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First Date 101 (for men)

Dead Money

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Let's continue with "ruining lives":

What about some woman (who fancies a married man). So....she tells his wife some little white lies about how she saw him out with another woman. All this in order to break them up so she can have him.

He ends up getting a divorce and it ruins his life. He is stuck with alimony (and child support) for the next 15 years. He loses his house, begins drinking, turns into an alcoholic, and loses his job and career. Is his life any LESS "ruined" than a rape victims?

All this because some irresponsible little tart had a "crush" on him that he wasn't even aware of!

Is HER CRIME punishable by law? Will SHE go to jail if it is discovered that she lied? Of course not! Its even "encouraged" by her friends and such. It is rationalised away by saying that ...."if she couldn't hold onto him...."

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Originally posted by dks1240

i think we can all agree on the fact that no matter what sex a person is he/she has the potential to do both good and evil things. does that work?

Works for me. Just realise that "normally" socuiety works in FAVOR of the feminine sex. Don't :push it".

Thankfully, I'm out of all that stuff now. I'm happily married and not living in the United States anymore.

You see, I was one of those that was "ruined" in Vietnam. I never shot anyone or anything like that but was a medic in a MASH field hospital. All the death and blood and guts finally sent me over the edge. I am now 100% disabled (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and was told by government doctors to sell everything I had and to leave the U.S. forever. I took their advice and it saved my life. I would have committed suicide if I had stayed. As it was, I became a drug addict for many years, before finally kicking it for good. It cost me my marriage, career, and everything.

I couldn't return to the United States even if I wanted to. My pension is so small that there is no way I could afford food and rent in the U.S. I am FORBIDDEN to work.

I am completely non-violent, love children, etc. I am 55 years old, married to a lovely 25 year old woman and now have a 5 year old daughter. I have been given a second chance at happiness.

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You know, you are exactly my father's age had he lived past 91. He was in Vietnam, 'ruined' I guess.

I've wondered how his life could have been saved. Can't say I'd have been happy with him living in Mexico with a new family when he had one here. Then again, I don't think your path would have saved him.

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Originally posted by SouthernStar

Works for me. Just realise that "normally" socuiety works in FAVOR of the feminine sex. Don't :push it".

Thankfully, I'm out of all that stuff now. I'm happily married and not living in the United States anymore.

You see, I was one of those that was "ruined" in Vietnam. I never shot anyone or anything like that but was a medic in a MASH field hospital. All the death and blood and guts finally sent me over the edge. I am now 100% disabled (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and was told by government doctors to sell everything I had and to leave the U.S. forever. I took their advice and it saved my life. I would have committed suicide if I had stayed. As it was, I became a drug addict for many years, before finally kicking it for good. It cost me my marriage, career, and everything.

I couldn't return to the United States even if I wanted to. My pension is so small that there is no way I could afford food and rent in the U.S. I am FORBIDDEN to work.

I am completely non-violent, love children, etc. I am 55 years old, married to a lovely 25 year old woman and now have a 5 year old daughter. I have been given a second chance at happiness.

Thank you for your service and helping keep our country free. I am glad you have made a new life for yourself and have been able to move on.

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I cannot believe what someone on my freaking ignore list has done to this thread. Goes to show you that you cannot just ignore the ignorant - they'll effect you anyway.

I apologize for the thread getting out of hand since I started it.. It was genuinely just to let some of you into the mind of men in my neck of the woods, in a humorous way

Everything in the NY/NJ/CT metropolitan area has become a dog & pony show. Whether a posh NY hotel bar or an Irish Pub that now serves sushi in lowly Red Bank, NJ, can be viewed the same way these days.

I liked the idea of what the author was trying to convey, obviously I couldn't fully condone his actions.

- But I could could chuckle, because every guy and most girls that I know from this area related to the story very quickly.

Every woman doesn't fit in this stereotype, but more and more in this area of the country do. And I know it happens in other geographic areas, I travel a lot - but I see it here a lot and far more pronounced than anywhere else.

For Manhatten, that was not an exaggeration, those are the types of bills you will have with women in this stereotype.

I laughed because it has happened to me, getting put on the hook for a $500 meal that you budgeted $150-$200.

I have been taken advantage of and had to move money over the cell phone from the bathroom to cover a bill.

Doesn't make anyone a bad person, just makes the story funnier to those who can relate.

The first post siverstar made was good and frankly enough, the rest was just not necessary.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

What if the guy can't afford it, hypothetically, of course? :)

Most girls don't date broke guys.

I don't mean (all) women are shallow:evil:

That article was actually pretty funny even though I always pay. Reputation is valuable, you don't want chicks spreading the word that you are cheap. That will hurt your statistics more than anything and word travels fast. Even if the chick is totally annoying and won't amount to anything I am a total gentleman and open doors, pay, etc. If I am not interested I let the dust settle a bit, then let her down easily and try to remain friends. This opens doors for her friends down the road and you don't have to worry about some bad date bad mouthing you down the road.

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I basically think the guy who wrote the e-mail is full of ****. He got roped into paying a few large bills on some of his dates and he went home and dreamt up that whole story about the Johnny Walker Blue...pure BS...:2cents:

Whenever I have asked a woman on a date, I intended to pay. I am asking them out. Call me old fashioned, but that is how I am.:)

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Originally posted by RonJeremy

I basically think the guy who wrote the e-mail is full of ****. He got roped into paying a few large bills on some of his dates and he went home and dreamt up that whole story about the Johnny Walker Blue...pure BS...:2cents:

Whenever I have asked a woman on a date, I intended to pay. I am asking them out. Call me old fashioned, but that is how I am.:)

You old fart ;)

I'm the same way. I always paid for the date...the dinner and whatever else we may have done. Every time. No exception.

...but my dating days ended 15 years ago, and it's my understanding now that both sexes prefer to go dutch on dates. The men because they've been burned like the guy in this thread (although I think it was BS too), and the ladies like to pay their half because guys today think she should give it up if he spends $20 at TGI Friday's.

Times have changed...sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock, but mostly I'm glad to be where I am now. Too much culture shock if I were to go back into the dating pool :D

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