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Sen. Clinton Calls for Video Game Access Probe


07/14/05 7:30 AM PT

In a speech to media experts and child advocates, Sen. Clinton singled out "Grand Theft Auto" as particularly harmful, saying it "has so many demeaning messages about women and so encourages violent imagination and activities and it scares parents."

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Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has attacked violent video games as "a silent epidemic" among children, said she wants a federal investigation into one of the most popular, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas."

Clinton, D-N.Y., is asking the Federal Trade Commission to probe how users of the game can access "graphic pornographic and violent content" for the game from the Internet .

Rating Change

In a letter dated today to FTC chairwoman Deborah Platt Majoras, she also urged the agency to examine whether the game's rating of "M" for mature should be changed to an "Adults Only" rating.

The Entertainment Software Ratings Board, a self-regulatory ratings arm of the game software industry, is already investigating the issue.

New York's junior senator said it is time for the federal government to step in.

"There is no doubting the fact that the widespread availability of sexually explicit and graphically violent video games makes the challenge of parenting much harder," Clinton said in her missive seeking an FTC investigation.

Protecting Kids

The senator is also pushing legislation that would make it harder for young kids to get access to such content.

Even before her election to the Senate, Clinton spoke out against the amount of sexual and violent content available to children.

In March, Clinton delivered a speech to the Kaiser Family Foundation in which she called media sex and violence "a silent epidemic" among children, and sought federal research into how exposure to such graphic content affects young minds.

In that speech to media experts and child advocates, she singled out "Grand Theft Auto" as particularly harmful, saying it "has so many demeaning messages about women and so encourages violent imagination and activities and it scares parents ... They're playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them. You know, that's kind of hard to digest."

© 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved

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i don't get your title.

video games with the "M" rating are getting more and more explicit and with adult enuendos (sp). i don't think most parents mind the language but women moaning, beds squeaking, see-through clothes, stabbing people in the nuts isn't appropriate for 13yo kids. maybe there should be a legislation that requires the game to list the potentially offensive situations in the game in stead of a coverall label for games that vary from language to soft porn.

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Maybe I missed it but it looks like this article was written so well that it barely mentions what has Sen. Clinton so upset suddenly. She's not alone and she has good reason to be this time.

Clinton, D-N.Y., is asking the Federal Trade Commission to probe how users of the game can access "graphic pornographic and violent content" for the game from the Internet .
In the quote here she's talking about a mod: Hot Coffee. The mod seems to grant access to adult material BUILT INTO THE GAME. Because it was hidden the voluntary rating system didn't see it, and gave the violent very much unPC game a "M" rating, which stands for Mature. Had they seen the sex stuff it would have recieved a deserved AO rating limiting the stores that would carry it.

Here is a description of the MOD that appears on gamershell.com

With this mod you will be able to unlock the uncensored interactive sex-games with your girlfriends in San Andreas. This package contains two versions of this mod: the quick action version, that will bring you quickly to the action, but may spoil your gameplay; the gameplay friendly version, that will show you the action, but doesn't influence the game-play. Now you must play the game until you unlock a girlfriend and get her to go drink coffee with you

If you want images search for "hot coffee mod" you can even download a video. It's cartoon sex play that isn't as bad as it could be. My problem with it is that they hid it from the ratings and that invalidates the entire system of companies are going to engage in that stuff.

esrbratingdef2.gifClick on the image if you want more info on game ratings.

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I had a long discussion about this with my mother when I wanted her to buy me the game "Mortal Kombat" for my birthday. Although she didn't like the violence, she didn't think it was going to make ME violent. Common sense.

I do get the urge every once in awhile to throw a rope spike at someones neck and yell "COME HERE," but that may just be coincidence.

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

Yep, it should be the parents.

Tipper Gore led the charge against music with explicit lyrics in the mid 80's. Dems have acted like this before.

Did you notice that when Gore was VP, Tippers charge stopped?

Generally, limiting or banning games, videos etc... are conservative viewpoints and issues.

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

i don't get your title.

video games with the "M" rating are getting more and more explicit and with adult enuendos (sp). i don't think most parents mind the language but women moaning, beds squeaking, see-through clothes, stabbing people in the nuts isn't appropriate for 13yo kids. maybe there should be a legislation that requires the game to list the potentially offensive situations in the game in stead of a coverall label for games that vary from language to soft porn.

an "M" rating means you must be 17+, not 13

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Originally posted by endzone_dave

I thought a person had to be 17 years old to buy GTA. If parents are concerned about the contents of these games, read the labels, follow their ratings, and stopping buying these types of games for their kids.

