beget children for German warriors. Nietzsche put the idea this way: "Man shall be trained for war and woman for the procreation of the warrior. All else is folly." He went further. In Thus Spake Zarathustra he exclaims: "Thou goest to woman? Do not forget thy whip!"...) And he exalted the superman as the beast of prey, "the magnificent blond brute, avidly rampant for spoil and victory."

And war? Here Nietzsche took the view of most of the other nineteenth-century German thinkers. In the thundering Old Testament language in which Thus Spake Zarathustra is written, the philosopher cries out: "Ye shall love peace as a means to new war, and the short peace more than the long. You I advise not to work, but to fight. You I advise not to peace but to victory.... Ye say it is the good cause which halloweth even war? I say unto you: it is the good war which halloweth every cause. War and courage have done more great things than charity."

Finally there was Nietzsche's prophecy of the coming elite who would rule the world and from whom the superman would spring. In The Will to Power he exclaims: "A daring and ruler race is building itself up.... The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for a particularly strong kind of man, most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man and the elite around him will become the 'lords of the earth'."

Such rantings from one of Germany's most original minds must have struck a responsive chord in Hitler's littered mind. At any rate he appropriated them for his own--not only the thoughts but the philosopher's penchant for grotesque exaggeration, and often his very words. "Lords of the Earth" is a familiar expression in Mein Kampf. That in the end Hitler considered himself the superman of Nietzsche's prophecy cannot be doubted....

In Hitler's utterances there runs the theme that the supreme leader is above the morals of ordinary men. Hegel and Nietzsche thought so too.... Nietzsche, with his grotesque exaggeration, goes much further:

The strong men, the masters, regain the pure conscience of a beast of prey; monsters filled with joy, they can return from a fearful succession of murder, arson, rape, and torture with the same joy in their hearts, the same contentment in their souls as if they had indulged in some student's rag.... When a man is capable of commanding, when he is by nature a "Master," when he is violent in act and gesture, of what importance are treaties to him?... To judge morality properly, it must be replaced by two concepts borrowed from zoology: the taming of a beast and the breeding of a specific species.

The way it basically happened is this: Darwin put forth the theory that man was descended from apes. That led others to conclude that there was now "scientific proof" that there is no God. Nietzsche then put forth the concept that morality is a false construct that forces people into state of mental slavery, and that the only true purpose of human life is to evolve into some higher species, through survival of the fittest. In his opinion, morailty was a weakness, not a strength, in that it restrained people from taking actions that would increase their ability to transmit their genes into the next generation.

Thus it was easy for Hitler to conclude quite rationally (in his mind) that the ideas of God, morality and Christianity that Europe had embraced for 1000+ years were all just a scam perpetrated by the Jews to keep the German race from its rightful place atop the evolutionary food chain. Wipe out the Jews, conquer the world, build the master race. That was Hitler's game plan.

And if you think this particular line of thought hasn't infected the modern-day Left, just check out how many anti-Israel posters you see at their anti-war rallies...

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To me, you are either pro-choice on abortion and pro-capital punishement or you are pro-life and anti-capital punishment. You can't realistically be for opposite sides on these issues - because then you are just confusing yourself. ;)

You are assuming if you are pro-choice, you are pro-abortion.

Just because one would like to defend the right to choose, doesn't mean one would make the choice to abort a child. Despite what the Right would like to think, I don't think people are making casual choices of having an abortion, and a lot of thought goes into it. Situations can become complicated when the child could potentially have a problem, or the mother could have a problem, or there was a rape involved. Things are not so cut and dried.

This is why I think there is no contradiction being both pro-choice and anti-death penalty.

Meanwhile, back to the subject, the Arizona Daily Star has decided not to run Ann Coulter's columns anymore. Apparently, even the conservatives hate her too. :notworthy



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Yeah some brothers in brooklyn and the bronx will try and put a cap in those jihadist a$$es but in the village and long island?


Now the areas where Ann mentioned are along the lines of an old Richard pryor joke wherein during a time of war you go down south open the cellar door with a ten foot pole and inform the crazies that the enemy bombed their land then you get out of their way by heading for the hills.

I don't think that the whole city would surrender, but I do (to an extent) understand her point. New York City has a HUGE population of wealthy people that are out of touch with reality and think that finding designer shoes or attending a "who's who" party are serious and important matters. There are fewer people like that in the deep south, where "lower-class" societies have formed with more frequency than up in good ol' NY.

