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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. If what Neil deGrasse Tyson says about these instances being innocent interactions is true (and as a fan of his, I hope he is telling the truth), then why would these three women accuse him of sexual misconduct?
  2. Over 70 dead, over 1,000 missing, 9,800 homes destroyed. This is incredibly sad. It’s hard to even begin wrapping my mind around it.
  3. Yeah, it just seems like a horrible infamy loop. The shooter wants attention and wants to be known —> the public gives attention and wants to know —> new shooter sees this, wants attention, and wants to be known —> the public gives attention... etc.
  4. Ok, I can get behind having Congress watch videos so they feel the gravity of the situation. I think it’s glorification enough that we release the shooter’s name and picture... I would personally rather they be erased from history. It seems the infamous noteriety, the idea that the killer’s name was heard and had an impact on society, is what appeals to some of these mass murderers.
  5. I don’t think we should show video of an actual shooting. I think it will just make things worse by giving the shooters the added fantasy of becoming the “star” of their own sick “movie.”
  6. See, worrying about political angles is part of the problem. If conservatives think any gun restrictions are unconstitutional and liberals think identifying mental health as an issue is code for being pro-gun, we’ll never solve this.
  7. I agree, there has to be something we’re not picking up on that points to people being a danger to the public, and new practices need to be implemented. It seems like we see this same pattern of “had a run in with the law and was evaluated for mental health issues” before these shootings happens.
  8. Per CNN - The shooter apparently had the police called to his place earlier this year for a disturbance. According to the report, he was acting “irrationally,” but a mental health team cleared him. —- This is happening on almost a daily basis. There’s something deeply wrong with certain people in society now, there’s an underlying sickness that wasn’t in this country 20-30 years ago. How do we fix it? We can take away guns, and that will obviously reduce mass shootings, but the mental illness will still be there. What’s the next step?
  9. Yeah Jacare was a class act, even the strikes he landed after the ref didn’t call it were glancing.
  10. Putting any group in a box isn’t right, but I don’t think you’re entirely wrong for feeling that way. I think it’s true for a certain subgroup of white males who have this weird scarcity mindset that women and minorities are coming to take away or intentionally withhold what is rightfully theirs. Rather than using the struggles of life as an opportunity to grow and better themselves, this group chooses to hate and rage against the people they believe have what they think they deserve. I think it starts young, too. I was at a wedding last night talking to a couple tall, good looking, white male kids who were in high school. I was kind of weirded out because they were complaining about how THEY never get asked out by the pretty girls at shool, and how the most attractive girl at their school is with a “short black guy.” As if being tall and white was somehow a disadvantage. I reassured them that once they get to college, girls will be all over them. They just have to be able to go ask a girl out. There was a sense of hopelessness and anger that they would never find a girl, and that girls will always reject them.
  11. Representatives: California = 53 North Dakota = 1 It does make sense. The point of the Senate is to keep large states from steamrolling legislation over smaller states in the House.
  12. It’s not just this country. With the internet, it’s the whole world now. I’ve noticed in my time reading comment sections (it’s really a a bad habit I need to break, reading comment sections) there’s a lot of people from outside the US that say nasty things about our current events. I wouldn’t doubt that trolls the world over view these kinds of events as a prime opportunity to feel justified being ugly bullies.
  13. They ran their connected car tech over the Internet through an openvpn?? That’s a recipe for a nightmare scenario.
  14. I forgot about the Kars with a K part... I usually frantically punch the power button by the second 7 in “1-877...”
  15. My number 1 vote: that darn “Cars for Kids” commercial song. Pretty sure they use that song at Guantanamo to get information out of terrorists.
  16. Someone should do a study, and drill down farther than just “do games correlate with violence in real life.” I’d be interested to see if *how* the games are played has an effect. For example... - Would there be a difference between people who play games where you are as a soldier or SWAT team member fighting “bad guys” and people who play as hit men and criminals? - In games where you have the choice to killl civilians/innocent bystanders, would there be a difference between players who take care to spare the civilians vs. players who kill indiscriminately? - In games that track your morality, would there be a difference between people who chose to play as a “good” character vs. people who chose to play as an “evil” character? EDIT: I saw on a friend’s Facebook post that the gunman was a Ravens fan... huh.
  17. Hm. There are parallels. A predominant focus more on games, systems, getting points and/or money. Less of a focus on spending time face to face with and helping other people. It seems like a disconnection from real life social interaction (as apposed to social media), coupled with mental illness and easy access to guns plays a huge role in this.
  18. CNN - New York Times: Asia Argento, #MeToo Leader, Paid Sexual Assault Accuser I’m beginning to wonder... are there actually any good people in Hollywood? Does it attract these kinds of people, or is there something about show business culture that brings this out of the people who live and work in it?
  19. I think if most people value their jobs and their place in society more than they value being associated with Nazis and other extremists, that’s a good thing. When the crazies have nothing else to live for except being crazy, that’s when it gets dangerous. I think prior to last year, some of the soft core extremist inclined, but otherwise kind of normal people thought the “white heritage” ideas sounded cool when it was just in their heads and on Internet forums. When it was exposed to the light of day in Charlottesville, the ugliness was stark, and a number of people decided they don’t want to be associated with that cause anymore. Either because they’ve done some soul searching and realized it isn’t right, or they’ve realized it’s not worth it.
  20. I haven’t... Especially if it’s a handicap spot. Some people pay attention to those kinds of rules, some people don’t.
  21. That depends. If some of the salaried workers are part of a poorly performing production management team, then it may help. Time will tell.
  22. From @twa‘s CNBC article: “CFRA analyst Efraim Levy took the news as a sign Tesla is maturing and prioritizing profitability. "There is a normal ebb and flow of hiring and firing in a business," he said. "Nine percent is a big chunk to do at once, but there comes a time when a company grows up and they have to cut out the fat to become more efficient."” Makes sense.
  23. CNN - Elon Musk has the last laugh as Tesla stock pops 40% from its low “There is a growing sense that not only is demand extremely strong for the Model 3, but that Tesla will actually be able to meet it. The hope is that solid Model 3 sales will help Tesla to report quarterly profits later this year and a full-year profit in 2019...” Perhaps Tesla is climbing out of the hole it dug?
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