Ratings aren't the law. They are voluntary and stores often don't abide by them. Odds are kids know where they can buy the M rated games, they aren't stupid.
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Originally posted by TheDoyler23

I had a long discussion about this with my mother when I wanted her to buy me the game "Mortal Kombat" for my birthday. Although she didn't like the violence, she didn't think it was going to make ME violent. Common sense.

I do get the urge every once in awhile to throw a rope spike at someones neck and yell "COME HERE," but that may just be coincidence.

My thoughts are that your mom may hav ethough differently had Scorion been able to engage in oral sex games with Katana.

I think in that game when te voice told you to Finish him, they had something else in mind. :)

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Originally posted by Destino

Ratings aren't the law. They are voluntary and stores often don't abide by them. Odds are kids know where they can buy the M rated games, they aren't stupid.

Same as an "R" rated movie. If the hot coffee mod is accessible in the game like a cheat code, then maybe it should not be available to kids like the playboy game for PS2. However, I would like the government to stop telling people what forms of entertainment are good and bad for my family. Leave that up to the head(s) of household. As a republican, the whole witch-hunt that the GOP initiated with the FCC made me angry. Now it seems that democrats are beginning to follow suit. Pretty soon I won't even have the luxury of skin-o-max late at night on fridays.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Woah, she's becoming a conservative...

Real conservatives do not support government censorship and instrusion into our private lives. If the government isn't taxing us to death, they're telling us how to live our lives. I'd never let my kid play this game, but that's my decision. Not the government's decision.

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Heck I saw kids at blockbuster trying to rent M theme games and movies and then called their parents who said it was ok the old school lady still said no

Tipper, and Liberman of connecticut led a rating revelution on music and video games.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Did you notice that when Gore was VP, Tippers charge stopped?

Generally, limiting or banning games, videos etc... are conservative viewpoints and issues.

Yeah, why did it stop? I didn't really pay attention to her that much.

Can we all agree that when it comes to certain things like this, that libs and cons want to fix the problem? It's not a political problem, its a social one and it will affect our youth no matter what party they side with.

So really, anyone have this hot coffee thing?

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Originally posted by forbeskin

Shouldn't that be the parents job to monitor what your child plays? Call me crazy.

Yes, it is our job. Not only do I control what my son plays but for how long. He has a little friend here on the next street that only wants to sit inside all summer and play PlayStation. I won't let him go over to the kids house much because of this.

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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY

Yes, it is our job. Not only do I control what my son plays but for how long. He has a little friend here on the next street that only wants to sit inside all summer and play PlayStation. I won't let him go over to the kids house much because of this.

:notworthy :cheers:

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I don't think this is a waste of money. It obviously is the parent job to determine what your kids do. In do not own a playstation or any type of similar game and will never buy one for my kids. I turn the TV off in the summer to make them read and get out and do stuff.

However, it is nice to know that if I do allow them to play at someone's house I can depend on the proper labeling of a game. GTA is an easy game to not allow, but I don't know all the games.

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Originally posted by nelms

Real conservatives do not support government censorship and instrusion into our private lives. If the government isn't taxing us to death, they're telling us how to live our lives. I'd never let my kid play this game, but that's my decision. Not the government's decision.

I don't want the government in my private life, that's for sure, but lots of conservatives don't think that way, the religious right in particular.

Watch the 700 club some time.

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Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff

Yeah, why did it stop? I didn't really pay attention to her that much.

Because "in general" the liberals generally are not into interfering with social issues.

I'm definately a social liberal, but a fiscal conservative, the Gore's, or more so Tipper were the exception rather than the rule.

Did you ever watch the court hearings? I think most of us would agree that recording artists are generally liberal, well, there were tons of them, Dee Snyder led the way, and they were dead against the labels.

I don't care about the labels either was, because is doesn't affect me personally, but IMO, that whole episode was not a typical "liberal" thing, it was definately a conservative agenda and Gore and Tipper had to shut up about it when he was on the VP ticket, which is a whole issue on it's own. If that's what they believed in, they should have stuck to it rather than the Dem agenda. Lost alot of respect of Gore over that.

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