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Everything posted by Barry.Randolphe

  1. Astra Zeneca is already working on that https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-backing-boosts-2-billion-doses-astrazeneca-coronavirus-vaccine-2020-6
  2. You and your friend are both way off base here. People wouldn't need to be protesting because that person killed would receive swift justice right away and the cops would be prosecuted. That's why everyone is mad right now - it took these protests for the officers to get charged. As an example, look at what happened to the old white guy in Buffalo that got shoved down and cracked his head open. They're protesting at this very moment for him in Buffalo and **** is hitting the fan with that police department.
  3. For reference, to be a Maryland State Police officer, you have to complete 45 college credits: https://mdsp.maryland.gov/careers/pages/training.aspx ^ that's pretty extensive training....perhaps they can update what they teach and include some classes like how to deescalate situations, etc? From people I know that have gone through the police academies that were military veterans, they claim the police academy was much harder than boot camp. I don't know how other academies around the US compare, but we need to set a higher standard.
  4. I haven't blocked him because I like to see the latest crazy talking points from the Fox News watching contingent.
  5. I saw this on Facebook today from a friend's mouthbreathing Trumper father....they're all falling into line. The cult is real
  6. Watching CNN right now.....the protest down Pennsylvania Ave is hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. You say dark, I say **** the Phillies/Mets/Braves....and the Marlins, but who cares about them?
  8. We can get Teddy teabagging the NLEast on the next ring 🤞
  9. Lafayette Square is setting up to be America's Tiananmen Square.....where are you Mattis? McMaster? Anyone?
  10. I'm not planning on leaving my apartment for the next 2 weeks. It's going to be a major ****show, no doubt. Everyone gave up on quarantining, so good luck old people and immune compromised people
  11. so ****ing stupid. just wait until next week so we can see the result of what these protests do to cases
  12. If only we added a small cartoon of Teddy teabagging the Braves and the Phanatic to the ring
  13. they were making fun of Beyonce's line of Adidas clothing since that's exactly what it looked like - a Popeye's uniform
  14. One of my friend's fathers has been posting Soros bull**** that he's funding the protesters.....I haven't blocked him because I enjoy seeing mouthbreaher America's point of view to prepare myself for the stupidity
  15. I'd be looking for the movie theaters to be open too if i was stuck inside with my parents all day for 3 months
  16. Ah, he's using the ol' 'no one is home/lights out' technique when the Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door....bold strategy, let's see how it plays out
  17. This was Trump's advice when those dip****s with guns stormed the capital building.....but yet he's hiding in a bunker at the White House. Life comes at you fast
  18. in any normal situation - yes......but we've got a chuckle**** who will no doubt make it worse.
  19. Tell her go to get tested then before she comes over - there are plenty of free testing spots now.
  20. that's what I'm hoping for - start citizen arresting their asses and handing them over
  21. Exactly. Things that make you go hmmmmmm
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