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Everything posted by BatteredFanSyndrome

  1. I can’t speak for him, but from my view much of the talk about Heineke comes from a small but loud contingent, that primarily posts about Heineke and/or Wentz sucking. The topic has been covered so many times there is no new ground to cover. So I can see why mods and posters alike get sick of hearing about the dude.
  2. There’s losing and there’s what happened on Sunday. I find it hard to believe that watching our OL lose consistently and quickly to a 4 man rush, gives you no pause whatsoever. Especially on the heels of the Lions doing almost the exact same thing to us the entire first half the week prior. It’s alarming.
  3. Fair enough. I was working under the guise that he was smart enough to put together a professional search, with counsel from respected and experienced people, with an open checkbook and carte blanche to a GM rather than a coach I actually feel like Ron was the best Dan could do on his own with the help of Gibbs. That would allow him to like I said, make him the Flex Tape man who has to fix everything, because Dan doesn’t know how to. I knew Ron was about the classiest and most respected guy he was capable of bringing in. But I also knew the coach centric thing was a disaster waiting to happen.
  4. I never would have hired Ron in the first place. I would have hired a consulting firm to identify the best possible candidates for GM, brought in anyone I could with expertise to assist in the interview process, selected a GM and let them hire the coach. But at this point, I simply don’t see a possible exit strategy to move on from Ron. His fingerprints are on everything. Besides that, I think it will just be more rinse and repeat as long as Dan remains owner. So in summary, I honestly don’t care whether Ron stays or goes.
  5. My argument is not that Ron’s doing a great job on the field or that he should be absolved from any criticism. Just level setting with the reality of where we actually are and breaking down why there is no savior in the job market. That there is just no possible way that Dan will spend the $ to fire Ron or that he has any sort of exit strategy to do so.
  6. Short of Mike taking the team to the NFC championship or better and the loss not falling on his mismanagement, if Sean Payton wants the job - it will be his job.
  7. 10 head coaches includes the interim guys. Look at recent history though. What suggests that he’ll get rid of Ron with 2 years salary in the books, along with everyone else that comes with him? There is no “free pass” because of him, in fact - it’s the opposite. It’s a lot more work because of him. He also has no experience or knowledge of how to properly assess the problems and fix them. He hired Ron to basically be the Flex Tape guy and just have him fix everything, because he has no idea of how to do that himself. Dan’s reputation has also only gotten worse and worse over the years. Even if he could identify talent, why would top notch talent tie themselves to the hip of Snyder?
  8. Even if Dan had the prowess to identify the problems with how he’s structured the org and could identify GM talent, said talent would have to be willing to accept the gig here. I know, I know, there’s only 32 of these jobs… But if I’m on the short list to be made GM say like Schoen was last year, would I want to stake my career being tied to the hip of Dan Snyder? A guy with an awful reputation who could potentially be on his way out? Would my current bosses not counsel me to wait for a better opportunity? Beyond that, Dan has a reputation for being notoriously cheap when it comes coaches and administration. I’m not sure what the contracts of the Marty’s look like, but they probably mirror timelines with Ron. Do you really think Dan would fire Ron, and the FO he put together, with money still on the books? I don’t. I know some folks here like to fantasize about Ron being set packing, but I simply don’t see a scenario, even a 3-14 season…that will lead to his firing.
  9. What’s wild, is that I don’t think the usual people really exist anymore. Or if they do, they’ve found other places to post. There are several folks posting here today, that I absolutely thought of as total homers at one point. They would argue me regularly that I was just negative and there were positive things going on that I just refused to see. Now even they have joined the party of sadness.
  10. Jones has better legs than Wentz, and after the past 2 weeks it’s hard to say our Oline is better than anyone else’s. I understand it’s a week to week league, and particularly the first month of the season anything can happen. But it’s hard to see a way that Dallas D doesn’t wreak absolute havoc on our offense.
  11. The same Sean Payton that “retired” because he no longer had Drew Brees or a road to an elite QB? He’s biding his time until the right job comes up, and this will never be the right job. I bet he’s counting on that.
