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First Date 101 (for men)

Dead Money

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I didn't see this in the first 4-5 pages of searching so here it goes, men enjoy , and women beware!

http://www.shesbitter.com/firstdate.html] LINK


Reply to: anon-72466370@craigslist.org

Date: 2005-05-09, 3:54PM EDT

To the guy who changed his apporach to dating:

Your posting is going around her in DC, a friend of mine just emailed it to me. Buddy, you rock!! One of the best stories I have heard in a long time.

All of these ****es stop talking about emancipation and equality once the check comes.

You posted:

When I did my taxes this year I found out that I spent over $14,000 on

Dates last year. Most of that was spent on dinner and drinks in

Manhattan. Now don't get me wrong, I had some very good times, some

great sex, some good conversations. Hell, I even made a good friend

along the way, but mainly I came away from the date feeling extremely

disappointed and with a lighter wallet. Date by date it's not THAT much

money but it all adds up fast!

In the past I had a habit of always grabbing the check and paying

whether my date was hot or not. Whether we clicked or not. Basically I

felt ashamed to let her pay. I also kept and interesting statistic and

even I was suprised that only 5% of my dates even offered to pay - yes

you see that right- 5%!

One girl in the entire year offered to pay for the entire check. A very

nice gesture. But of course I paid and doubt she was sincere. In light

of all this evidence I knew I had to change some things. So, this



adopted the mindset that a girl should naturally assume she's paying for

herself. Now this wasn't easy at first but I quickly got used to it.

Then when going into the bar/restuarant/lounge etc. I would hand the

server a credit card and ask them to open tabs for us. HEY!-Did you

catch that? I said 'TABS.' Yah, don't worry at least 95% of the girls I

meet miss that one too. Just to make sure I usually confirm that the

server has understood me too. I do this when the date rudely answers her

cell phone or is in the bathroom (probably using her cell phone). Guys,

you know the Mastercard "priceless" series of commercials? Well, let me

tell you, you won't understand the meaning of 'priceless' until you see

one of these girls handed their own check for 3 20$ martinis and

overpriced food (that they would probably never buy on their own). It's

also very relaxing to encourage the girl to eat and drink up because

even at 20$ a pop for exotic gooey blender drinks I could care less how

many of them she has - cause SHE'S PAYING.

Oddly enough when she realizes that there are individual bills there

will a few prolonged moments of discomfort. But don't panic. Something

that took me by surprise is how many girls suddenly have to 'go to an

ATM'. I can't quite figure out if it's because their cc's are maxed out

on shoe purchases or that they are trying to guilt me into paying. Well,

probably a combination of both, but I'm remorseless after doing this for

nearly 3 months now.

Which brings me to my date last night...... omg.....

Of course the classy nice Irish pub I suggested wasn't good enough for


Nah...she needed to to go somewhere more trendy. Ok, no problem. W?


Meatpacking Dist? SoHo? Where we going? So she picks a midtown hotel


Nice place. Little stuffy. Drinks, not bad and Macadamia nuts on the

lounge tables (complimentary) nice! Of course I went thru my usual

routine, handed the server a credit card asked her if we can start tabs

she said, 'sure'

and took the card. 1 drink in her cell phone rang. She appoligized, (she

had to get it). So I moved into confirmation mode. Our waitress even

missed the 'tabs' part but she adjusted on the fly and told me no

problem. Boy, let me tell you - the girl i was with could really throw

down the drinks. She was drinking scotch that was older than the hotel

we were in. Of course I encouraged her the whole way. She was like, wow

they have Johny Walker BLUE label! I was like, 'you ever try it?' She's

like....'Nooooooo!!!' I'm like, 'go on....just get some'. She's like

'are you sure'. I'm like, 'look, if you want it, just get it!' So she

ordered one, then another, and finally one more..... wow she was

probably more than a little drunk. I stuck to my Stoli and a splash of


When the BILL(S) came she sobered up fast. I caught a glimpse of hers, 5

drinks plus a little finger food $319.00 I think it was. She looked

shocked and sick to her stomache when she saw 2 bills. Guess she thought

I was buying. Think again. (The old me woulda soaked up the bill but

steared her away from the Blue) I had 4 drinks, no food and a great

buzz. Pricey Stoli, but overall still a good value (i ate a ton of free

macadamias and almonds) $36.00. Damn I thought, that BLUE label will get

you every time. Of course she did more than the traditional fumble

through her purse. Her face was beat red and she was speechless. She

left the bill on the table and excused herself for the restroom. I had

already paid and was sucking on some ice.

The waitress was looking concerned. I told her, 'look'. Sure enough my

date was heading out toward the front door. I slowly grabbed my coat as

the waitress ran after her. Then security or a bellman grabbed her at

the door and a small shouting match ensued. Can you imagine, she was

trying to leave

- without paying!

Well, I didn't stick around to see what happened. All I saw was the poor

waitress standing just inside the front door with a small coctail tray.

she did look concerned but not paniced. A doorman and bell hop had the

girl by the arm, outside and was semi-forcing her back inside, she

wasn't getting away from this bill. I paid my bill. I had my receipt.

But I couldn't help wondering why she ordered 3 Johnny Walker Blues,

doesn't she know that **** is expensive? Then I wondered if they had to

arrest her while I had another drink at my local Irish pub.

I haven't heard from her again. Too bad, she was pretty cute too

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That's pretty funny but it's also pretty sh!tty. He knows that many people aren't catching on to his "tabs" thing, otherwise he wouldn't note several times his need to clarify with the wait staff what he wants....nor would he wait until his date is distracted to do so. Then he encourages his date to spend money. In short, the guys an @sshole.

