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Aikmans Career Ending play


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Originally posted by Clutch03

You mean they finished the game? I thought they had a memorial for Aikman’s career right there on the field. Who knew?!?! :whoknows:

:laugh: I think Aikman can look back on his career and say that accomplished alot.

Yes, they actually finished the game after that play. :)

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Originally posted by richard saunders

To bad...if Aikman had just pump faked, Lavar would have left his feet

As hard as it might be to imagine, if Troy had taken the time to fake, he still would have gotten blind sided by an aging, sack hungry, Bruuuuuuuce Smith. :D

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Originally posted by THEHEREAFTER

:laugh: I think Aikman can look back on his career and say that accomplished alot.

Yes, they actually finished the game after that play. :)

Oh … I have a strange feeling that the Skins may have lost that one. :paranoid:

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Originally posted by TheKeyBlue

I do not think it was a dirty hit but please, he ducked his head and speared him right in the chin. It would have been called in todays National Flag League.

Wow. Nice try at revising history. Troy doesn't even play in today's NFL Bro.

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Originally posted by Gothtimus

Here's a close up for ya ;p


lol... well... i never thought there was anything incriminating about that hit... until that picture.

It might just be that frame, but in today's NFL he'd likely be penalized/fined.

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Originally posted by Truant

lol... well... i never thought there was anything incriminating about that hit... until that picture.

It might just be that frame, but in today's NFL he'd likely be penalized/fined.

The helmet to Aikman's face mask is questionable but you have to allow for a little bit of incidental contact. I didn't see any malicious intent.

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In that picture you have to take into consideration that they are both heading toward the camera man and to the left. if you do that then you can see that the main contact of the hit was LaVars shoulder to Aikman's chest. Clean hit. Advantage:LaVar.

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Originally posted by pennywise

I think it is sad that knocking out an already gimpy QB is Lavar's career highlight.

I don’t think it’s his career highlight in my opinion. It just happens to be the most glorifying highlight by football fans. I think his career highlight play was the one where he intercepted the pass in the Carolina game (correct me if I’m wrong) and returned it for a touchdown. That play changed the whole season for us. That’s what superstars should do … make a play that brings your teammates to that next level to succeed. I hope he can do that this year.

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I think his career highlight play was the one where he intercepted the pass in the Carolina game (correct me if I’m wrong) and returned it for a touchdown. That play changed the whole season for us. That’s what superstars should do … make a play that brings your teammates to that next level to succeed. I hope he can do that this year.

We were 0-5 going into that game and we were well on our way to 0-6... Lavar's interception changed the game... and as you said changed the season. We went on to win 5 straight games... something that had only been done once before if I recall correctly for a team that started 0-5. That my friends, is one hell of a highlight... I can't say it's his career highlight yet because there are so many years to come;)

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Originally posted by Truant

lol... well... i never thought there was anything incriminating about that hit... until that picture.

It might just be that frame, but in today's NFL he'd likely be penalized/fined.

Yeah your not allowed to strike the QB in the head.. that looks pretty intentional to me but yeah I'm sure it's a bad angle or something because lavar would never do that :rolleyes:

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Personally, I don't like seeing that clip. I would not consider a highlight of Lavar's career. I wonder how people on this board would react if somebody were to post LT breaking Joe Theisman's leg in there signature. And then one of the Giants fans on the board were to talk about what a great play it was. Just my opinion but I think they are under the same category and both unfortunate plays that I wish had not happened.

GO SKINS!:logo:

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Originally posted by ATLANTASKINSFAN

Personally, I don't like seeing that clip. I would not consider a highlight of Lavar's career. I wonder how people on this board would react if somebody were to post LT breaking Joe Theisman's leg in there signature. And then one of the Giants fans on the board were to talk about what a great play it was. Just my opinion but I think they are under the same category and both unfortunate plays that I wish had not happened.

GO SKINS!:logo:

I don't really think you can compare the two incidents; Aikman had already had several career threatening concussions in the past, and it was almost inevitable that he was going to get another one and be forced to retire. It just happened to be Arrington. So realistically, Aikman only had at the most 1 or 2 years left.

The Theismann play was a freak accident, nothing that could have been prevented or anything. I bet Theismann coiuld have played another 5 years if the accident hadn't happened.

Plus, Aikman was a Cowturd!

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You Skins fans must admit, if it was Roy doing that to Ramsey, youd be singing the same tune about how it was dirty and not necessary.

Roy Willams did that to several Skins players last year. Including the one on Rod Gardner that should have been flagged.

Roy Willams hits hard but he does lead with his shoulder.

Hell can you imangine how many fines Jack Tatum would rack up today?

In any case that being said, Troy Aikman was very classy. He was a better QB that the Skins have had in a very long time.

It was a clean hit.

Troy himself has even said it was a good, clean hit.

I have been a Redskin fan since I was 7 and lived in Texas all my life.

I get a very steady dose of Cowboy Mania here.

While It burns me up to loose to them and I really cannot stand that dam star I think Troy was a great QB and should be givin the respect he deserves.

Someone mentioned how good of an announcer Troy is.

Kinda ironic that a QB for the Cowboys is the only guy in the booth NOT trashing the Skins when he covers a game they are playing. Even when it is against Dallas.

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Originally posted by Rypien11

Roy Willams did that to several Skins players last year. Including the one on Rod Gardner that should have been flagged.

Roy Willams hits hard but he does lead with his shoulder.

Hell can you imangine how many fines Jack Tatum would rack up today?

In any case that being said, Troy Aikman was very classy. He was a better QB that the Skins have had in a very long time.

It was a clean hit.

Troy himself has even said it was a good, clean hit.

I have been a Redskin fan since I was 7 and lived in Texas all my life.

I get a very steady dose of Cowboy Mania here.

While It burns me up to loose to them and I really cannot stand that dam star I think Troy was a great QB and should be givin the respect he deserves.

Someone mentioned how good of an announcer Troy is.

Kinda ironic that a QB for the Cowboys is the only guy in the booth NOT trashing the Skins when he covers a game they are playing. Even when it is against Dallas.

The kind words about one of my favorites is appreciated.

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Originally posted by HeHateMe

You Skins fans must admit, if it was Roy doing that to Ramsey, youd be singing the same tune about how it was dirty and not necessary.

Not really. As has been said, Lavar's was a clean hit. Williams had plenty of clean hits on Ramsey a couple years ago courtesy of Spurrier's genius blocking schemes. It sucked for us, and those hits were absolutely brutal, but nobody said it was dirty.

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