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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. It's amazing when you really think about it....the Nats saved baseball. My team that forever couldn't get out of the first round without some fluke going against them saved baseball against a cheating team
  2. but Nomar was older and constantly hurt. Betts is still young
  3. I went to the game on Saturday and came away thoroughly impressed....definitely some kinks to work out though: I got in early, but it took me 35 mins to get a beer. The lines for food/drinks everywhere were way too long. I've been to DC United games and this is what happens there too....not quite sure why Audi Field hasn't fixed this. Plenty of times the audio got cut - like when they tried starting the first DC chant to get everyone to raise the foam shields or when they announced the starting offense, no one heard anything as the players ran on the field. Positives: Audi Field is perfectly put together - not a bad seat in the house. I wish the Redskins new stadium would be a slightly larger version of this. They got it right: an intimate experience and with the right local amenities The crowd was into the game from the start DC might be the best team in the league and that's because we have a legit QB I will definitely be checking out more games this season.
  4. Don't even get me started on the horrible hand dryer machines that are so ****ing loud with the high pitch screeching....they sound like a 777 about to take off
  5. I'm still not seeing the cause for alarm here unless you're a kid, elderly, or immune compromised.....basically the same fears for the flu
  6. I vaguely remember that instance....didn't it look like the umpire came out and said something to him too after?
  7. The last thing I'm going to do at a time like this is blame the pilot when we have zero evidence of anything besides a weather report of how cloudy it was. There's no black box in the helicopter either, just an iPad they recovered. Sounds like so far it was just the perfect storm of things that could go wrong - a super low cloud ceiling + fog in the area which prevented visibility of seeing the change in slope. I'm sure that pilot made that trip countless times too if he was Kobe's personal pilot.
  8. Everyone keeps comparing it to the flu....I haven't seen anything showing the causes for death, I just see flu like symptoms. Is it just immune compromised people, old people, and children that are dying? It sounds like this isn't anything like ebola where multiple organs fail.
  9. As much as I hated him during those Lakers years, I respected him. One of the greatest ever....can't imagine working so hard your entire life and then can't even enjoy being a dad/retirement
  10. He's actually in better shape than I was expecting....he looks pudgy in a jersey
  11. He got up high enough to palm the ball down.
  12. it plays tricks with my eyes....like I can't tell whats happening because the Nets' jerseys also blend in with everything. Its very monotone
  13. Zion has an ugly, flat shot put-like shot. I couldn't believe all those went in
  14. I think makesyourdickfalloffvirus should be reserved for the worst disease known to mankind to show we really mean business
  15. Lesson learned: don't cross Lebron, he is ruthless
  16. If I was the ATF/FBI, I'd have someone infiltrate that meeting and pass around a 'sign-in sheet' to collect names and email addresses
  17. It makes me wonder if we were aware of the Astros doing this from former players? the Yankees FO calling us and warning us? or maybe something they do during spring training since we share the same facility? When Strasburg gave that interview after his dominant performance and said he was told he was tipping pitches, it made me wonder.
  18. I'm pretty sure we'll see some sparks fly next month too when Spring Training begins...I'm tempted to book my ticket to go see the Nats/Astros game since it is right in the beginning
  19. I cant wait to see the Astros players get beaned on their league wide tour this season
  20. I've seen $55M quoted, then I see up to $1.5B quoted. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-michigan-water/cost-to-fix-flint-water-infrastructure-could-reach-1-5-billion-reports-idUSKBN0UL2HW20160107 Gates and Bezos are both estimated to have $100B+ in net worth.
  21. Our government clearly sucks ass, but why can't some of our billionaires take on more philanthropic causes to fix this like Carnegie, JP Morgan, etc did in the early 1900s? This wouldn't cause the slightest of dents in Bezos' or Gates' bank accounts to fix this.
  22. I'm waiting on the shoe to drop on Beltran and the Mets next
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