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Gambling on the Redskins


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I made a bet today with a co-worker (eagles fan) that the Redskins would finish with at least a 9-7 record. The wager is $50. I added onto that bet that the Redskins defense will be a top 10 calibur squad. $10 on that.

Whattya think?

Has anyone else made any bets reguarding the skins?

Hail to the offseason!

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Understandable, I suppose. Here's my figurations...

With the 30th ranked offense in the league last season, the redskins went 6-10. A handful of those games were very close (Eagles, Packers). With a better O-line, Speedy receivers, and confident Ramsey, I don't see how three more games isn't realistic.

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Originally posted by burritopunk

Understandable, I suppose. Here's my figurations...

With the 30th ranked offense in the league last season, the redskins went 6-10. A handful of those games were very close (Eagles, Packers). With a better O-line, Speedy receivers, and confident Ramsey, I don't see how three more games isn't realistic.

Well it's a different season, we're playing different teams. Those teams and the Redskins will have different injuries... etc, etc, etc.

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If Arrington and Barrows return to full health...

And if Sean Taylor's legal troubles somehow clear up within the next month...

Then I'd say your bet is an easy slam-dunk.

If, however, Arrington, Barrows and Taylor are all sitting out of training camp and exhibition games due to their injuries and issues...then it's a coin toss in my eyes.

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I make bets before the season about how they'll finish, things like that.

And i pick the skins every week in the office pool.

I won't call a bookie on a skins game, and I won't take the Redskins in my suicide pool, because if they lost the week i took them I'd be double mad......

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Originally posted by burritopunk

Has anyone else made any bets reguarding the skins?

Hail to the offseason!

Yeah, you could say that.

I made the following three-part bet with my roommate and another bartender at my job (seperately). Both are Cowgirls fans.

1) A playoff berth is worth a $200 payout.

So if the Skins make the playoffs and the Cowboys don't, I get $200 from each guy.

If both teams make the playoffs, the $200 offset each other, and nobody pays anybody.

No need to discuss the Cowgirls making the playoffs and the Skins not.

2) Each Skins/Boys game is worth $20 straight up. Skins win, I get $20 from each guy. Dullass wins... I hire an attorney.

3) And finally, the money-where-the-mouth-is part: If one team makes the playoffs and the other doesn't, loser takes winner to a dinner of the winner's choice, wherein the loser must propose a toast to the winner's team aka "Here's to the Washington Redskins!" The toast must be sincere to qualify.

Skins are gonna put it to the Girls this year. Not a doubt in my mind.

BTW, the roomate I bet against has already lost a $100 bet to me on the Wizards making the playoffs. Sucker!! :)

- nomad

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The over under for redskins games this year is actually 7.5 - so your buddy got the better end of the bet since you could make the same bet and win with an 8-8 record. But, it's always more fun to beat a friend because you can't give the casino crap for the rest of the year.

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Originally posted by Califan007

If Arrington and Barrows return to full health...

And if Sean Taylor's legal troubles somehow clear up within the next month...

Then I'd say your bet is an easy slam-dunk.

If, however, Arrington, Barrows and Taylor are all sitting out of training camp and exhibition games due to their injuries and issues...then it's a coin toss in my eyes.

WHO THE F***********K IS BARROWS???

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Last year I bet on the Skins at Dallas game. The bet was loser wears the winning team's jersey next year. I had broken out the Lavar and the Sonny jersey and thereby jinxed the skins.

Unfortunately I'll be wearing a Rolaids Roger jersey at some point this year.

This year's bet is whichever team has the best record. 3 to 1 odds. If Redskins have a better record, I win $150.00. In the unlikely event that "Dallas" has a better record, I lose $50.00:wewantd:

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I would have taken that bet. Of course every year I am positive that the Skins will turn things around, beat Dallas and make the post season.....

I am in an office pool every year and I have picked the Skins to win every game for the last 6 years since the beginning of the pool. I can not bring myself to bet against them - my fear is always that they will win a game that I bet they would loose - I could not deal with that.:logo:

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I made a bet on the Skins with a Cowpuke fan, that the Skins would have a better record than the Cowpukes by the time my buddies Christmas Party rolls around, which is normally the 2nd weekend in December. I made the bet immediately after paying up on a bet that I lost to him, that the Redskins would finish with a .500 record in 2004.

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I have had a head-to-head bet with a Cowgirl fan for the last six years. To say the least I have come up short and lost a lot of money on my Skins.

My friend was recently transfered to Memphis. So, last year we had a sig bet. You're right...I lost. It has been torture with that awful Cowgirl logo under my e-mails to him. When training camp starts, I get to take it off. I wished we could fast forward to training camp right now.

This year he feels so confident in the Cowgirls that he wants a overall best record bet. As always I said yes.

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