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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. I invite girls over to give them an extra special vitamin D supplement....
  2. Imagine if this is how it all ends.....it would be the most Trump way ever to go out.
  3. for smoking meats, what do you guys recommend? Traeger? Big Green Egg? Oklahoma Joe's Offset Smoker? I made fun of Kirk for getting the Traeger Timberline 850 for his OL last year, but that looks like a pretty good model. I don't know much about the difference between pellet vs offset
  4. if **** hits the fan, I'm hopping in my car with my family and driving straight for Toronto.
  5. That is a huge transfer....that should sway some guys to stay home for sure.....hopefully Caleb Williams takes it as a good sign too
  6. All of the above.....and the overly 'outgoing' fat chicks are the worst.
  7. It's more like a twist on a U-Boat
  8. My go-to has been: 1 shot of Jameson Cold Brew 1 shot of Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey 1 shot Bailey's 1 shot of Heavy Cream or dairy of choice - this can be increased to 2 shots....I usually eyeball it It tastes like a Peanut Butter White Russian I also created a drink I call the Corona Cruise Boat involving an upside down shot of whiskey in a Corona beer....as you chug, the whiskey leaks out
  9. the best part of THPS was the soundtrack and doing benihanas....that Superman song was amazing <edit music video per thread rule>
  10. pull up a chair everyone, it's about to get bumpy in Trump country with all these reopenings. They're too hardheaded to admit they were wrong and will accept the deaths before they go back into quarantine because die to screw the libz!
  11. US: Record unemployment numbers released that rival the Great Depression. DJI: up 350 points!
  12. I don't think that means the shops at OC are opening, right? Just the boardwalk and beach? And only locals? Good luck enforcing that last one
  13. Try slow cooking a lamb shoulder next time with some Greek/Middle Eastern spices.....it's heavenly and shouldn't taste gamey either.
  14. That would be a huge, program changing signing....QB has been the major downfall since Danny O'Brien
  15. Maybe September if all goes well.... https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/oxford-scientists-say-they-may-have-a-vaccine-ready-by-september/ar-BB13kVE9
  16. watching the draft, so many of these player shots show huge ass draft parties with people that are clearly not their close immediate family. There was one in particular early on where one of the guy's gfs could be seen telling people to go back and hide in the hallway.....and then after he got drafted, they all came out and filled the living room.
  17. Has anyone suggested to Trump that maybe we should look into lobotomies? His followers would jump right on that
  18. I'm happy our dumbest states have gladly volunteered to be the guinea pigs
  19. MJ was still owning the NBA's best, but with less athleticism. It was amazing to watch. I was glued to every game. The Kobe vs Jordan battle I saw at MCI Center was great
  20. The market has been confusing me - I've been expecting a drop every day when bad news hits regarding earning reports, etc.....but it doesn't
  21. I'm going to be shocked if he recovers from this....ventilator basically means he's a goner
  22. I just can't follow the 3rd season....it's a weird show
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