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Ann Coulter: New Yorkers "Would Immediately Surrender" If Attacked...


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I see that Ann Coulter is making some pretty nutty comments, as usual.

Ann Coulter: New Yorkers "Would Immediately Surrender" If Attacked...


Fox News | Posted August 26, 2005 03:52 PM

From "Hannity and Colmes," August 25, 2005:

COLMES:...And I want to ask you about something, Ann, that you wrote in your most recent column. You had a very funny line, actually, that it is hard to find a parking spot in New York City. There's no question about it. You've had a pretty good day if you can do that.

But then you said, "It's far preferable to fight them on the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York, where the residents would immediately surrender." Now, some New Yorkers...


COLMES: ... felt that you were calling them cowards by making that statement.

COULTER: No, I think I was calling them supporters of Cindy Sheehan.

COLMES: Is that what that is? You certainly don't feel that New Yorkers are cowards?

COULTER: I think they would immediately surrender.

COLMES: So you do?

COULTER: I don't -- I don't think -- I think I'd rather have them trying to invade Mississippi or Georgia, Alabama, you know, the states where I want Cindy Sheehan's bus tour to go.

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Guest sith lord

I was watching it the other night. She had better not ever be invited as a speaker in NYC again. I swear, Her and Sean Hannity had to be seperated at birth.

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In all Franken's last book there was a running joke throughout asking "What is wrong with that (female dog)"

She is simply intolerable and out of her damn mind, a quote from an article she wrote after 9/11, "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

She gives conservatives a bad name.

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Yeah some brothers in brooklyn and the bronx will try and put a cap in those jihadist a$$es but in the village and long island?


Now the areas where Ann mentioned are along the lines of an old Richard pryor joke wherein during a time of war you go down south open the cellar door with a ten foot pole and inform the crazies that the enemy bombed their land then you get out of their way by heading for the hills.

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The Bronx and Queens are just filled with scared little men that cry if they break a nail.....In Ann Coulters world.

Coulter is the flip side of the Michael Moore coin, she'll make a vaild point here and there but that's about it. Franken did a pretty god job of shooting holes in her crappy books, and when Franken can makes you look like a out of control wing nut....you know something is wrong.

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more than likely she was taking shots at the liberal peacenik strongholds of NYC and forcing a debate on would you defend your city or not and lets be honest alot of people in cities dont want to get involved and usually weren't the witness to a crime, heck no one saw suge knight get shot in public.

The south different story they will profile the teorrist if they are attacked and would not detain 87 year old grandma alice to make the most likely teorrist group not have their feelings hurt.

And will go for the death penalty if they dont take the terrorists out themselves

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Well not all of Queens but if you look at the supposed liberal mentality of the city then what are you supposed to expect but a city dominated by a bunch of girly men?
Girly men? You mean like those guys wearing pants 4 sizes too small that start a letter writing campaign when a girl dops a towel before a monday night football game exposing her shoulder?

....No I guess you mean the metrosexuals roaming the streets of NYC

Point is girly men can be found on both sides, no matter what a governor that made a name for himself by flexing in a speedo has to say about it.

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I don't know why some think she's attractive. She isn't that pretty, at least to me; beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. And especially a mean-spirited f(which shouldn't be confused with "tough") woman. Say what you will about New York "liberals," but go there and try to pick a fight with them, and you may change your mind about their supposed "liberal girliness."

That is the irony of the cartoon that was posted: The RNC had their convention, in NY, during 9-11. Most New Yorkers didn't care for that, but the RNC didn't care in turn about the desires of most residents of the city. Really, who is the biggest exploiter?

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