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El Mexican

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Everything posted by El Mexican

  1. Well, since this is the WTF I expect a huge win by Carolina negating last week's superb outing againts TB. Or maybe a huge blowout in our favor. Frankly, this team's performance is impossible to predict. Maybe a tie? WTF: 19 Large felines of genus panthera: 19
  2. So this is our "Steelers game" of 2021. Huge upset that changes the season around in our favor. The additional game at the end of the year changes things considerably. There's more room for mistakes, something we watched during the first part of the season. Having said that, TH had a huge game at 9.8 yards per completion. This forces me to reconsider my mid season slump around him: he's good and the team would an absolute clown show without his level of play.
  3. Are you some text-slapping AI? Human wording as fine as that is not posible in 2021 and I'm sure it will be non-posible in 2120.
  4. That's useless and incredible poignant at the same time. Shows The Danny is more patient in his adulthood. As many have said, though: it makes little sense to wait years for things to change when a HC makes an erroneous judgement upon arrival. RR is not one of those guys. He cleaned house when he got here and he had the cojones to cut Haskins but missed badly with the Fitzpratrick gamble. I say give him another year and let him draft his QB.
  5. I actually responded to both of you, bro. I did read his post. No biggie. Yep. Only that it's not unprecedented. We at least became competitive with this approach by following the aforementioned RG3-Cousins method. We just KNOW the main guy will get injured. It's a brutal season. Why not make the reserve guy a young and hungy QB instead of a journeyman that resolves absolutely nothing in the long run? As Gibsy said time and time again: "You're only as good as your back-ups".
  6. Who said we should take them in that order? I was thinking 1st and 4th rounds, a la the Mike "Red Lobster" Shanahan method.
  7. Well, as a wise man said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take". By doubling the amount of shots taken Shanny at least tried to solve our pitiful QB situation of Rex Grossman / John Beck. He actually got right more than 50% of his shots and ended up with QB intrigue that eventually led to his ousting. I've seen dumber. Taking two QBs in the upper part of the draft makes sense if we don't over-reach. We ain't exactly the 90s 49rs with Montana/Young/Bono depth here.
  8. Strangely enough, Shannahan's strategy has been the only trully efective one during the last 20 years. You need to draft TWO potential starters at QB because you need a fail-safe. History showed Shanny was right in his approach when--even during RG3's magic season--Cousin's came in and won some games for us. We have NOT followed this approach since.
  9. We're like 0-15 after the bye week in recent history. WTF: 3 (three missed FGs, two of the blocked) Tampa of Brady: 38 Brady will be pulled by early 3rd quarter after spanking us with a 4TD performance and 300+ yards. Historians will actually consider this game "close".
  10. I expect the following: At least three leaks published in mayor media outlets describing this season's turmoil inside the locker room and/or the FO. One serious player injury in a non-football related manner (shaving his man-parts, maybe?) Two suspensions for "antosocial behavior" enacted by coaches or players Bye Week: 38 WTF: 3
  11. Marty had us playing very good ball in the second half of his only season here, some of the best I can remember. Except for the QB position, tha team was loaded: great RB, solid receivers, an above average defense and Oline. Then of course your cousin Vinny had to butt in and screw everything up. Fast forward 20 years later and we're a clown show. An absolute disgrace of a franchise.
  12. Of course he has a personal email address. She prob meant a corporate WTF email from where the NFL could have found some stupid ass comments by the owner. As in daniel.snyder@wtf.com. Now they're just asking for a congressional investigation. It's like they are taunting the press.
  13. I have zero confidence in the League doing anything against a team owner regarding a toxic workplace environment for women. Just a few years ago the Patriots owner got caught with his pants down in some shady massage parlor. Literally nothing of consequence happened. Not the same thing, of course. But it's a well established fact that the gender card does not work against NFL owners. Players yes, but not at the rich boys club.
  14. We'll actually win this one and only hurt ourselves in the draft. Ugly game though. Group of semi competent players: 15 (five FGs) House of High: 14
  15. This aĆ­nt Madden 2022 unfortunately. Joe Montana in his prime would barely make it .to 500 here. There's a clear dearth of talent all around. Has been like this for at least 10 years. The problems here are systematic, deeper in nature. Take a look at the Redskins teams when we still commanded some kind of respect around the League. Not the 80s greats, but the Snyder years. Some of those team were loaded because the people making decisions actually managed to use their moral influence to lure in good to very good players to DC and build a team. I sincerely believe RR wants to do the same thing, but the putrid stench of the FO extends beyong his reach. He's a man of integrity. Money is not the sole factor in this equation.
  16. Just saw executives from FB, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok get racked by a bunch of senators in a public hearing. If only for the absolute public embarassment, the same thing needs to be done with our FO. These guys need to be investigated or else nothing will ever change around here.
  17. We desperately need a fullback. We've been consistently mediocre on 3rd down and now we have a red zone problem. How about a Craig "Ironhead" Heyward type?
  18. You sure about that, bro? Here's 17 of them. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/contracts/fullback/
  19. This. Terry and the D-line should shopped around. Otherwise we should change the name to the Washington Zombies, a souless mindless body that moves by innertia only.
  20. I guess, but he's not the FB type. We need one of those ASAP.
  21. 0-4 inside the red zone and nada. Where's the guy who used to be our fullback? Neither Heine nor Gibson/McKissic seem adequate for the job.
  22. Ah just draft two QBs and see what happens. The Shanny model worked. The position is so important in this sport that getting two of them justifies the expenditure.
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