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Everything posted by ColonialWBSkinsFan

  1. Too numb to even be upset or frustrated at this point...
  2. The 'Riverboat' definitely looked like more of a rubber dinghy on that highly questionable decision...
  3. So a TarHeel (Dyami) comes in and kicks a Wolfpacker (Harmon) to the curb... gotta say I don't mind seeing that 😉 Although I do think Harmon is decent and hopefully will get another shot to stick somewhere...
  4. Having Saadhiq be the Ty Nsecke-type swing lineman this year, learning as much as he can about G and T spots, and then step in as the starting RG next summer when Scherff inevitably tries to find greener grass on the other side of the fence, is an absolute great scenario for us.
  5. Agreed, as long as they don't put him back there returning punts again... yeesh, that took years off my life last year!
  6. Wow... if Cosmi, Jamin, St-Juste, and D Brown all hit from this draft, this could be an all-timer.... #HTTWFT
  7. NO WAY Dyami Brown gets put on the practice squad...
  8. Very true. Tarheels (like myself) are very much concerned about replacing all of that skill position talent.
  9. This is possibly the worst thing I've ever heard... truly awful. If it's proven, he'll definitely get his in prison, it certainly won't end well for him. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31805729/barkevious-mingo-lawyer-scolds-atlanta-falcons-releasing-linebacker-following-arrest
  10. I agree as well, assuming you mean "next season" as the 2022 season. I think this year we'll end up 9-8 or maybe 10-7, compete for (but fall just short of) a Wild Card, then be ready to make the next leap forward in the 2022 season.
  11. If that video doesn't get you pumped about this coming season then you may not be technically alive!
  12. If they could manage a (probably very high) fourth round pick AND get rid of that albatross of a contract at the same time, I'd chip in myself to help get Collins to the airport..
  13. You're having a hard time believing that an organization led by Dan Snyder is capable of pulling dick moves??
  14. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/31248700/nfl-draft-2021-trey-lance-draft-most-mysterious-prospect After reading this, and what I've seen and heard, I'm warming to the idea of the big trade-up to go get Lance....
  15. I know you're right, but it's just hard to swallow that of all years, this is the one where getting the answer at QB will likely prove to be too much to overcome... very concerned about wasting the "window" of all the young talent on rookie contracts while waiting to develop a drafted QB (Mac, Newman, someone like that) because we won't be able to get up high enough to draft one of the top 4
  16. Damn, as much as I enjoyed the division win and playoff game, I’m seriously now thinking we’d have been better off losing that Eagles game and drafting 10th instead of 19th... sigh...
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