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Everything posted by RansomthePasserby

  1. Definitely click bait. I’m pretty sure all of our bombers and a lot of our fighters can drop both conventional and nuclear bombs.
  2. To be fair to Pompeo, the reference to Cyrus is more than just “Cyrus is an Old Testament figure.” Apparently, Cyrus is a symbol in Iran for the groups who oppose the Iranian regime. https://en.radiofarda.com/a/iran-security-forces-blocking-roads-to-prevent-cyrus-day-gathering/30240139.html
  3. Just a thought, but I’m wondering if the DoD sent this memo to the Iraqi government to formally honor the parliament’s and PM’s decision to expel the US military (a decision in which all non-Shia members abstained from voting), and behind closed doors, the Iraqi government asked the US to stay. Something the Iraqi government doesn’t have the courage to do outright with the current Shia outrage. According to Reuter’s, the authenticity of the memo was confirmed by the Iraqis, so an Iraqi official may have leaked the memo to the press.
  4. I feel like we elected someone from the YouTube comments section as our president.
  5. Iran can disrupt the oil market, but not nearly to the extent that they could in 1979-1980, their share of world’s oil production is much smaller now than it was then. Plus, the effect on the US would be secondary since they export most of their production to Asian countries.
  6. i agree, it’s not like we flew to Iran and bombed his house. He was in a foreign country killing Americans and attacking American interests. In my mind, he is not immune to our retaliation. Whether or not it’s an act of war? Iran’s spec ops/militias are already at war with us. It’s up to Iran if they want to throw more effort and resources than they already are into killing Americans.
  7. Gotcha, yeah, I guess we had different church cultures. I grew up in predominantly white conservative churches. If you weren’t in the military or law enforcement, you probably hunted on the weekends, and went to ranges (or had them in your backyard if you’re driving up from Culpepper or Stafford). The type of guns you own and like was just another topic of conversation.
  8. it’s actually not as uncommon as you might think. I’ve attended various churches in NoVA since the early 90s, and pretty much all of them have parishioners who conceal carry as voluntary security during services. Usually they are members of the church who happen to also be members of the military, FBI, or local law enforcement.
  9. Yeah, either it’s a new fleet or one Palpatine had hidden away in reserve. But if so, who would crew the ships after all this time? I guess he could have kept them in cryosleep? A new clone army maybe? Yeah, seems like a lot to introduce and wrap up in one movie... but the birth of a new Empire is also a great way to lead into another trilogy. They’ve said it’s the last one, but they can always go back on their word.
  10. Rebuilding his fleet perhaps? The trailer flashed a scene showing endless Star Destroyers in a supernova or something. I miss the old Empire, so I’d be stoked if that was the case.
  11. The way I read it: The shooter and his buddy performed a “pit maneuver” on a car. The shooter then gets out and kills the two people in the car Another guy nearby sees the shooter, gets scared, pulls out his own gun and opens fire on the shooter The shooter and his buddy get in their vehicle and drive away Police found drugs in the two dead guys’ car - it could be road rage, it could be drug related, who knows?
  12. In the FBI’s (and law enforcement in general) defense, I don’t think they can know who is really posting what on websites where people can hide behind anonymity. Also, I’m sure there’s millions of disgusting, but ultimately harmless things being posted on the web every day, so sifting through everything to find the real threats to focus resources on in time to actually stop something before it happens is not an easy task.
  13. Assault rifles are loud as crap. He was caught alive, so it doesn’t seem like he was planning to die today, unlike some of the other shooters in the past.
  14. Observing? I’m assuming there aren’t enough US resources in the area to protect every foreign ship that sails through the region. There were a number of attacks on foreign tankers in June that we didn’t/couldn’t prevent, and this latest attempt on a British ship was deterred by the British navy.
  15. @BenningRoadSkin Trump: “You blew up one of our things, can we blow up some of yours? Oh... No? Oh ok... never mind.” WHAT?? Apparently Trump actually thinks the world is a big reality TV show where you can orchestrate wars to improve ratings.
  16. From the article: “In November, he posted a picture of a person wearing full medieval armor while holding a gun and an anime body pillow... He also participated in medieval live action roleplaying.” These incels are getting out of hand.
  17. I’m pretty sure Dr Seuss was criticizing the “America First” crowd with that cartoon. Edit - yeah, see @herrmag‘s link to Snopes
  18. I disagree with you on the pilot’s experience. The article said he had about 8,000 hours, which means he’s been flying for 4 years or so. When 150+ lives are at risk, I don’t like the idea of a 4 year guy tutoring a new guy with on the job training in a brand new plane. Pairing a 45 year old with a 25 year old is one thing, but I think putting two 20 somethings together is one of the many mistakes in this disaster.
  19. Yes and both pilots were in their 20s, so add inexperience to the list.
  20. I.e., 500 MPH wind is strong! Shout out to all the aerospace and human factors engineers in this thread. From what I’ve read, the MCAS kept kicking in because the computer “thought” the aircraft was stalling, so it automatically pointed the aircraft at the ground get air flowing over the wings... which is not something you want when the ground isn’t that far away. Seems like it’s a good feature to have, but they really should not let it kick in below a certain altitude. I have a feeling this has more to do with tight deadlines, overworked software developers, and skimpy QA/QC than it does airframes and engine weight.
  21. I think it’s because cable TV and Twitter are Trump’s daily intelligence briefings...
  22. The guy is willing to drive the wedge deeper in our culture, delegitimize (and at best insult) actual victims of hate crime, and send two innocent (for all he knew) people to prison... for his mediocre career in music?? Selfish.
  23. Yeah, the guy drove his car like a missile into a crowd trapped on a narrow street with nowhere to go. Seems like a good case for the death penalty to me.
  24. The gun man who opened fire on a Christmas market in France was apparently on a terrorist watchlist. https://www-m.cnn.com/2018/12/11/europe/gunshots-strasbourg-france-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F
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