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In your honest opinion...


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How do the Skins look this year. I get daily emails from the Washington Post, so that's how I've kept up on things. But I've been so busy this summer i haven't kept track of my squad like i normally do. But with Aug. approaching, i'm starting to get the fever. All i've heard is that Taylors getting life behind bars, Lavars still trying to heal his knee and front office relationship, Ramsey looks good and our new corners has come up gimp...but what really goes on?

who can tell me, honestly, who things are looking?


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Still too early,

we don't know how Arrington or Barrow will play once they get suited up.

If Rogers recovers to be a nickle back and compete with Harris

If Harris can be a serious #2 CB.

If Patten, Moss and the other WRs can work out

If Ramsey can succeed with the alterations in the Gibbs' O

If Portis can have "Portis Numbers" with the new blocking schemes

If anybody gets injured

I think that alot will be sorted out by the 2nd/3rd week of preseason (that's when I'll have my picks for the NFCE).

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I personally think things look good. Its hard for me to really be objective since im a HUGE redskins fan, but i feel our WRs are better, our line is one of the best in the league if healthy, Portis is Portis, and our D should be as good or better. We lost Smoot but Williams said last year he thought Wilds was easily starting material and wished he had put him in more last year, plus we have Rogers who is expected to have legit number one skills. We are deep at LB so Peirces loss hurts a lil less.

No reason we cant be in the playoffs this year if time managment is fixed and the running scheme is adjusted a little for Portis. We will be taking shots down field this year. The biggest x-factor is Ramsey. A lot is riding on how he does.

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Honest opinion?

I think the team will be great, but have this feeling of dread that the whole thing just won't work.

I am not worried about our D at all. I just hope to God that whatever Joe Gibbs did this offseason works, and works very well.

If Gibbs gets comfortable coaching again (I don't think he ever was last season) then look out, because he is a terrific play caller and can set up defenses extremely well.

I just hope he has it figured out now

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Here's my take...and since I don't have a job as a front office person it ain't worth the paper it's printed on....nonetheless:

I believe the team is better for two main reasons, the first being continuity which I really don't need to explain. The other is less quantifiable, but encompasses most of the major issues the media has latched onto during this offseason....the concept of Team.

First, Smoot and Pierce had to go because Gibb is effecting a change in the model of compensation in this organization. They're not going to overpay people anymore beyond what is equitable relative to the other personnel and what they feel the top dollar value per position is. Unfortunately, Smoot and Pierce were first victims...somebody had to be. The outcome of this over time should be a fairer system where the team is emphasized, not the individual... That's a seed change in the culture of the team and, ultimately its identity.

The second major part of that is the jettisoning of players not buying into the system. Exit Coles and Gardner. I personally don't think dumping Coles was a problem. We got a decent player in return and ate the entire cap hit this year. Another example of a team move...getting the rid of the players who don't believe in what we're trying to get done here.

Third, no splashy moves in free agency. Deliberate and calculate acquisitions...Rabach, free safety and lineback depth. Just excellent decision making there IMO.

Lastly, the topic of Jason Campbell. Again, I see this in a positive light, while most berate the move as destabilizing and under cutting Ramsey as the incumbent. Listen, we've got a QB in Ramsey that's proven nothing. He'll have at least year to prove he's the guy and take this team to the promise land, as Gibbs put it. If he can't, we've got a solid QB prospect with a ton of physical skills, who's already spent a year learning the system. If, we wait until after we find out Ramsey can't cut it and THEN draft a QB, we lose a lot of time.

Now I'm sure there's a counter arguement to every point I made. But you asked for opinions and that's how I've viewed this offseason...establishing a sense of equity, an emphasis on team, and smart acquisitions.

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Originally posted by topdogbran

First, Smoot and Pierce had to go because Gibb is effecting a change in the model of compensation in this organization. They're not going to overpay people anymore beyond what is equitable relative to the other personnel and what they feel the top dollar value per position is. Unfortunately, Smoot and Pierce were first victims...somebody had to be. The outcome of this over time should be a fairer system where the team is emphasized, not the individual... That's a seed change in the culture of the team and, ultimately its identity.