  12. I’d guess he had much more confidence in his OL than he should have. Good lord that was pathetic.
  13. Cosmi was on the other end of a few god awful plays that wrecked the game. But PFF had him as the 2nd highest ranked offensive player. It felt to me like he was getting worked regularly.
  14. I haven’t really heard that anyone saying he was absolved from blame though. Just that it all started with a really bad game plan by Scott, that even after watching his Oline get demolished, he stayed the course with it. There was just no way that was going to yield positive results out of Wentz. So it wasn’t a shock to me when he joined the meltdown and failed to recover.
  15. I was born in 1980 in PG County. I only have memorabilia and photos with John Riggins pajamas to know I was being immersed into it at that age. But I vividly remember the last 2 Super Bowls, going to work with my mom to attend the parade, the Zubaz hat, all that. Ah, nostalgia. Little did I know how it would all turn out. I’m pretty sure I shed a tear as they showed Joe Gibbs was coming back to save this franchise. I spent stupid money to attend games during that 05 run. But that’s been the pinnacle of the last 30 years of my fandom. I like to think at least I have those experiences to draw from, but when my son and wife have zero enthusiasm for the team, I completely understand why- because they don’t even have that. Those years damn near feel dead to me now after a few decades of Dan.
  16. I still can’t figure out what our coaches loves about Bobby McCain so much.
  17. For anyone who watched Rivera’s presser, did he address why they kept trying to chunk plays against a defense that was living in our backfield?
  18. Even if I give a pass on that stuff and work under the guise that players don’t pay much attention to scandals, the history on Dan overall is terribly negative as is the teams record under his ownership, the facilities pale in comparison to some Texas high schools, the stadium is trash and has a home field disadvantage. I could keep going on but all of that stuff ties directly back to Snyder and how he operates the team. The grass generally is always greener elsewhere.
  19. A. Historically, this is false. B. Dan giving the coach carte blanche to wear half a dozen hats to the extent the coach hires the guys who should be hiring him is a significant negative direct impact.
  20. It used to. I miss the roller coaster of emotions watching the games. I just can’t muster the enthusiasm for it any longer. I actually switched to the red zone channel at halftime and never turned it back. Sadly, said channel didn’t have to break to our game for over an hour after I turned it there. 😂 I got semi-animated yesterday yelling at Scott for calling hour long plays, as well as yelled at Ron for not throwing the challenge flag. That was about the gist of my emotion for the whole day. I can remember when I used to drive my wife nuts and tune into the postgame show every week and watch in its entirety win or lose. I long for a day where this team makes or breaks my Sunday. I’m currently one more performance like this past game away, from finally pulling the trigger and booking a gameday tee time.
  21. The only thing I’ll add to this is that it didn’t start this way. The first 3 possessions, the Eagles were getting instantaneous pressure via multiple outlets, where there was no pocket to step into and nowhere to escape. I thought after the very first series, Scott would switch it up to some quick game to back them up a bit. For whatever reason, it’s like he had all these beautifully designed chunk plays that take a while to develop dialed up not accounting for the fact that most every one of his OL were getting beaten like a drum. Those plays can be as pretty as they want on the whiteboard, but if the defense has their ears pinned back and winning one on ones regularly, they are rendered useless. After watching the pocket collapse from different area codes the entire first quarter, it absolutely got to Carson and he was seeing ghosts, timing was off and just an outright mess. What this tells me is that it’s imperative that Scott dial up some short stuff to move the chains to start games. It’s now abundantly clear that this OL needs movement and trickery in order to not get blown off the ball. If they keep trying to dial up home runs from the jump, we’ll continue to see more of what both the Lions and Eagles have done to us. If he can’t dial up some chain movers to back the D up and give Carson some confidence early on, bad times will be had.
  22. You’ve been going on and on about this and only this all morning long. So you mean the head coach publicly instilled confidence in his starting QB that he just traded for? Stop the presses…
  23. It’s week 3. I’ve seen nobody anoint Wentz to anything whatsoever. You’ve been on a rampage all morning about Wentz, and Wentz only. Your obsession with this is weird. Literally nobody is or has been making any positive qualifying statements about the guy. The only definitive statements being made are about how much he sucks by guys like you, as if this is a race you desperately want to win.😭
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