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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. Yup, that’s exactly it. Aside from Rougue One, these new movies don’t feel like Star Wars. They feel like actors dressing up in space costumes playing a part. The Star Wars soul isn’t there. Marvel is doing well because the writing allows the actors to become their characters. I don’t see Robert Downey Jr play a cliche super hero when I watch a Marvel movie, I see Ironman. Even new characters like Dr. Strange are written and acted well, and they integrated Spider-Man seamlessly after he was portrayed in a mediocre fashion and rebooted a couple times by Sony.
  2. What Trump is to the Presidency, Disney is to Star Wars.
  3. I think it's older than the internet, and I'm pretty sure it's more of a girl's game. A woman colleague asked me to play it with her on a business trip a while back. I had no clue what it was, and she was shocked that I had never heard of it. Also, If you pay attention in "Spider-Man: Homecoming," Liz and some other teenage girls are shown playing it in one of the gym scenes.
  4. We looked sharp today. White over burgundy, burgundy over gold is the way to go.
  5. Yes! The one clip where the Death Star eclipses the sun is intense. Great trailer.
  6. Really? I think the thicker white and gold double stripes, like the ones we have on our (sadly un-used) burgundy pants look better. Those thin stripes look weak to me.
  7. I am WAY more excited for Rogue One than I ever was for The Force Awakens.
  8. We also don't have football field sized intersections.
  9. Right? In my opinion, gold is good trim color, used to highlight and accent sparingly, like on stripes and face masks. It does not look good as a main color. It's like salt, sprinkle it in and it's great, but too much will ruin the dish.
  10. I'm getting pretty tired of the gold pants. It hurts to lose AND look ugly doing it. I hope they bring back white over burgundy soon. My soul needs to see those jerseys and pine for the Gibbs II years. If you can't win, Redskins, at least allow me that simple enjoyment.
  11. If that's true, hopefully it's nothing like the abominations over in Tampa Bay.
  12. The Official ES Redskins Name Change Thread
  13. I think one's opinion on ES political leanings depends on how far along you are on the right/left spectrum.
  14. Pretty sure I would have peed my pants a little if I looked up and saw that.
  15. Yeah, same here. As a kid I loved the red pants, but I always hated playing in Dallas because that was the ONE game we wore red over white. White over red will always be the 'true' Redskins uni because that's what I grew up with. I wish they would go back to that every once in a while.
  16. Dang. I've never even seen one of those in real life.
  17. Yup, my TI-89's default setting was fraction mode. It's very helpful when you have to simplify certain equations. Those calculators are an engineer's best friend... Yes, I'm a nerd.
  18. I hope we never have gray face masks again. It's dull and looks amateur. They remind me of generic little league teams that save money by ordering standard facemasks for whole league. It's not like we're the Giants with gray pants, either. The facemask would literally be the ONLY part of our uniform that's gray. It doesn't make sense. Especially if we have a burgundy helmet, white jersey, and gold pants. We'd look like a color blind kid who dressed himself for school in the morning. No offense to any color blind people, but you get what I'm saying. You have to tie the uniform together. Glad I got that off my chest.
  19. Haven't starving dogs been known to eat their dead owners?
  20. http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2014/01/03/22156917-kim-jong-uns-executed-uncle-was-eaten-alive-by-120-hungry-dogs-report Kim Jong Un's executed uncle was eaten alive by 120 hungry dogs: report By Eric Baculinao and Alexander Smith, NBC News BEIJING -- North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's powerful uncle was stripped naked, thrown into a cage, and eaten alive by a pack of ravenous dogs, according to a newspaper with close ties to China's ruling Communist Party. Jang Song Thaek, who had been considered Kim's second-in-command, was executed last month after being found guilty of "attempting to overthrow the state," North Korea’s state-run news agency reported. The official North Korean account on Dec. 12 did not specify how Jang was put to death. Hong Kong-based pro-Beijing newspaper Wen Wei Po reported that Jang and his five closest aides were set upon by 120 hunting hounds which had been starved for five days. Click the link for the rest. Holy crap.
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