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Aikmans Career Ending play


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Originally posted by richard saunders

To bad...if Aikman had just pump faked, Lavar would have left his feet

I don't think that Aikman ever saw Lavar coming.

I don't like seeing other players get hurt, but that clip needs to be shown to alot of idiotic Cowboy fans who like to claim that it was a dirty hit... I've run across a few delusional ones that even claim that it was out of bounds.

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I was at a preaseason game about two years ago when the Skins played the Steelers. Lavar hit Kordell just like that out of bounds. It was right in front of me. Then he did the same thing to Charlie Batch. It was easily the best preseason game I ever went to.

I think a lot of us forget what a freak of nature Lavar is. Remember just last year in the Atlanta preseason game, what he did to Vick? Can you imagine seeing that EVERY week? I just got goosebumps … I hope Lavar is up to full strength by training camp.

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Originally posted by Leonard Washington

eventhough that his was in bounds i think he would have gotten flagged/fined today.

Are you kidding me?? Flagged or Fined for what, one of the best and cleanest hits on a QB ever?? He hits him right in the shoulder, not high, and he did not throw him into the ground it was all momentum, but nice try Cowboys fine, it was a very clean and a great hit. Even Aikman said he had never been hit that hard.




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Wow, LA's speed looks unreal. He looks like a blur (a really big one) in that clip, and thats not even at full speed.

I remember watching that game, I was like 'up, here we go, another concussion" I had no idea at the time it would be Aikman's last play of his career.

LA + GW system = 5 more clips like that next year

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I do not think it was a dirty hit but please, he ducked his head and speared him right in the chin. It would have been called in todays National Flag League.

you mean what roy williams does on virtually every hit yet never gets called? boys fans wet themselves when rw lays into someone but whenever this career-ending hit gets brought up - they get their panties in a wad. such hypocrisy.

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Originally posted by Clutch03

I think a lot of us forget what a freak of nature Lavar is. Remember just last year in the Atlanta preseason game, what he did to Vick? Can you imagine seeing that EVERY week? I just got goosebumps … I hope Lavar is up to full strength by training camp.

yeah, i was at that game. i thought lavar was gonna have a career year after that game.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

you mean what roy williams does on virtually every hit yet never gets called? boys fans wet themselves when rw lays into someone but whenever this career-ending hit gets brought up - they get their panties in a wad. such hypocrisy.

I think it was a good clean hit...... too bad Aikman had so many concussions prior to that one. Interesting, I've heard Sonny Jorgenson suggest that Lavar has actually changed for the worse after that hit. He said that Lavar actually needs to be more agressive and menacing and maybe felt bad after that play?

Funny though how no skins fans bring up the outcome of that game when Anthony Wright came in to replace Aikman?:);)

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

I think it was a good clean hit...... too bad Aikman had so many concussions prior to that one. Interesting, I've heard Sonny Jorgenson suggest that Lavar has actually changed for the worse after that hit. He said that Lavar actually needs to be more agressive and menacing and maybe felt bad after that play?

Funny though how no skins fans bring up the outcome of that game when Anthony Wright came in to replace Aikman?:);)

You mean they finished the game? I thought they had a memorial for Aikman’s career right there on the field. Who knew?!?! :whoknows:

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