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What if Gregg Williams was...


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...offered a head coaching job after this season?

The Seattle article got me thinking about that. I wonder if he would take it? I think Snyder would pay anything to keep him, but maybe he wants to be the man more than he wants money.

I think most Redskins fans want Williams to take over when Gibbs version 2 is done, but I wonder if that is the plan in Redskin park.

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Coaches' salaries don't count against the cap, correct? If Musgrave can get a mil/year to coach the QBs, Snyder will pay to keep Williams as well.

Plus I'm 100% sure that Williams was guranteed the HC job after Gibbs 5 year contract is up.

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Originally posted by Kilmer

...offered a head coaching job after this season?

The Seattle article got me thinking about that. I wonder if he would take it? I think Snyder would pay anything to keep him, but maybe he wants to be the man more than he wants money.

I think most Redskins fans want Williams to take over when Gibbs version 2 is done, but I wonder if that is the plan in Redskin park.

obviously thats the popular vote among Redskin nation, but you don't know exactly what Coach Williams is thinking. To be honest last year he may have been content with being a coordinator but what if our D is in the top 5 once again , and then we make the playoffs, you'd figure he would get a ton of offers. Personally, it would be a dream for him to stay and take the torch from Gibbs once he is done, but i think he's simply too damn good to be held under the tent for long.

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Mr. Williams has had a HC position. I think it may have left a sour taste in his mouth for the time being. I feel like he wants to be a Skin for life. The money will be good but his adoration for Coach Gibbs will keep him here for Gibb's tenure. Even though the team hasn't won yet under Gibbs we all know it is a matter of time. The players believe it and the coaching staff is like a family now. Williams believes in this family and will therefore be here for the long haul. I beleive.

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I think if the Offense show marked improvement and he can see a championship team in the making he stays. Certainly they've discussed him succeeding Gibbs. What better way to start than with a winner. I can easily see Gibbs handing over the reigns after a championship. Leave on top and hand a winning team to his hand picked successor. Why would he want to go fix someone elses problem if he can start with a winner?

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I thought it really sucked to lose Lewis after one year. I think Spurrier had an improved offense in 2003, but our defense became so god aweful it really did not matter.

It does appear that Williams is happy in his position right now. I just cannot get over how smart it was of Gibbs to go after him with his stint up in Buffalo. This guy has never had a bad defense.

The one thing that could derail Gibbs IMO is losing Williams. I mean he truly picked the perfect coordinator so that he really does have to pay attention to the D...like when he had Pettibon.

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Here is my thinking on this subject:

1) From the way I understand how the FO office it sounds very democratic with Gibbs and Gregg having their representative offensive and defensive chairs. It makes me think that the title of head coach, OC, DC, QB coach, etc is more of a titular in function. In that regards, a HC position from another organization might really not be that big of a career advancement for Gregg Williams.

2) I think he is also learning from Gibbs how to be a winner.

3) My experience with Madden 2003/04 has taught me this... You can buy any coaches you want if you throw enough money at them. (I.e. head coach: parcells, OC: norv turner, DC: marvin lewis, ST: insert anyone) I think financially G. Williams is set. Good ole' Danny boy made sure of that. And money talks. Alot.

4) He is happy and has bought into the system and obviously does not want out.

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I don't think Redskins fans have anything to worry about. He likes it here, is paid better than most head coaches, and already knows how hard it is to succeed as a HC.

This has to be the 150th thread on this exact same subject as well. I wish people would stop asking the same questions over and over and over.

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Williams has said on more than one occasion that he is here for a while. I believe that to mean a couple more years at least. However, I can see maybe Blache leaving for a HC job.

Yeah, I've heard him go on record, saying that he likes the area and his family likes the area, and that is more important than a head coaching job.

Especially when he can have both in a few years anyway.

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Well Money is not in the a problem. He makes more money than half the HCs in the NFL

His kids are still in school and several times he has said he wants them to finish out before moving again (that is about 3-5 years down the road).

The Redskins are perfect for him. He knows Gibbs is not going to coach forever and also knows he is next in line, with a team that he knows inside and out and a owner that will spend whatever it takes for a winner. How many teams will have a HC job like that?

He stays and I think the Skins are going deep in the playoffs this year with a shot for a SB run in 2006.

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He has said a few times he is here long term. He stated that his family being settled is very important to him as well. I think he will wait out Gibbs.

Why not?

But, if he doesn't, there is more wrong behind the scenes than we know.

My fingers are crossed. I think he will make a fine HC in time. Hell if Gibbs were to have to retire for some reason (God forbid) right now, I feel Greg could step in and do well.


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Originally posted by bobzmuda

I want to keep Blache as well if at all possible. He's done amazing things and has disproven the old line, "You can't polish a turd."

yea I hear you. Woudn't it be great. Greg Williams HC, Blache DC. Coudn't ask for a better combo after Gibbs calls it quits.

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I strongly believe that there is an under the table deal that he will be handed the team, and now i wouldnt be surprised is Musgrave just takes over the Offense when the 5 year deal is done. But in the NFL who knows? But I think Williams is in for the long haul and then takes over.

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Williams already said he isn't going anywhere. That's like asking me what if I was offered a 6.20 an hour job in Michigan. Williams is getting paid pretty well here, and now he has a home along side a HOF coach and a very powerful defense in his image. Seattle? :laugh: Not even on the radar, man.

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If there is no improvement in our team at all this year and we remain in the 6-10 ish boat, I think Williams would take a Head Coaching job.

But if, I mean WHEN we show the improvement and positive direction, Williams will stick true to his word and stay.

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I think part of the reason this coaching staff is here and no one went anywhere after last year is Gibbs and his rings. How many head coaches in this league right now have 3 Super Bowl rings and were the HC when they got them? Gibbs and Belichek are it. That's all, there ain't no more. That is worth something in coaching circles too.

The chance to be a HC is great, I am sure. There are a lot more head coaches than there are Super Bowl winners.

I also think the fact that none of the defensive coaches left this year proves that Gibbs still has it. These are guys who know what it takes to succeed in the current league and I don't think they would all be hanging around if they felt like Gibbs had lost it and this was a ship sailing into trouble.

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