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Everything posted by BatteredFanSyndrome

  1. Flowers apparently weighs 400lbs and is not rostered. Matty I is ranked in the 50’s on PFF. Landon Collins apparently has zero desire to play the positions he’s best in and is not rostered or even on anyones radar. The only loss we can really feel IMO is Settle. The issue is not that those guys are missing but more so how they’ve been replaced, or the lack thereof. I’ve said all along that something stinks about our lack of movement in the offseason. It’s just really odd to me that Ron would prefer make due with less. He’d be the first head coach to ever willfully make that decision. The primary argument against coaches having all the power is the fact that they only care about right now.
  2. Remember when we thought the injury to Dak was a blessing having this game early on the schedule? Feels like forever ago. Since that time, Dallas beat the AFC champs with Cooper Rush at QB, and our offense has been an absolute disaster. I’d love to say that our OC has learned from the last few weeks, but I really have no confidence in that. Watching him continue to dial up slow developing plays after watching his guys get beat over and over again was the most baffled I’ve been at an offensive playcaller for this team in a long, long time. I’m expecting an absolute dud of a game, where the defense with actual playmakers is the difference. Cowboys 23 Commodes 13
  3. I guess, but it seemed so out of place to stand up there at the podium and give that report any credence. His OC spent all week drawing up a disastrous game plan and refused to adjust even though they were getting whipped on every snap. I’d say that had much greater impact than any report could ever have. It just felt like an opportunity for him to change the subject away from the piss poor performance his team put forth for the 2nd week in a row.
  4. The best comparison to yesterdays Eagles performance I can compare to is how Dallas attacked us season. In those games, Heineke ran a total of 4 times for a net 7 yards. You can’t run and escape when multiple OL are getting their lunch taken on the same snap. That’s exactly what transpired on numerous occasions yesterday.
  5. You do know the forum keeps receipts right? You literally showed up in here saying that Heineke should have been inserted into the game at halftime. I didn’t take anything personally. i just said that it makes no sense to insert Heineke who has shown he has no answers for what Philly was doing. Not only is it week 3, but you potentially kill the confidence of two QBs and send mixed signals to your locker room. There is zero value in benching Wentz unless he was injured.
  6. Oh my god, Wentz had a bad play? You don’t say. Can you please cite my post where I said that Wentz played every snap optimally? Or that he even played well? I literally said the dude was a scrambled egg after the first 3 offensive series. That is not a compliment. I turned the game to red zone at halftime, that’s how invested I am. There’s no reasoning with you. You woke up with a Heineke hard on and I’m the poor sap around this morning to engage you about it. Most others with brains are either too smart or don’t care enough to engage with you.
  7. I’m all for assigning blame where it’s due. There were a few where Wentz should have let the ball go, one being a third down where he held it too long but that was after 3 straight possessions where the Eagles front 4 wreaked havoc, where there was no pocket or room to escape. He was definitely a scrambled egg after that. But by no means do I think we have a QB on the roster capable of making them pay in that scenario. It was really up to Scott Turner to bail on his original game plan almost immediately and start trying to run the ball and hit some quick slants or screens to back the Eagles up a bit. But no he kept dialing up stuff that takes 5 seconds to come together, when the OL is buying 2 maybe 2.5 seconds.
  8. Not now, I’ve been saying that ever since the first drive yesterday as well as during several points in the Detroit game. There is a post in this very thread, with a link to Reddit with all 9 sacks, along with commentary. It might help you to review it.
  9. I literally said this in another post. That there glimpses of this vs. Jacksonville, more of it against the Lions, and the Eagles followed suit and played 4 quarters that way. Our OC is calling long developing plays against a defensive front that is destroying our line. It’s not one guy beating his man, it’s several on the same snap. There’s pressure from damn near everywhere and they aren’t even blitzing. It’s coaching malpractice. Plain and simple. Beyond that it also appears to be roster malpractice because this OL can’t stop a nosebleed unless their is a lot of presnap motion that gives the defense pause. Of course there were a few times Wentz held the ball too long, but I wasn’t seeing the escape routes many of you pundits believe were there. More times than not, multiple OL lost at the point of attack and guys were meeting at the QB.