You don't think we overpaid Santana Moss?

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Originally posted by VaBeachSkinzFan

You don't think we overpaid Santana Moss?

No, because we didn't.

And, the sentiment earlier about questions and asking whether Harris can be a No. 2. Of course he can. He's been a No. 1 or No. 2 starter his whole career until last year when he was hurt and played behind Smoot. There's NO reason to question that he can be that now.

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Originally posted by Art

No, because we didn't.

He had one good season and it wasn't even last year. I'm not saying that I don't think that he can't be a great reciever, I just think that we paid a lot of money for someone that is injury prone and has only had one good statistical season.

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I think you can safely say that there are a lot of unknowns at this point. If everything gels and comes together I like what I see, but I also think that all of the teams in the NFC East have improved in the offseason also (the Eagles might be the surprise, did not improve). That said, the NFC East is going to be extremely competitive. I also think that if you had to assign a 'risk factor' to weight the possibility of everything not coming together it would be high. I think this is what a lot of journalists base their comments on. If things do come together I like our odds better then last season, except for the NFC East competition I mentioned previously.

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Originally posted by VaBeachSkinzFan

He got a six year 31 million dollar contract with 11 million in guaranteed bonuses.

Edit- Wow I guess I should refresh before I post next time.

Even if it is more cap friendly this year than Coles would have been, it is still alot of money to pay IMO.

Except, he didn't get $11 million in guaranteed bonuses. So, I ask again, how much is he getting paid.

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Guest skin by grace
Originally posted by topdogbran

Here's my take...and since I don't have a job as a front office person it ain't worth the paper it's printed on....nonetheless:

I believe the team is better for two main reasons, the first being continuity which I really don't need to explain. The other is less quantifiable, but encompasses most of the major issues the media has latched onto during this offseason....the concept of Team.

First, Smoot and Pierce had to go because Gibb is effecting a change in the model of compensation in this organization. They're not going to overpay people anymore beyond what is equitable relative to the other personnel and what they feel the top dollar value per position is. Unfortunately, Smoot and Pierce were first victims...somebody had to be. The outcome of this over time should be a fairer system where the team is emphasized, not the individual... That's a seed change in the culture of the team and, ultimately its identity.

The second major part of that is the jettisoning of players not buying into the system. Exit Coles and Gardner. I personally don't think dumping Coles was a problem. We got a decent player in return and ate the entire cap hit this year. Another example of a team move...getting the rid of the players who don't believe in what we're trying to get done here.

Third, no splashy moves in free agency. Deliberate and calculate acquisitions...Rabach, free safety and lineback depth. Just excellent decision making there IMO.

lastly, the topic of Jason Campbell. Again, I see this in a positive light, while most berate the move as destabilizing and under cutting Ramsey as the incumbent. Listen, we've got a QB in Ramsey that's proven nothing. He'll have at least year to prove he's the guy and take this team to the promise land, as Gibbs put it. If he can't, we've got a solid QB prospect with a ton of physical skills, who's already spent a year learning the system. If, we wait until after we find out Ramsey can't cut it and THEN draft a QB, we lose a lot of time.

Now I'm sure there's a counter arguement to every point I made. But you asked for opinions and that's how I've viewed this offseason...establishing a sense of equity, an emphasis on team, and smart acquisitions.

I may be biased ....but, you sir are a genius:wewantd:

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Originally posted by Art

Except, he didn't get $11 million in guaranteed bonuses. So, I ask again, how much is he getting paid.

Honestly I'm not really sure what your asking.

If you are asking how much he is counting against the cap this year then I have to say that I don't know. Like you said not all of the bonus money is guaranteed.

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Originally posted by VaBeachSkinzFan

Honestly I'm not really sure what your asking.

If you are asking how much he is counting against the cap this year then I have to say that I don't know. Like you said not all of the bonus money is guaranteed.

What I'm asking you is after your complaint that for a guy who has played one good year we gave him so much money to answer how much money we gave him. You said he was given $11 million guaranteed. In fact, he wasn't given that at all. He was, however, given an amount that WAS guaranteed. How much was that?

And, he was given an additional amount he can earn if he doesn't stink it up. How much was that?

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