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If it weren't for this section:

Boy, let me tell you - the girl i was with could really throw

down the drinks. She was drinking scotch that was older than the hotel

we were in. Of course I encouraged her the whole way. She was like, wow

they have Johny Walker BLUE label! I was like, 'you ever try it?' She's

like....'Nooooooo!!!' I'm like, 'go on....just get some'. She's like

'are you sure'. I'm like, 'look, if you want it, just get it!' So she

ordered one, then another, and finally one more..... wow she was

probably more than a little drunk. I stuck to my Stoli and a splash of


....he wouldn't come off so poorly. I've never done anything like this, but my first impression is that it's one thing to nail a chick with her own separate bill when she thoughtlessly assumes you're paying for her, and another when you imply it. I think you could argue that he implied that he was paying for her in this instance.

Otherwise I think what he's doing is a little contentious (and probably unwise, in most situations), but not wrong.

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Originally posted by SamSneed36

What are you drinking that five of them and something to eat is $320??? Im never going to NYC for drinks thats for sure

Johnny Walker Blue:


Which I've seen for over $600 a bottle in places. At one website quoting prices, it was $2,000 for a fifth. Very expensive.

Most reasonable bars in NYC have similar prices to DC bars. If you want to go to club, then be prepared to lay out some cash.

BTW: Marquee is TOTALLY overrated.

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The ‘tabs’ thing is subtle enough that he’s pretty much implying that he’s paying. After all, he’s whipping out his credit card. What a jerk.

Johnny Walker Blue:

Which I've seen for over $600 a bottle in places. At one website quoting prices, it was $2,000 for a fifth. Very expensive.

If anyone pays more than about $190 for a fifth of Blue Label, they are being taken for a ride. In a bar, 100% to 150% markup is the norm, so it should be no more than $500.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

If anyone pays more than about $190 for a fifth of Blue Label, they are being taken for a ride. In a bar, 100% to 150% markup is the norm, so it should be no more than $500.

The website I was quoting was in the UK for the high end price so I'd imagine some duty/VAT cost was integrated into the price. But, at some bars/clubs in the City, a bottle of Grey Goose that would sell for $50 in a NYC liquor store is $350 or $400. The trendier the club, the more expensive the booze.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

I'm sure.

This coming from a guy who buys furniture for girls.

Do you have a special pager that goes off when I post so you can quickly come in and say the opposite? :laugh:

Anyway, what does buying a gift have to do with first date paying ettiquette?

That's right, absolutely nothing. Your whole point was meaningless and intended to do nothing but attack me. Not that I'm not used to it from the likes of you.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

Do you have a special pager that goes off when I post so you can quickly come in and say the opposite? :laugh:

Anyway, what does buying a gift have to do with first date paying ettiquette?

That's right, absolutely nothing. Your whole point was meaningless and intended to do nothing but attack me. Not that I'm not used to it from the likes of you.

:laugh: Goodness but you are a defensive, sensitive little thing aren't you? Trust me Westbrook, I have far better things to do with my time than attack you. Especially you little fella. Obviously I passed you on both lanes on that one and it was with humor. Don't really feel the need to explain. :)

btw. That's twice you posted after me in this thread alone. Now who's got the pager again? ;)

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ooh i hope i never go on a date with a guy like this :( :mad:

everytime ive gone on a date with a guy i've offered to split the bill or at the very least pick up the tip. isn't that the norm for girls to do? ...hmm then again i prefer a beer over 600 dollar liquor and a bar over a club so i dont think i compare to these 'nyc girls' this guy is refering to.

and then again im not 21 yet so i havent had to worry about horribly expensive drink bills...yet :cheers:

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Originally posted by iheartskins

Johnny Walker Blue:


Which I've seen for over $600 a bottle in places. At one website quoting prices, it was $2,000 for a fifth. Very expensive.

Most reasonable bars in NYC have similar prices to DC bars. If you want to go to club, then be prepared to lay out some cash.

BTW: Marquee is TOTALLY overrated.

If you are ordering 5 drinks of that on a first date and expecting the guy to pay, you are a total jackass

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After my divorce, I started meeting women for dinner or drinks (mostly through those dating services). It got very expensive.

Finally, I started telling them, "Look, you advertised just as I did. You want to meet people too. Lets go Dutch at our initial meeting."

I was amazed how how little my dates ordered when they were paying their own bill, as compared to how much they ordered when I was paying. Steaks became salads, drinks became iced tea.

Here is twist on men-women relations:

A while back, I was in a coffee shop and, in the next booth, were 3 women talking about some guy named Jack who always was coming on to them with a "line". (they were really raking Jack over the coals)

I told them that I couldn't help overhearing and asked to join them and "defend" Jack. They readily agreed.

I asked them what they thought Jack was doing when he gave them a "line". To a person, they all exclaimed..."be something that he is not".

I told them that they were all wearing makeup, and that they wore high heels to make there legs and asses look better. That they wore pushup bras, etc. They hung their heads and admitted that it was true.

I said that Jack was just going along his merry way and suddenly, he saw a beautiful women that he wanted to get to know. That he instantly (on the spot) tried to think of some interesting thing to say to get a conversation started. And that if it was somewhat "corny", he shopuldn't be blamed for trying (as most men get flabbergasted in the presence of a beautiful woman). After all, it wasn't as if he had "planned it" ahead of time.

Then, I reminded them that THEY started their falsehoods HOURS before they left the house. That they DELIBERATELY set out to fool ALL the people that they would meet on the street, irregardless of whether it was a handsome man or not. Whether or not they wanted to "start a conversation" with him.

So....WHO was guilty of trying to "be something that they're not"...??

They ended up buying my lunch and thanked me for "opening their eyes" to something that they had never considered before......

Never forget that a woman's "line" is her makeup (and all the things she does to fool men into thinking that she is better, more attractive, righer, etc. than she is).

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