  10. I don’t hate Heineke at all. I’ve literally made several posts about how I think overall he’s a cool guy, who could even potentially have a post playing career in the media. I haven’t ripped him at all. All I’ve done is speak the truth. He is absolutely awful against an aggressive pass rush. It’s hard to squirt out and run when multiple OL are being whipped from the snap. There is nowhere to go. You simply have selective memory about how he plays. There is a more bad than there is good, particularly against aggressive defensive fronts.
  11. And put in someone worse than John Beck, in his 3rd start? What purpose does that serve? It almost says tot he team, everything else is fine, it’s just the QB who stinks when everyone with eyes can see that’s not the case. If we get this type of performance come week 10 and this team is out of it, sure - but right now, makes no sense from either a logical or cultural standpoint.
  12. Okay, your point? He was still atrocious making the games unwatchable. I turned to Redzone at halftime yesterday as well. But never for a second was I like “damn we should see what Heineke can do” because I already knew.
  13. It just all feels so bad- the rebrand, the mascot, the performance on the field- that there just has to be something positive waiting on the other side. Like just maybe there are legs to the Snyder story from over the weekend.
  14. Do you recall Heineke’s performance when teams simply pinned their ears back and pushed our OL back into his lap? I don’t care if his hair is a four alarm fire or if his moxie level is through the roof, he outright stunk in those situations. It literally makes no sense to put him in there to double down on failure. Heineke had and never will have any answers for that type of defensive onslaught.
  15. No, I said you were wrong about Heineke. Wentz was and still is TBD. What I said about Wentz is that he was the best available to us, and supported the trade for him. My only point was that everyone saw through your disingenuous takes all offseason, including the 14 wins. 😂 You were creating lofty goals purposely so he wouldn’t be able to meet them. Everyone saw through it, not just me.
  16. You’ve literally been in every thread going on and on about Wentz, practically nothing else. Everyone knew you’d be doing this, and here we are.
  17. You guys crack me up with your motives for Rivera. As if he needs to conspire to save his own ass. He’s on a five year deal, in year 3, working what could be the worst job in all of pro sports. He doesn’t need a fall guy. I’ll say this though, prior coaches have been know to hold on to coaches too long because the boss (Dan) hates paying guys not to coach.
  18. He got sacked 9 times and maybe twice the broadcast team said that. We all knew you’d be waiting to pounce after a game like this and here you are.
  19. What’s lost on me is why Ron went out of his way to be overly dramatic about the story of us wanting Jimmy G. Going on and on about the timing. It seems the timing of those stories is always Sat. night. He also said “I didn’t” but never said “we didn’t”, so his comment did nothing to alleviate any drama. I just think after you get your ass kicked the way they did by a division team, in your own house, you should only be talking about crap you can control.
  20. It started as solely the fault of Turner and OL. Multiple OL were getting beat so badly there was no time to let it go and nowhere to run. That obviously got in Carson’s head and he was a scrambled egg from then on. Scott continued to do him no favors calling slow developing plays and our OL were getting their **** pushed back on the reg. This isn’t the first time either. There were glimpses of this vs. Jacksonville and more of it against the Lions. It seems our OL can only hold up when there’s a ton of presnap movement and the defense doesn’t feel at liberty to pin their ears back and attack.
  21. Scott Turner is an enigma. At times, even with a lesser talented QB, he’s setting things up and dialing up innovative looks that are an absolute breath of fresh air. But he just can’t dial it up in a rhythm and seems to get stuck on stupid. His out right refusal to slow the Eagles pass rush down was criminal today. He gave Wentz no chance to build any level confidence, which led to him being rattled early and he was never able to shake it off. Ron has to take the blame for that first Eagles TD. That’s a play you simply have to throw the flag in the moment. I understand Ron’s view isn’t the same as I had at home, but anyone in that booth should have been screaming at him to challenge it. There’s no excuse not to challenge that play at that juncture and it proved incredibly costly. I’ve defended Ron and graded him on a curve, all things considered. But his teams, his coaches and he himself, have had a really bad two weeks that cannot be defended.
  22. He didn’t have a choice. 20+ years in, Dan still has literally no idea how to run a pro football team. A ‘coach centric’ model equates to Dan being able to hire one guy and have him do everything.
  23. Folks have some short memories. Heineke’s worst days were when the OL was giving up immediate pressure, just like today. He doesn’t have answers for that kind of pressure, most don’t.
  24. TChaler has now crossed the bridge to where I’m all but certain he’s trolling us.
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