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Aikmans Career Ending play


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I know this is a Skins board but this is one of the most ignorant comments I have read on this board. Sure there are Cowboys fans who visit this board who may be 'casual fans', but Cowboy fans are no different from any other teams fans. A lot of us bleed Cowboy blue just like Skins fans bleed Redskin red. To think otherwise is comical.

So why doesn't anyone show up to your games? Why are folks more interested in the Mavericks down there?

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

So why doesn't anyone show up to your games? Why are folks more interested in the Mavericks down there?

The Mavericks are a good and entertaining team and I am actually a bigger Maverick fan than Cowboy fan...despite not living in Dallas for almost 10 years. Although Dallas will always be a football town and the Boys rule that area. So now noone shows up to the games and everyone is more interested in the Mavericks in addition to being all "casual fans". Ok if you say so.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

Read the fine print douche bag. I didn't say "all." But thanks for proving my point that most Boys fans are unable to make even simple observations.

nice mature response there....ok I will move along.

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler

Read the fine print douche bag. I didn't say "all." But thanks for proving my point that most Boys fans are unable to make even simple observations.

Excuse us. We need to talk.

goose, enjoy the board.

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Originally posted by ryerye05

thereafter, coming from dc what do u think turned u to liking the cowboys? im not downing you im just wonderin i was curious

Some people get upset when I explain but since you asked..... It was completely innocent and natural... they just became my favorite team since I was about 6. My dad was a Skins season ticket holder so I had every reason to like the Skins growing up but I just fell in love with the Cowboys... Tony Dorsett, Tony "Thrill" Hill, Drew Pearson, Butch Johnson, Ron Springs (Shawn Springs dad for those that don't know), Everson Walls, "Too Tall," ... these were my favorite players.. and I loved the colors and the aura so it just took it from there.. they are my team through thick and thin.... although I've been to Texas for a game it sucks to not know what it is to actually live in home team territory... but it's all worth it to me.

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

Some people get upset when I explain but since you asked..... It was completely innocent and natural... they just became my favorite team since I was about 6. My dad was a Skins season ticket holder so I had every reason to like the Skins growing up but I just fell in love with the Cowboys... Tony Dorsett, Tony "Thrill" Hill, Drew Pearson, Butch Johnson, Ron Springs (Shawn Springs dad for those that don't know), Everson Walls, "Too Tall," ... these were my favorite players.. and I loved the colors and the aura so it just took it from there.. they are my team through thick and thin.... although I've been to Texas for a game it sucks to not know what it is to actually live in home team territory... but it's all worth it to me.

You wanna know what it's like to live in Texas? I suppose you mean Dallas...

Hot and dry...

Wide open plains...no hills in sight from horizon to horizon.

Did I mention hot?

I never lived in Dallas, but I lived in Lubbock which is pretty much the same weather wise. Now I live in Houston, which is hot and wet. Don't know which is worse.


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Originally posted by ArmchairRedskin

I'd say Houston is worse just for the smog factor. It's nasty down there.

Yea...I live in Baytown so I know I've had my life span reduced by at least 5 years. Possibly 10.:laugh:

I must admit that Lubbock, while hot, did have pretty clean air.

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Originally posted by Rypien11

Someone mentioned how good of an announcer Troy is.

Kinda ironic that a QB for the Cowboys is the only guy in the booth NOT trashing the Skins when he covers a game they are playing. Even when it is against Dallas.

This is so true, I always love listening to Troy on FOX. The person I think bags on the Redskins the most is Cris Collinsworth, I hate listening to him. All he says is negative stuff.

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