However, what she forgot about is the fact that the population of NY is GIGANTIC, and for every one "out of touch" wealthy wanna' be celeb there is, there are 10 people just trying to make ends meet. So, like I said, I understand the point she was trying to make (I think), but she screwed it up in translation.

Oh, and she is a nut, don't get me wrong.

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You are assuming if you are pro-choice, you are pro-abortion.

Just because one would like to defend the right to choose, doesn't mean one would make the choice to abort a child. Despite what the Right would like to think, I don't think people are making casual choices of having an abortion, and a lot of thought goes into it. Situations can become complicated when the child could potentially have a problem, or the mother could have a problem, or there was a rape involved. Things are not so cut and dried.

This is why I think there is no contradiction being both pro-choice and anti-death penalty.

Meanwhile, back to the subject, the Arizona Daily Star has decided not to run Ann Coulter's columns anymore. Apparently, even the conservatives hate her too. :notworthy



She's 99% self-promotion, 1% principle.

As for abortion, I'm afraid the number of people who view it as nothing more than a form of birth control is far greater than you think.

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Again - I get back to the perversion (pun intended) of an ideal/philosopy. It's easy to lump Nietzsche in with Nazism. But the fact still remains - Nazism was influenced by many ideals - all of them perverted to support the Nazi "cause".

If I am not mistaken, Hitler was a christian when he originally rose to power.

"Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

Surely, we aren't blaming christianity for nazism are we? ;)

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Again - I get back to the perversion (pun intended) of an ideal/philosopy. It's easy to lump Nietzsche in with Nazism. But the fact still remains - Nazism was influenced by many ideals - all of them perverted to support the Nazi "cause".

If I am not mistaken, Hitler was a christian when he originally rose to power.

Surely, we aren't blaming christianity for nazism are we? ;)

Germany was (obviously) a Christian nation. As such, Hitler had to attempt to couch his public statements in those terms. However, his personal views, which are now well-known, were that Christianity was load of bunk. Kind of like Democrats trying to quote Bible verses to defend government programs.

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The way it basically happened is this: Darwin put forth the theory that man was descended from apes. That led others to conclude that there was now "scientific proof" that there is no God. Nietzsche then put forth the concept that morality is a false construct that forces people into state of mental slavery, and that the only true purpose of human life is to evolve into some higher species, through survival of the fittest. In his opinion, morailty was a weakness, not a strength, in that it restrained people from taking actions that would increase their ability to transmit their genes into the next generation.

And this "morality" you speak of? THe morality which gives you the moral authority to judge people based on your perverted and dellusional version of reality? The morality which gives you the fortitude do say liberals are for child molesting?

No, it is you who needs a moralaity update, the last time I checked, morality was not a belief which hate was spewed from. Morality was not a belief people hid behind while the called other people names like Nazi, pedophile and other things like that. Morality was not a "value" the right wing espouses, it is a value people like yourself hide behind while they make baseless accusations to further their own ideological agenda.

Thus it was easy for Hitler to conclude quite rationally (in his mind) that the ideas of God, morality and Christianity that Europe had embraced for 1000+ years were all just a scam perpetrated by the Jews to keep the German race from its rightful place atop the evolutionary food chain. Wipe out the Jews, conquer the world, build the master race. That was Hitler's game plan.

Funny, and a bit of revisionist history, seeing how Hitler used Christianity in most of his speeches during his rise and he was a practicing Christian.

Of course though, you know what Hitler was thinking, and you will try to rtivialize this because it is along the Rights ideology. You instead will try to create your revisionist history and say the Hitler was really secular, and he didn't believe in Christianity.

Paahlease, he used Christianity to dupe a bunch of people into believing in a perverse ideology, sound familiar?

And if you think this particular line of thought hasn't infected the modern-day Left, just check out how many anti-Israel posters you see at their anti-war rallies...

Come on now, where are the Anti-Israel signs in Crawford? Show me one. I can also show you how MANY Christian groups on the right have the same hatred towards Israel, to try and paint the left with this view is the quickest was to take a vacation. By reading both Portis' and your posts, I sense you will be taking an unwanted vacation very soon.

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