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Everything posted by BatteredFanSyndrome

  1. You make it seem like you spent 5 years after he lost his gig as a starter making excuses for his career. šŸ˜‚
  2. I recall debating on guaranteed money, cap hits, etc. over the summer and you seemed to lean towards playing with contracts to load up. The team had options to maneuver around the cap with the Wentz deal, as well as others. They simply close not to. Which is why Ron was only telling half the story, the part that is convenient for him now that it looks like the guys he has in place look like doo doo.
  3. The recent discussion of burgers, MJā€™s restaurant and McDonaldā€™s got me thinkingā€¦ Anyone recall the McJordan? I believe it was a 1/4 pounder with cheese, no ketchup or mustard, with bbq sauce or something like that. Back in the good ole days with a Super size order of trans fat fries. edit: I just looked it up, it also had bacon. šŸ”„
  4. I disagree. I rode with Griffin longer than he probably deserved. He needed a kick in the ass after he had the audacity to be completely inept and then talk about Peyton Manning doesnā€™t play well, if the team doesnā€™t play well. Heā€™d been coddled long enough, it was time for somebody to serve him a dose of reality. This is one case where I think singling a guy out was warranted and the locker room had no issue with it.
  5. This is a bit disingenuous. We just suck at managing the cap. Other teams manage, massage and maneuver through this stuff.
  6. I canā€™t speak for SIP but Iā€™m sure our thoughts align on this subject. It all starts and ends with Dan. Employing a head coach to wear all the hats is setting said head coach up to fail from the start. Add to that, the unnecessary drama to handle, poor facilities, empty stadium, and the list goes on. All that stuff is directly related to Dan. Bottom line, coaching here is an uphill battle for which no coach is ever at their best, because they are starting with an anchor around their leg, even if they donā€™t know itā€™s there.
  7. That and ā€œhair on fireā€. šŸ˜­ As if he has some button he can press to set his hair on fire and activate legit QB mode. I get it, he at times has shown the ability to squirt out of trouble and find a receiver on a broken play. But Kyler Murray he is not, nor is that a consistent way to win games in this league.
  8. If Carson doesnā€™t work out, the season is lost. The time to make a decision is right around the time heā€™s approaching the 70% snap possibility. There is no legitimate reason to put in TH or Howell prior to that point for any reason other than injury. Itā€™s Wentz or bust.
  9. But Wentz isnā€™t a flashy QB. He was simply the best available option to them that has the necessary tools to play the position. He doesnā€™t sell tix. Russell Wilson sells tix. Aaron Rodgers sells tix. There is a good chance that Derek Carr could sell tix. I understand the strategy. Of course it makes sense to want a splashy QB to sell tickets in the midst of the rebrand. Itā€™s just Wentz doesnā€™t do that on his own. He would need to get back to where he was 5 years ago to accomplish that. The sole reason they brought in Wentz is because Ron believe this team could compete now. He knows the team needs a QB and there were no plug and plays in the draft. One can argue with Ronā€™s assessment of whether this team is actually ready to compete, that is totally fair. But not for a second was Wentz brought here to sell jerseys. Heā€™s just not that dude and hasnā€™t been for a long time. Iā€™ll also add that if a $28M QB contract so drastically impacts the teams ability to be involved in free agency, itā€™s got bigger problems than the QB salary. There are zero legitimate reasons that this team can ill afford to add talent because of that contract.
  10. Itā€™s week 4. They are not and should not be looking to play any other QB than Wentz. We are nowhere near the marker that determines a 2nd/3rd round pick.
  11. Man, weā€™re now all the way down to a conspiracy that Heineke never even had the chance to start over Fitz because Fitz was making $10M. This year we only got Wentz because they had to have a ā€œnameā€ to go with the brand. The stuff folks will convince themselves of just to fit the narrative theyā€™ve built in their mind is something else I tell ya. Carson Wentz was far from a name to put butts in seats. There was no QB avail to us that puts butts in seats. The hope was that they could get Carson back to a place where he could potentially put butts back in the seats. Something they had determined Heineke will never be able to do. Itā€™s that simple.
  12. Iā€™m just saying, you may feel that you are simply providing unbiased analysis and itā€™s everything but that. All the sudden this year, the QB needs to help out the OL. An OL where multiple parts are getting blown off the ball immediately upon the snap of the ball. Guy takes nine sacks, you reference one screen shot you saw. People counter your opinion asking if you actually watched the nine sacks and you admit you only saw the Terry screenshot. How can you have a strong opinion on something you havenā€™t researched in the slightest? Last season, you guys had umpteen thousand excuses for Heineke, offensive line being one of them. I donā€™t recall you making it a point that Heineke needed to help them out.
  13. @zCommander Making sweeping judgments, admittedly hasnā€™t watched even a smidge of the all 22, but in that one sack video Terry was open. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Itā€™s a bad look, dude.
  14. Our defenses best plays are when the opposing offense shoots themselves in the foot. My favorite is when WJ3 celebrates a QB overthrow after heā€™s burnt toast.
  15. I keep seeing a lot of ā€œwe need Flowersā€ posts across the forum. There is not much to be found about his current status online, but a few weeks back there was a guest on JP and BMitch that indicated Flowers was massively overweight and nowhere near ready to play.
  16. I would prefer it go one way or the other. Either mesh with Turner and play well enough we donā€™t need to concern ourselves with the draft. Or give me a bunch more of the last 2 weeks so we can make the decision early to sit him down, see Howell, and keep our 2nd next year.
  17. I feel like the primary reason our fanbase has been so impatient and upset with Jamin is because of how desperate we are at the position. Some of the complaints read as if heā€™s going into his fourth season. Not just fans, but local radio guys, basically writing his epitaph before the season even started. I say this as one of the few who liked him in the draft, was happy we got him, and was also pretty disappointed with his performance last year. But itā€™s like damn guys, give the dude atleast this season before considering him a lost cause. Ya think? šŸ˜­
  18. I recall thinking, dump Scherff replace with Norwell, was an optimal move. Thatā€™s because I had no idea the dude is completely done. Heā€™s been an abomination, as has Turner. These were moves that didnā€™t even register on my concern radar. I was concerned about line backers from the moment last season to present and pretty much expected what weā€™ve gotten this far. The OL though, itā€™s shocking to me just how awful theyā€™ve been.
  19. You should see him in the tailgate. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ One of the only posters here that I donā€™t even need to see the screen name to know who is posting it.
  20. I was listening to the Finlay/BMitch replay last night, they had Mitch Tischler on who said word was Schweitzer at center was a complete failure. Not just getting bulldozed, but his snaps screwed the timing of everything, they were low, etc. Wentz had to resort to tapping him or something that keyed the Eagles to when the ball was being snapped. They brought up a very valid point, as in why in the hell did we have nobody ready to go that can actually play backup center?
  21. Sadly it wasnā€™t blitzing. It was 4 dudes beating the brakes off 5, which is why it ā€˜feltā€™ like blitzing.
  22. The topic gets brought up in multiple threads - on or off topic, by the usual suspects, relentlessly over and over again. But while your asking, yes - it would be nice if they banned topics that I personally find Irritating.
  23. Wouldnā€™t 4-13 put you right where you want the record to be?
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